I am Grateful

I’m getting very antsy waiting for this baby to come and am afraid I may have been a little grumpy the past few days.  The swelling in my hands and feet is quite uncomfortable and I’m wondering if we go too long whether I will be delivering a 12 pound baby.  However, this morning I decided to make a list of things that I was grateful for and that definitely put things in perspective.  Here’s my top 5 count-down:

5) Despite being over-due and uncomfortable, I have had a relatively easy pregnancy

4) The weather here has been so beautiful lately.  Everything seems better when it’s 65 and sunny!

3) Being over-due has given me plenty of time to get everything for Bob ready.  I’m glad I won’t feel panicked whenever I go into labor that I don’t have everything I need or didn’t get stuff done.

2) I have a beautiful home that we moved into several months ago.  I am so glad we got the process of buying/packing/moving done before I got so big

1) Peter has been super supportive even though I’m (a bit) whiny and he takes me to Dairy Queen when I need it!

How about you?  What are you grateful for today?

3 thoughts on “I am Grateful

  1. I’ve been grateful lately for things, too! However, I still want you to have your baby girl!!! I can’t wait!

  2. Hey Elise! Stacy told me about your site – congrats on the baby! Her room looks beautiful (and so does her US picture!)

    Jack was 12 days late and it turned out wonderfully because he is so strong and healthy. He could hold his head up from the day he was born and despite being born in November, he has not had a cold or been sick yet.

    Jon and I also enjoyed the bonus weeks – we went out to eat and watched movies in the theater and ran errands together – it may sound mundane now, but a baby complicates all those activities. So there’s lots to be grateful for :-)

  3. Thanks for the encouragement! I can’t believe how long these past few weeks have been. It’s like waiting for Christmas, but no one will tell me when Christmas is!

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