Happy Birthday, Lydia!

Love me tender,

Love me sweet,

Never let me go.

You have made my life complete,

And I love you so!

Love me tender,

Love me dear,

Tell me you are mine.

I’ll be yours through all the years,

‘Till the end of time.

Happy 1st Birthday, Lydia Grace!

We love you so very much!

Hugs and kisses,

Mommy & Daddy

She Keeps Me On My Toes

Alethea just cracks me up all the time.  Like the other morning when I came out of our bathroom only to discover that she’d made my bed for me (and even got the throw pillows put back in place):

Or this morning when I got out of the shower and she pointed at me and said, “Mommy, you have a tummy!”
“Yes, Alethea,” I replied, “I have an abdomen, just like you.”
“But Mommy,” she said, “You have a BIG abdomen!”
Sigh… “Yes, I suppose that’s true.”

Gramma and Poppa got Alethea a new shirt for Christmas that is so totally her.  It says, “I love music.”

And she does.  She loves music, and playing the piano and singing, singing, singing!

Tonight, she went into Lydia’s room after Lydia had gone to sleep and was standing next to her crib singing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”.  Lydia woke up and started crying.

“Alethea,” I told her, “That wasn’t nice to wake your sister up!”

Alethea’s bewildered reply was, “But I was singing to her!”  At which point we had to have the conversation that singing to people is a very nice thing, but not while they are sleeping, because that wakes them up and people don’t like being woken up, even if it is for singing.

Confusing, I know!  But we did manage to clarify that mommy also would not like to be woken up by singing.

So, anyway, I’m off to bed for a hopefully tuneless night’s sleep!

Nighty, night!

Lydia’s Eleven Month Update

December 5th was Lydia’s eleven month birthday!  Happy birthday, my sweet girl!

I know it’s only three days until she’s one year old, but just for a minute, pretend I was an on-top-of-things mother and that it is still the first week of December.  Okay?  Oh, and just to make myself feel a tiny bit better, I’ll mention that these photos were taken around her 11 month birthday.

Eleven months old, oh where does the time go?  Lydia’s current mode of transportation is a combination of army crawling, hands and knees crawling and cruising around holding onto things.  She definitely seems interested in walking, but has not yet gathered the courage to let go of her supports.

Her favorite activities continue to include taking baths (you should see her, she thinks she’s a fish!), eating (doesn’t seem to matter what it is as long as it’s easy to chew) and getting into Alethea’s stuff.  We also enjoy lots of hugs and kisses and her repertoire of goofy faces that she uses to get our attention and make us laugh.

Physically, we can tell that she is continuing to grow since she is wearing almost all 12 month clothes and even some 18 month tops.  She’s also getting more hair and has this random one that is always standing up on the back of her head.  We are still waiting for her last two bottom teeth to poke through.  She drools a lot and it seems like she’s always chewing on stuff, but there is still no sign of them.

The other notable thing that has happened this month is that Lydia’s vocabulary has expanded from just ‘all done’ to include ‘mama’, ‘dada’ and ‘nigh-nigh’ (night-night) as well.  She responds to her name when called and will shake her head from side to side if you tell her something is a ‘no-no’.

We are enjoying our eleven month old while we can because we know that her first Christmas is just around the corner and right after that comes her birthday!  Love you so much, Lydia Grace!