This and That

Lydia has slept from 11pm ’til 4am the past two nights.  I’m hoping it is her new schedule.  I could do without the 2am feeding if she’s up for it, but I’m trying to keep my expectations in check.  Still, I think Alethea was about six months old before she slept for 5 hours two nights in a row, so we’re way ahead of the curve.


Alethea said her first four word sentence today.  I got her out of the crib in the morning and told her, “Let’s go wake up Lydia.  She needs to eat.”  So Alethea ran right to Lydia’s door, pushed it open and called out, “Wake up, baby Eee-ya!”


Sometimes it’s hard to keep the attention of my young male piano students.  I think I might have stumbled on a new strategy though.  Last night I instructed one boy to cut his fingernails right away when he got home so he could have better hand position while he practices this week.

“Do you think you can do that?” I asked.

“I’ll try,” he responded weakly.

In a moment of brilliance, I quoted, “Do or do not.  There is no try.”

He stopped fidgeting on the bench and looked right at me.  “Hey, didn’t Yoda say that?”

After that I managed to get a promise from him that he would cut his nails.  I wonder what other Star Wars quotes I could apply to piano teaching… Hmmm…


I know you’ll all think I’m crazy, but I’m pretty sure Lydia is getting a tooth.  Yes, she’s only a month old and it’s not even one of the front ones, but I’m almost positive there is a corner of a tooth poking through her gums on the lower left side.  Is there anything else that could make a small white dot in her mouth?

2 thoughts on “This and That

  1. I know a child who was born with teeth but I believe they were bottom front. Glad to hear that things are going well with all of you!!

  2. I knew of a baby born with teeth, and they had to pull them right away, because….I’m not sure…maybe it’s not safe for them to have teeth so young?

    We thought Ava was teething right away too, our pediatrician told us that sometimes there can be flecks of enamel that surface, and it can be through out your whole life that it happens!

    Maybe it IS a tooth though! :) It’d be kind of nice to get a head start…

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