Brain Dump

No common thread holding my thoughts together today, so hang on for a random ride…

* After a week of on again off again naps, it appears as though losing the nuks has made Alethea also lose interest in taking an afternoon nap.  Very sad.  But I think we have to do it, since one of the days Alethea actually did take a good nap last week, she also stayed up until 11:15pm playing in her room that night.  Seriously… Peter and I went into her room and said, “Goodnight, we’re going to bed.  Try to keep it down in here.”

* Lydia’s vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds.  One of today’s words was a good baby classic: ball (or as Lydia says it ‘bah’).  The other one really took me by surprise.  Tonight, when she was on her changing table, I pointed to her name above her and said, “L-Y-D-I-A, what’s that spell?  Lydia!”  Lydia got a big grin on her face, clapped her hands and said, “Id-ee-ah!”

* My friend and I were asked to do a presentation about home decor for the ladies at our church.  It’s flattering and somewhat nerve wracking to think people want my ideas about decorating.  “They do realize that our resumes include degrees in Biology and Philosophy, not Interior Design?” my friend asked me.  At least we get to be unqualified together…

* Alethea and I worked on making some valentines today.  I know it’s a bit early, but I got her some heart stickers and she was begging to use them.  Anyway, after making one for Gramma and Poppa and one for Grandma and Grandpa, I asked her who she wanted to make one for next.
“Jesus, I think,” she said.  Then, as she was sticking stickers onto Jesus’ valentine, she asked me, “Does Jesus have eyes?”
“Yes, Jesus has eyes.”
“Does Jesus have ears?” she then wondered.
“Yes, Alethea, Jesus has eyes and ears.  He’s a person.”
“Oh, I didn’t know that,” she said. “I’ll give Him this valentine then.”

* It feels like our social calendar is really full.  A lot of people getting married and having babies and generally wanting to hang out.  Oh, and have a date with my best friend Saturday morning to get pedicures together.  Absolutely. cannot. wait.

* Okay, one last Alethea funny from today and then I’m done.  Promise.  This morning I was verbally taking stock of our day’s progress as Alethea ran around in her underwear.  “Two girls bathed, two girls with fingernails clipped, one girl dressed,” I said.  Alethea sped past then stopped and proclaimed, “And one girl cold!”

And with that in mind, I’m going to go snuggle under my down comforter and pretend that we’re not going to have sub-zero temps the next few days.

Stay warm, my friends!

4 thoughts on “Brain Dump

  1. Elise, an old wives tale “you missed your calling”. You are very good at decorating and craft. I may have to in-box you for some ideas.

  2. Sad that Alethea is done with naps now…. Or you could just be firm with her about staying in her bed at bedtime and see if that works. I don’t know what I would do without that time for myself in the afternoon, especially with four kids here some days!

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