Lydia’s Four Month Update

Lydia turned four months old on the 5th of this month.  Even though it’s a little late… Happy Birthday, Darling!

Wow, I can’t believe how quickly this last month has gone by and how much Lydia has changed and grown.  We went in for Lydia’s four month check-up last week and her current stats are: Height – 23.75 inches, Weight – 17 lbs 9 oz, Head Circumference – 42.25 cm.  That means Lydia only in the 29th percentile for height, but is in the 98th for weight and 80th for head circumference.  No wonder everyone always tells me she looks ‘healthy’, those chubby cheeks make it very clear she’s not underfed!

She continues to be her adorably happy and easy-going self.  It always take me aback just a bit when she cries, since it is such a rare occurrence.  Lately, she’s even quit crying when she wakes up in the morning and from naps.  Instead I just hear her cooing away and know she’s awake and ready to get up.  About the only thing that really makes her upset is when someone else steals the spotlight during one of her photo shoots…

As far as physical milestones go, she doesn’t seem to be in a huge hurry to get moving.  She does roll up onto her side fairly frequently, but as long as there is a toy in reach or something interesting to look at, she’s content to just stay in one place and amuse herself.  She does like to sit up, whether in someone’s lap or on the floor and if she uses her hands to help she can sit up by herself for about 15 seconds or so, at which point she’ll see something she wants to grab and then promptly tip over.

Although rolling over doesn’t seem to be something she’s striving for, Lydia is working on perfecting her fine motor skills.  She’s getting quite good at grabbing for and holding on to her toys (and other objects!)  Naturally, whenever she gets a hold of something, it always goes straight into her mouth.

Lydia’s current “favorites” are: smiling, eating, sleeping, having her diaper changed, being naked, taking baths, Mommy, Daddy and Alethea.  There aren’t many things that seem to bother her, but the top two would probably be, being fed out of a bottle and having Mommy walk out of the room after having been put in bed for the night.  (Sometimes though if I walk back over to her bassinet, she’ll start telling me this long story with lots of ah’s and oh’s in it.  When she’s done I’ll say, “That’s very nice, honey.  Thanks for telling me that.  Now you need to go to sleep.”  And she’ll say one more, “Ooooh!” and then close her little eyes and head off for dreamland.  It’s like she has something super important she just has to tell me before she can relax and go to sleep.  So cute!)

We just love our sweet little Lydia and are so excited to see her continue to grow and develop.  On this month’s schedule: learn to roll over and try solid foods!  Should be an thrilling month of May!

1 thought on “Lydia’s Four Month Update

  1. Paul was telling me this morning that Lydia WAS rolling over… front to back and back to front! Has she made progress already ?!?!?!

    She is so adorable and I can tell you from the short visits I get with BOTH of your daughters in the nursery every other Sunday, that you and Peter are doubly blessed! They are wonderful, beautiful, full of joy, little girls, and I’m so happy Ava gets to grow up with such a wonderful pair of sisters for her friends!

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