Lydia’s Five Month Update

So, Lydia’s 5 month birthday was ten days ago.  I’m a little behind with things, but Happy Birthday all the same, Baby Girl!

Rolling over has been the big thing for Lydia this past month.  Once she started rolling, she hasn’t looked back.  When I put her down, the instant her back touches the floor, she gives her leg a kick and over she goes onto her stomach.  Unfortunately she gets pretty frustrated once she gets that far.  She wants so badly to be moving forward, but all she can do at this point is turn in a circle on her tummy and occasionally push herself backwards.  Such a bummer to see things just out of reach and not be able to get them into your mouth!

And she does love putting things in her mouth.  If she can get it in her grasp, it goes into her mouth.  She’s surprisingly fast at it and gets quite upset when you take away something that she wants to eat… like a 5 months sign for example…

We did start solid foods this month, but because she can be so gassy, we’ve sort of started and stopped several times, trying to see if the solids are upsetting her stomach.  However, she’s always up for it when she gets a chance to eat pearsauce.  And if there isn’t pearsauce to be had, she’s also delighted to drink from Mommy’s water glass.  Her whole body shakes in excitement as the glass comes near her mouth.  It’s so funny!

Besides rolling over and chewing on things, this month has included a lot of playing outside, being amused by her big sister, watching Mommy clean the house, and sleeping (as usual) though now in a crib instead of the bassinet.  Lydia continues to be fairly laid back.  She smiles at everyone, but it takes a little more effort to make her laugh.  We’ve noticed that she startles easily.  I’m beginning to think that she is going to be a very analytical person.  She seems to get very focused on things, so much so that when something “new” suddenly happens, it takes her by surprise.

We’re not sure exactly how fast her next milestones are going to come up, but sitting up unsupported is definitely in the near future and I don’t think crawling will be too far behind that, given how much effort she’s making at the moment to get moving.

Whatever happens though, we can’t get enough of our sweet, happy girl and hope she doesn’t grow up too fast, because we are enjoying her just as she is right now.

It’s Official, They’re Sisters

Tonight I tried to squeeze Lydia’s 5 month photo shoot in before bedtime.  It really didn’t go so well.

If it wasn’t Lydia putting the props in her mouth…

It was Alethea wanting to be in the spotlight too…

And it wasn’t even enough to have her picture taken, Alethea insisted on holding the “5 months” sign as well…

Lydia did make a valiant attempt to regain control of the sign…

“E-ya! Stop pushing me!” exclaimed Alethea…

And so it begins…


Eleven Years and Three Days

A few days ago we realized that we didn’t really have any specific plans for this long weekend and after looking at a weather forecast full of rain, we decided that Saturday morning would be a perfect time to visit Sea Life at the Mall of America.  Sort of like going to the zoo, but faster and we knew we wouldn’t get rained on.

Turns out today was gorgeous!  Totally perfect in every way kind of weather.  But stuck to our plan and went to the aquarium anyway.

Alethea liked the eye-level displays:

Alethea liked the eye-level displays

The color-changing LED jellyfish tanks were really cool:

The LED lit jellyfish tanks were really cool

Alethea did put her hand in the “petting zoo” water, but didn’t want to touch the starfish:

Alethea liked putting her hand in the water, but didn't want to touch the starfish

Lydia liked walking through the aquarium tunnels.  She was making lots of noises.  I’m pretty sure she was trying to talk to the fish:

Not sure this guy looks like he’s in the mood for a conversation anyway:

The sea turtle was more friendly looking, but still declined to comment:

After completing our tour of Sea Life, we went to the food court for lunch.  It was then that I realized we were about to go by the very spot where Peter and I first met.  It was the spring of 2000 on that fateful day when we saw each other outside of Golf Mountain, where we were gathering with a group of friends to go mini-golfing.

I told Peter, “I think it must be about eleven years and one month since we met.  Didn’t we go mini-golfing sometime in April?”

“No,” replied Peter, “It was about eleven years and a week ago.”  And then after another second’s thought, “Actually, it was eleven years and three days ago, because it was the Wednesday before Memorial Day that we first met.”

How is it that he can remember that, but I have to put a post-it note on the garage door to get him to take his lunch to work?  Funny boy!

A Lesson in Sharing

Sweet little Lydia, lying in the grass with an umbrella to protect her from the sun.

What’s this?  Alethea wants to be under the umbrella too!

Woosh!  The wind blows the umbrella away. Uh oh!

Naturally, Alethea feels the umbrella will be more secure if she is the one to hold it.
Lydia says, “Hey! I had it first!”

But wait, can it be possible?  Yes, two girls can hold onto the umbrella at the same time!

Now everyone is happy!

Mmmmm… Pearsauce!

This weekend was Lydia’s introduction to the world of solid foods.  Here’s how it went…

Day #1 – Saturday:

First Bite!

First Bite!

She wasn't a big fan...

Several bites later, the situation hadn't improved much

Several bites later, her opinion of pearsauce hadn't improved much

After a couple of teaspoons, we gave up torturing her, and figured we’d try again another day.

Day #2 – Sunday:

Same kid, same food... a whole new attitude

Same kid, same food... a whole new attitude

Yes, that's Lydia trying to shove the spoon in her mouth

Yes, that's Lydia trying to shove the spoon into her mouth

Mmmm... Pearsauce is good!

Mmmm... Pearsauce is good!

After a couple of tablespoons, we finally had cut her off.  The way she was going, she would have quickly finished off the whole container without a problem.

Now I like solid foods!

More please!

Just to Prove Me Wrong

I know I wrote in Lydia’s 4 month update that she didn’t seem to be trying to roll over yet.  Then Sunday, while I was taking her 4 month pictures to put in the post, she rolled from her tummy to her back for the first time.  And the thing about it was that it was so slow and controlled, she made it look like she’d been rolling over for a long time.

And then to top it off, on Tuesday she rolled from her back to her tummy… and then she did it again and again and again!

So, I guess she was just waiting until she was sure she could do it.  Or maybe analyzing the situation, studying the data, making a pro/con list…

Who knows.

In any case, it’s official now, Lydia is on the move!

Lydia’s Four Month Update

Lydia turned four months old on the 5th of this month.  Even though it’s a little late… Happy Birthday, Darling!

Wow, I can’t believe how quickly this last month has gone by and how much Lydia has changed and grown.  We went in for Lydia’s four month check-up last week and her current stats are: Height – 23.75 inches, Weight – 17 lbs 9 oz, Head Circumference – 42.25 cm.  That means Lydia only in the 29th percentile for height, but is in the 98th for weight and 80th for head circumference.  No wonder everyone always tells me she looks ‘healthy’, those chubby cheeks make it very clear she’s not underfed!

She continues to be her adorably happy and easy-going self.  It always take me aback just a bit when she cries, since it is such a rare occurrence.  Lately, she’s even quit crying when she wakes up in the morning and from naps.  Instead I just hear her cooing away and know she’s awake and ready to get up.  About the only thing that really makes her upset is when someone else steals the spotlight during one of her photo shoots…

As far as physical milestones go, she doesn’t seem to be in a huge hurry to get moving.  She does roll up onto her side fairly frequently, but as long as there is a toy in reach or something interesting to look at, she’s content to just stay in one place and amuse herself.  She does like to sit up, whether in someone’s lap or on the floor and if she uses her hands to help she can sit up by herself for about 15 seconds or so, at which point she’ll see something she wants to grab and then promptly tip over.

Although rolling over doesn’t seem to be something she’s striving for, Lydia is working on perfecting her fine motor skills.  She’s getting quite good at grabbing for and holding on to her toys (and other objects!)  Naturally, whenever she gets a hold of something, it always goes straight into her mouth.

Lydia’s current “favorites” are: smiling, eating, sleeping, having her diaper changed, being naked, taking baths, Mommy, Daddy and Alethea.  There aren’t many things that seem to bother her, but the top two would probably be, being fed out of a bottle and having Mommy walk out of the room after having been put in bed for the night.  (Sometimes though if I walk back over to her bassinet, she’ll start telling me this long story with lots of ah’s and oh’s in it.  When she’s done I’ll say, “That’s very nice, honey.  Thanks for telling me that.  Now you need to go to sleep.”  And she’ll say one more, “Ooooh!” and then close her little eyes and head off for dreamland.  It’s like she has something super important she just has to tell me before she can relax and go to sleep.  So cute!)

We just love our sweet little Lydia and are so excited to see her continue to grow and develop.  On this month’s schedule: learn to roll over and try solid foods!  Should be an thrilling month of May!

Snow on May 1st

The weather here has been so neurotic lately.  It actually snowed on May 1st.  Today it is bright and sunny and 60 something degrees outside with just a light breeze.  Ahhhh….

The girls and I went outside this morning to enjoy the delicious day.

Alethea was thrilled to explore the backyard and push Baby Doll in the swing.

Lydia was content to sit in her carrier and watch the tree branches swaying above her and Alethea running by periodically.

What did I do?  Well, besides being photographer, I also pulled on some thick rubber gloves and did some landscaping clean-up in our back planting bed.  After removing lots of thorny nettles, other weeds, a rather large and scary looking brown beetle and random debris, we went from this:

To this:

All that’s left is a pink Bleeding Heart and six Hostas that I discovered hiding underneath the nettles.  What to do with it next….  hmmm…