Call the House

I just dropped my iPhone into a can of paint.  It sank right to the bottom…. very quickly.

This ranks right up there with the time my pink Motorola RAZR went flying out my car window onto the interstate outside Philly, although at least this time there aren’t PA State Troopers to witness my shame.

The phone isn’t working at the moment.  I’ll let it dry off and see how things look in the morning.  I’ve been telling Peter for months now that I need to go and get a new phone, but I’ve been putting it off because I kind of resent spending money on electronics that will just become outdated anyway.  Barring a miracle though, I’d say that now I really actually need to go get a new phone.  I suppose that’s what I get for painting at 2am.

So anyway, if anyone needs to get a hold of me… call the house.

6 thoughts on “Call the House

  1. I want it for my “mobile device wall of shame” at the office. Will look great next to the iPhone that was dropped on a toilet and the iPad that fell down the airplane stairs.

    • I was painting the guest bedroom closet. Jacob moved the last of his stuff out a couple weeks ago and now I’m on a push to get it all ready for out of town wedding company this weekend.

  2. Last year, I ran a 5k with my phone in my “rain” coat pocket. At the end, I realized my phone was sitting in a puddle in my pocket, hence the quotes around “rain”. I took it to apple and explained, and they gave me a new iPhone for free as one of their- “we’re sorry this happened, here’s a one-time exchange deal.” Paul wasn’t even working there anymore at that point, so maybe you’ll have as much luck!

    • Good thought, Jenny. Unfortunately since my phone was a first generation iPhone, it was long past the point where they’d replace it. I went in to the Apple store today and got the 4s though and it’s pretty cool so far.

  3. You have an iphone…I think that is pretty up-to-date…but I guess this is from someone that just started texting this last year…

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