Happy Birthday, Alethea!

I’ve got sunshine, on a cloudy day.
When it’s cold outside, I’ve got the month of May.

I guess, you’ll say, what can make me feel this way?

My Girl,

My Girl,

My Girl,

Talkin’ ’bout My Girl,

My Girl!

I’ve got so much honey, the bees envy me.
I’ve got a sweeter song, than the birds in the trees.

I guess, you’ll say, what can make me feel this way?

My Girl,

My Girl,

My Girl,

Talkin’ ’bout My Girl,

My Girl!

Happy 2nd Birthday, Alethea Margaret!

We love you so much!


Mommy & Daddy

The Final Selection

I’ve got my shoes!  I went to Herberger’s to try on this pair:

Unfortunately, the color was very different in person.  The part that looked almost white on the website actually had a very yellow undertone that I didn’t like at all.

But as long as I was there I went ahead and tried on the Bandolino from my first post and what do you know, they were even cuter in person and reasonably comfortable too!  So now this is my official outfit:

Only problem is I have yet to locate a flower hair accessory that I like.  Tried Target.  Where else to go?  Walmart? Ulta?

Yet Another Shoe Post

Sorry for so many shoe posts lately, but I just found another pair on Herberger’s website that is too cute!

I think I like this shoe best yet, but wondering how comfortable they would be:

I definitely need to go try them on!

And the (Possible) Winner Is…

I went to DSW looking for the Seychelles Stella Wedge Pump from my previous post, but it turns out that it was on clearance in the store and they didn’t have my size anymore.  Plus I found a pair not in my size just to look at and I didn’t like them as well in person anyway.

However, I did browse through the store and located this shoe instead:

Impo Granduer Wedge Sandal in Taupe

Not as dressy as I was originally trying for, but they are super duper comfy and I love the taupe color.  Also, I think it’s a shoe that I would wear a lot with jeans and other things.

After buying the shoes I went to a couple stores searching for jewelry and ended up getting two necklaces at the Limited, a shorter one and a longer one that look cool layered together.

I’m also thinking about getting a cute fabric flower for my hair.  So my complete outfit would be this:

So now my only question is, is the shoe too casual for the dress?  I’m not worried that it’s too casual for the wedding, it being a day time affair with a block party style outdoor reception following, I think it will be fairly laid-back.  But can you wear a cork wedge with a black sheath?

Please tell me if you think this look works or not, because I still have time to go shoe shopping again if I need to, but I’d rather do it now than at the last minute!

Potty Training Stats

I’ve been having Alethea sit on the potty chair every morning when she gets up and every afternoon before her nap for the past couple weeks, just trying to get her in a routine of sitting on the potty, without any real expectation that she’d actually use it.

So today I decided that I would try a little harder to get her onto the potty at times she actually had to go.  Here’s how our morning went, by the numbers:

Trips into the bathroom: 3

Total time Alethea voluntarily spent in the bathroom not wearing a diaper: 115 minutes

Number of M&Ms promised to Alethea for successfully peeing in the potty: 5

Number of times Alethea peed on the floor: 2

Number of times Alethea peed in the potty: 0

Number of frustrated Mommies: 1

So now my dilemma is how to handle the fact that even if I time our trips to the bathroom at moments when she needs to go, she holds it until she either a) gets back into a diaper, or b) is allowed to stand up.

Trying to look on the bright side, once we do get her potty trained, it doesn’t appear that she will have any trouble ‘holding it’ when we’re out and about.  Because she really will be potty trained someday, right?!?!?

Accessorizing a Little Black Dress

So, I’m getting ready to go to a friend’s wedding in Philadelphia in May and after a review of all of the dresses in my closet, I realized that I was going to have to buy something new because nothing I currently have fits my ‘still need to lose a few baby pounds’ body.

Yesterday I was out and about and I went past a Dress Barn.  Now, I haven’t shopped there in ages, but I figured they’d have a whole bunch of stuff to chose from.  So I went in.

I really wanted something colorful and springy and fun, but after trying on a whole slew of dresses, I ended up selecting a simple black sheath dress.  Not what I was looking for, but it looks like a million bucks and it only cost me $24.

So now I’m on the hunt for fabulous accessories to make this dress more fun:

First up, shoes.  After a brief online search, these are my favorites:

Seychelles Stella Wedge Pump at DSW

Apt. 9 Peep-Toe High Heels at Kohls
Regularly $49.99 on sale for $28.99

Bandolino Pliskin Slingback Peep-Toe Pump at Herberger’s
Regularly $69.99 on sale for $59.99

Opinions anyone?


Sunday is my “reflect back on the past week/mentally prepare for the week ahead” day.  This normally creates something of a potpourri effect in my brain on Sunday evening since I have so many different subjects rattling around in my head.  Here’s a bit of tonight’s jumble:

Some friends from church gave us a crib that they were no longer using.  This is definitely a good thing since I think we’ll need to transition Lydia from the bassinet to a crib fairly soon and I wasn’t feeling like Alethea was really ready to be loose in her room all night long.  However, when Alethea went to bed tonight she was accompanied by five puppies, two baby dolls, a kangaroo, three nuks, a pillow, two blankets and a wet wipe.  We might have to get her a big girl bed just to accommodate her growing collection of bedfellows.

Alethea likes to climb on her crib, but fortunately she hasn't learned how to climb out of it

Alethea likes to climb on her crib, but fortunately she hasn't learned how to climb out of it

Looking ahead over my calendar is a little daunting right now.  The next five weeks hold Easter, my sister’s birthday, Alethea’s birthday, Peter’s birthday, a trip to Philly for a wedding, Mother’s Day, my studio piano recital, a bridal shower and a smattering of church related meetings/events.  At the moment I am not feeling confident in my ability to accomplish everything that needs to happen for all of these events.  I should probably start a to-do list this week and begin getting stuff done.

Tonight I put Lydia down next to the window in Alethea’s room with the thought that Lydia might enjoy looking at the pretty colors of the beaded curtain.  I suppose it may cost me my mother of the year award when I admit that despite the fact that the curtain is both a choking and strangulation hazard (and came with a warning label saying it was for ages 13 and up), I was extremely pleased when Lydia kept reaching out for the ribbons, grabbing them in her chubby little fist and waving them around.  It’s so exciting to see her start to gain control of her hands and arms and you could tell she was having a blast exercising her new found skills.

Lydia and Mommy - A self portrait

I sure hope we have nice weather this week.  My neighbor and I have decided to start walking together because I need to lose a couple more pounds of baby weight and she is training for a breast cancer three-day walk.  It’s great to have someone to walk with because I have such a hard time getting my rear in gear when it comes to exercising on a regular basis and also because we don’t have a double stroller yet, so I can’t take the girls with me when I walk by myself.  (If anyone has a double stroller recommendation, please let me know!)

There’s a whole lot of other stuff in my brain right now, but none of it seems blog worthy, so I’ll end my post here.  Happy Sunday night!

Lydia’s Three Month Update

Tuesday was Lydia’s three month birthday.  Happy birthday, Darling Girl!

This past month will go down in history as the month that Lydia woke up, because not only is she physically awake more than 4 hours a day, she is also so much more alert and interested in what is going on around her.  She loves to watch the world passing by, whatever that happens to be.  Don’t you dare put her looking over your shoulder to face the back of the chair or a wall unless you want her to tell you with a squawk that the view isn’t suiting her.  But put her in your lap or her bouncy seat and she’ll sit content to watch the whirlwind that is her sister tearing by at periodic intervals.

Speaking of her sister, Lydia thinks Alethea is the best.  Whenever Alethea stops by to talk to Lydia or show her a toy, Alethea is sure to receive many large smiles for her efforts.  Lydia also loves Daddy and is in general pleased with anyone who takes the time to talk to her.  However, her favorite person in the world is Mommy.  When Lydia is in a truly bad mood (which, granted, doesn’t happen all that often) she just wants her Mama.  She doesn’t want Daddy, or a nuk, or a bottle, or to go to bed or to look at toys, she wants Mom and she wants her now.  I find this both flattering and frustrating.  So nice to be needed, but I am worried this will lead to separation anxiety later on.

Lydia’s accomplishments this month include cooing at Mom and Dad (she seems to really think she’s having a conversation, so cute!), laughing when tickled, admiring herself in the mirror and holding her head up fairly well when on her stomach.  Oh, and I forgot, she apparently also learned to read…

There aren’t many things she dislikes, but saline drops in her nose, not being able to see what’s going on and “tummy time” are all sure ways to make her fuss.  Also giving her a nuk when she wants to nurse isn’t a good plan.  She’ll give you a look so indignant you’ll be positive it couldn’t be coming from a 3 month old, then she’ll spit the nuk out and holler at you.

Things she likes include eating, people smiling and talking to her, the globe mobile over her crib, sucking on her fist, and mirrors.  She also continues to enjoy sleeping and generally does a 5 to 6 hour stretch without eating during the night and takes two long naps during the day.

It’s hard to believe Lydia is already a quarter of a year old, but we are so enjoying watching her personality emerge and are looking forward to her next quarter year which we plan to spend playing in the yard and exploring the great outdoors.

Alethea Funnies

Sorry for the long break with no posts on BobbleHeadBaby.com.  Peter was gone on a work trip from Tuesday to Friday last week and Lydia suddenly decided to forgo all daytime naps on Monday and Tuesday (not sure what was bugging her), so between being a single parent for most of last week and not having any time to myself during the day this week, I’ve been a little, well… busy.

I did intend to do a post about what I learned during my ‘just me and my girls’ week, but single parenting didn’t leave much time or energy for blogging.  Maybe now that Peter is back (and Lydia has hopefully returned to her normal nap schedule) I’ll get around to it, but other posts seem more worthy of my time at the moment, so on to the subject of the day: Alethea.

She has been doing and saying so many cute things lately that I just had to write them down, otherwise I know I’ll forget them.  Here’s a few that made me laugh…


Conversation between me and Alethea the other day:

Me: I smell something funny.

A: No

Me: Yeah, I do smell something, it smells like a poopy diaper.

A: (Thinks for a minute, then…) Ee-ya poopy diaper!

Me: So Lydia is the one with the poopy diaper, huh?

A: Okay!


On Sunday when I got Alethea out of bed I told her we needed to get ready for church.  She was exceptionally cooperative as I got her dressed and served her breakfast.  Then I went to feed Lydia.  Alethea didn’t think that was so great.  She pulled on the handle of the door to the garage and said, “Church!”

I patiently explained that Lydia got to have a turn getting dressed and having breakfast too.  Alethea accepted this rather reluctantly and as soon as Lydia had finished eating, she again said, “Church!”

“You are ready and now Lydia is ready, but Mommy has to get ready too,” I told her. “Why don’t you come upstairs with me and help me get ready?”

As we walked into my bedroom Alethea exclaimed, “Quick, quick!”

I brushed my teeth.  Alethea came in to check on me and then left again.  I put on make-up.  Another check from Alethea.  Then I went into my closet and started changing.  Alethea came in and said, “Church!”

I said, “I’m getting ready.  See, I have my pants on!”

Alethea started digging frantically in a pile of laundry on the floor and said, “Shirt! Shirt!”

We made it to church 15 minutes early.  It just might be a record for me.


This last one isn’t exactly funny, but it really touched me, so I’ll share anyway.  The other night Alethea was upset at having to go to bed, so I asked her if she wanted me to sing her a song.  She said, “Yeah.”  Then I asked her which song she wanted me to sing, expecting her to say The ABC song or Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.  Instead her reply was, “Amazing Grace.”

I was surprised because although I do sing it to her, I didn’t realize she knew the name, or that she even really liked it that well.  After fighting so many bedtime battles lately, it was a heartwarming to hear my child ask for a hymn as her bedtime song.  Yeah, it made me cry…

Maybe we’ll survive the terrible twos after all.