Some Soy Cheese with that Whine?

We’re nearing the end of week one of the dairy-free experiment.  So far not eating dairy hasn’t been as hard as I thought it might be as long as I stay at home.  Eating out provides a lot more temptation, but while eating at home I’ve got my “Almond Breeze Smooth and Creamy Non-dairy Beverage” in chocolate, which makes a pretty amazing hot chocolate.  Sort of like coffee-shop hot chocolate with a shot of almond syrup.  Yum!  Also the coconut milk frozen dessert is pretty addicting.

The big question everyone keeps asking me, “Is it working?”  Honestly, I’m not sure.  It kind of seems like Alethea is sleeping a little better on her back than she was before, but it’s a little hard to quantify.  She still seems pretty gassy.  However, she has gone from having burps and farts that any teenage boy could be proud of, to gassy sounds that are a little more in proportion to the size of her little body.  (And having revealed that, someday when Alethea can read, I will have to delete this post.)

Other than a reduction in gas, Alethea’s biggest accomplishments this past week were that she can now sit up by herself for 6 or 7 seconds without falling over.  She has also been exploring her vocal range, so now in addition to cooing, she has a variety of high-pitched screechy/whiny sounds.  I’m not really sure if or how to react to the whining, since it’s not really clear to me if this is just a “learning to use her voice” phase that she’ll grow out of or whether it could be the beginning of a “making annoying sounds to get her way” habit.  How do you tell the difference?

3 thoughts on “Some Soy Cheese with that Whine?

  1. No, I have not actually tried soy cheese. I am taking the advice of someone who has that there is no good substitute for cheese. Not soy cheese, not almond cheese, not even rice cheese.

    Soy yogurt isn’t too bad though. A little runny, but tastes okay.

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