Sentimental or Gross?

Alethea’s hair has finally gotten long enough that we can start doing updos with it!  It’s especially nice to be able to put her hair in pony and pig tails since we are experiencing an awful heat-wave.  I’m having fun playing Mommy stylist and naturally, Alethea is completely adorable in pig tails.

However, despite the fact that we are both having a good time trying out new styles, I am contemplating giving Alethea a haircut, because when her hair is not contained by clips or bands, it’s pretty reminiscent of Albert Einstein.

And that brings me to my dilemma of the day, should I or should I not save the clippings from Alethea’s first haircut?

In my mind, hair no longer attached to someone’s head is something to be vacuumed up and gotten rid of, so I wouldn’t even consider deliberately keeping hair in the house, except that Alethea’s baby book has a page with a special vellum envelope labeled “First Haircut” (and also one marked “First Tooth”).

The germaphobe in me says, “Eeww!  Why would you want to keep hair and teeth in the same book as pictures of your adorable baby?!?!”

But the rule following part of me hates to have an incomplete baby book and is reenforced by the wants-to-be-a-perfect-mother part of me, who thinks Alethea may wonder some day why I didn’t bother to fill up that empty envelope.

What to do, what to do…

Your thoughts please.  Keeping hair and teeth in a baby book: sweet and sentimental or germy and gross?

7 thoughts on “Sentimental or Gross?

  1. You don’t have to keep them in her baby book. I get a catalog called collectables, they are also on line. They have tiny trinket boxes that are silver plated or ceramic marked first tooth and first hair cut. Not gross or germy.

  2. I saved Ava’s first hair clippings from when I clipped them a year ago, and they’re missing from our move :-( that makes me sad. I don’t have clippings from my first hair cut. Just a picture of me gripping the chair at the salon. I think that’s just as good and perhaps less icky for those who think detached hair belongs in the vacuum bag. So you could skip the whole “first haircut ever” thing and just do “first haircut at salon” and take a picture of it!

  3. probably in the gross column, I think we may have Gmpa Bailey’s first haircut clippings and he was born in 1896!!! Great to see you all!! love, Juanita

  4. You can always wash hair right before cutting it. You can boil a tooth. Not germy then, but maybe still gross.

    PS – would you like your baby teeth? (I’m guessing not.) They may be around.

  5. Since I saved my dogs teeth that she lost, without coming down with a dreaded disease, I think it would be okay for you to save Alethea’s. (yes I threw them away after awhile) Love the pictures Elise!

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