Crazy For Paisley

Recently I’ve been searching for six baskets/bins to create a laundry sorting station in our master bedroom closet.  Unfortunately I need a very specific size (12×14), which does make the hunt a little bit trickier.

I found these at Target, and they were just the perfect dimensions:

But they were $9.99 each… for a plastic basket!  For real!

I decided to keep looking.

Today I hightailed it to Michael’s in search of a better deal.  Fortunately I wasn’t in the market for a fake ficus tree, or I would have been disappointed…

What I did find was a whole aisle of closet organization supplies – 60% off!!!  I didn’t even know they had closet organization stuff…. hangers, bins, jewelry trays, hampers and everything.  And it’s super cute to boot!  At least if you’re as crazy about paisley as I am.

I HEART a pretty paisley print!  And at $7.99 each for fabric covered bins, there was no way I was passing these babies up!

Hopefully Peter won’t object too strongly to having something a little girly.  I know I’d never get away with this print in a common space, but it’s our closet, so I’m crossing my fingers that he’ll deal with it.

So now the only downside is that the Michael’s store I visited only had four bins and I was looking for six.  The girls at the check out advised me to try calling other stores, but to do it soon.  Apparently they’ve only had this closet organization line for a month or two and are already clearancing it.  Doesn’t make much sense, but as long as I can locate two more bins, it will end up being perfect timing for my purposes.

So now I’ve got ‘find baskets’ almost checked off my to-do list.  On to figuring out a good way to label them.  Right now I’m thinking cute paper hanging tags tied on the handles.  Any other ideas?  I’d love to hear them!

Before You Know It…

Do you ever end up somewhere that you never meant to be?

Peter and I did recently.

Here’s what I mean…

This summer I decided to participate in our neighborhood garage sale.  “Hey, Mom, feel free to bring over anything you want me to sell,” I told her, “And if you want to grab any of my stuff that’s still sitting around your house, you could bring that over too.”

Turns out there were lots of things I had yet to claim from my parent’s house.  Also turns out that my mom had just been waiting for an opportunity to unload it all.  Two carloads of stuff later, our third garage stall was full of boxes.  Ooops!  Me and my big mouth!

That was June.  Fast forward to November, Peter was sick of having a mess in his parking spot and was worried that snow would start flying before he was able to get his car in the garage again.  We spent most of a weekend sorting through my pre-marriage treasures as well as everything else that had accumulated over the summer.  I tried to get rid of a lot, but it was cold and there was just so much stuff, so some of it (okay, many boxes full), ended up coming inside to our basement stairwell landing for further processing.

Although Peter could finally park in the garage again, for some reason, he didn’t seem to think this was exceptional progress:

Now to find a place for it all.  Naturally, our basement storage area came to mind, but I realized within two seconds of opening the door that nothing else was going in there without some serious decluttering:

So my to-do list went from, Clean Out Garage, to Clean Out Stairwell, to Organize Basement Storage Closet.

But wait, the chain doesn’t end there, so stay with me.  As Peter and I were discussing the best possible way to sort and store everything in the storage room and stairwell, we considered the fact that we have a whole section of empty cupboard space in his office.

At first I thought maybe I could get all my gift wrapping supplies into the cupboards, but as I tried to make sense of it, it became apparent that the cupboards weren’t wide enough for rolls of wrapping paper, there wasn’t a good way to organize gift bags, and I simply had too much wrapping stuff to make it work.  “If only they hadn’t built this little bump out wall, we’d be able to fit in some tall storage,” said Peter.

“Maybe if there isn’t any duct work or anything hiding in there, we should take it out someday,” I said.  Then it occurred to me, “so before we talk about what we should with all our stuff right now, maybe we need to figure out what our vision is for ‘someday’.  Then we’ll know what’s going into the storage room ‘for now’ and what will always be stored there.”

So that’s when we sat down and realized that in a few years, we’d like to have a family computer for the girls to use too.  When that happens, we want it to be in an open space that can be easily monitored, which means definitely not anywhere that can be behind a closed door.  So ideally, in half a dozen years, we’d have a homework area in the family room.  And since it makes little sense to have a kids homework area in our current already-a-little-crowded family room, when we have a big office with lots of storage and extra work space right next door, we decided… drum roll please… to knock down the wall between the two spaces and have one big family room/homework area/play space!

Someday, that is.  Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

I know it will be expensive and will involve new flooring, paint (including ceilings), lighting, and well, basically everything will have to be replaced, but I’m so very excited about this!  I think one big space will be much more conducive to having a real family gathering area in our house.  And it’s so fun to dream.  I want a nice crafts/homework area and Peter has plans for a big TV and possibly a pool table.  We’ll see though…

Anyway, that’s how Peter and I started with cleaning out the garage and ended up deciding to knock down a wall in our family room!  Like I said, somewhere we totally didn’t mean to go.

Has anything like this ever happened to you?  It’s sort of habitual for me I think.  My projects are always more involved than they seem to be at first glance, although this may be the biggest snowball yet!

Sleep Deprivation

When it rains, it pours…

This week, Alethea is going through nuk withdrawal, has caught a nasty cold, and seems to be having bad dreams at night.

Lydia has five or six teeth that are on the verge of coming in and I’ve been attempting to wean her from her 5am feed.

Put all together, it means that I’m getting up every two to three hours each night.  Ugggg!  It’s like having a newborn again!

I sort of feel like I could do this…

… except that it would kill my neck.  And I’m certain that, unlike Lydia, I would not have been able to sleep through Alethea shouting in my face, “Wyd? Wyd? You look funny, Wyd!”

Anyway, that’s my excuse for not writing more this week.  I’ve got a couple posts that I’ve been cooking up, and hopefully I’ll get those posted soon.  Thanks for sticking with me!

Brain Dump

No common thread holding my thoughts together today, so hang on for a random ride…

* After a week of on again off again naps, it appears as though losing the nuks has made Alethea also lose interest in taking an afternoon nap.  Very sad.  But I think we have to do it, since one of the days Alethea actually did take a good nap last week, she also stayed up until 11:15pm playing in her room that night.  Seriously… Peter and I went into her room and said, “Goodnight, we’re going to bed.  Try to keep it down in here.”

* Lydia’s vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds.  One of today’s words was a good baby classic: ball (or as Lydia says it ‘bah’).  The other one really took me by surprise.  Tonight, when she was on her changing table, I pointed to her name above her and said, “L-Y-D-I-A, what’s that spell?  Lydia!”  Lydia got a big grin on her face, clapped her hands and said, “Id-ee-ah!”

* My friend and I were asked to do a presentation about home decor for the ladies at our church.  It’s flattering and somewhat nerve wracking to think people want my ideas about decorating.  “They do realize that our resumes include degrees in Biology and Philosophy, not Interior Design?” my friend asked me.  At least we get to be unqualified together…

* Alethea and I worked on making some valentines today.  I know it’s a bit early, but I got her some heart stickers and she was begging to use them.  Anyway, after making one for Gramma and Poppa and one for Grandma and Grandpa, I asked her who she wanted to make one for next.
“Jesus, I think,” she said.  Then, as she was sticking stickers onto Jesus’ valentine, she asked me, “Does Jesus have eyes?”
“Yes, Jesus has eyes.”
“Does Jesus have ears?” she then wondered.
“Yes, Alethea, Jesus has eyes and ears.  He’s a person.”
“Oh, I didn’t know that,” she said. “I’ll give Him this valentine then.”

* It feels like our social calendar is really full.  A lot of people getting married and having babies and generally wanting to hang out.  Oh, and have a date with my best friend Saturday morning to get pedicures together.  Absolutely. cannot. wait.

* Okay, one last Alethea funny from today and then I’m done.  Promise.  This morning I was verbally taking stock of our day’s progress as Alethea ran around in her underwear.  “Two girls bathed, two girls with fingernails clipped, one girl dressed,” I said.  Alethea sped past then stopped and proclaimed, “And one girl cold!”

And with that in mind, I’m going to go snuggle under my down comforter and pretend that we’re not going to have sub-zero temps the next few days.

Stay warm, my friends!

Lydia’s Twelve Month Update

Our sweet Lydia just turned one year old!  Happy birthday, Dear Girl!

She changed so much between months 11 and 12, Peter and I keep talking about how every time we turn around, she’s doing something new!  But before we get into that, here are Lydia’s current stats: Height 29 inches and Weight 24 lbs 4 oz, which means she is in the 43rd percentile for height and 89th for weight.  Unfortunately, the nurse forgot to write down her head circumference, so I don’t have an exact measurement, but she did write down the percentile.  Want to guess?  You got it!  Like a true Bobble Head Baby, she’s in the 99th percentile for head circumference!

This is the month when Lydia really got moving!  At the beginning of December she was still mostly army crawling, hadn’t climbed up a single stair, and despite pulling up to a stand on a fairly regular basis, hadn’t taken any free steps.  Now she climbs stairs like a pro, rarely crawls at all, and walks everywhere, mostly holding onto things, but sometimes letting to and taking a few steps between handholds.  Basically, she gets where she wants to go and gets there in a hurry!

In addition to practicing new moves, she’s also been expanding her vocabulary.  At one year, her frequently used words were: Mama, Dada, all done (ah da), night night (nigh nigh) and shoes (shhz).  And it does make me laugh that one of her first five words was shoes (so girly!), but she’s obsessed with them, so I guess it makes sense.

Lydia says some ‘real’ words now, but she also babbles unintelligibly more than she did a month ago.  She also clearly understands more and more of what is being said around her.  The other night, Alethea tunelessly said the words, “Twinkle Little Star,” and Lydia started dancing (i.e. swaying back and forth) so we knew Lydia recognized it as the name of a song.  I have been told by several people that a highly verbal first born can sometimes lead to a less verbal second child since the older one does all the talking, but it doesn’t seem like that is going to be the case in our house.

Lydia’s favorite things currently include: eating (it doesn’t much matter what), baths, reading books, getting into whatever Alethea is doing, and giving the most amazing hugs.  She’s a super affectionate child and will periodically stop whatever she’s doing to come over and wrap her arms around me.  She’ll even pat my back with her hand and say, “Awww,” as she does it, which makes me smile every time.

The things she dislikes aren’t many, but include: being put down or walked away from, not being allowed to do what Alethea is doing, and her carseat.  Buckling her into the car has become considerably more difficult since she discovered the ‘arch my back and become as stiff as a board’ maneuver.  Good times!

Happy birthday, Lydia Grace!  Thank you for being ours for a whole year.  We can’t wait to see what surprises you have in store for us in the year ahead!  We love you!

Breaking the Nuk Addiction

What We Did This Past Weekend: Sunday

I am happy to report that our house is now a nuk-free zone.  Lydia was done using her pacifiers months ago, and now big sister Alethea has made the transition too.  It probably would have been good to take Alethea’s nuks away sooner, but she has had a remarkably high number of transitions in the last year and a half (new room, new beds, new baby sister, potty training) and there just never seemed to be a good time to go through withdrawal.  But we knew it was best if her binky days came to an end, so about a month ago we started telling her about the special stuffed animal she would get after Lydia’s birthday party.

Let me explain.  I read a few articles about how to ease the transition to nuklessness and talked with a couple friends about it as well.  The idea that was the most appealing to me (and I thought would be the easiest for Alethea to accept), was to take the nuks to the Build-A-Bear store and put them inside a stuffed animal.  That way Alethea could ‘keep’ her nuks forever, but they would no longer end up in her mouth.  After convincing Peter that this was the way to go, we started talking it up to Alethea.  Although I’m not sure exactly how well she understood what was going to happen, we know she sort of got it, since at Lydia’s party she told my sister in law, “I’m a big girl.  I don’t need a nuk.”  And as the last guests were headed out the door, she asked me, “Go get my stuffed animal now?”

So, we figured she was as prepared as she’d ever be and Sunday we took the plunge.  At the store, the first step was for Alethea to pick out her Build-A-Bear carcass.  She selected a brown puppy.  And no, they don’t call them carcasses at the store, they tell you to pick a friend, but really, it looks like a carcass…

While we were waiting our turn for the stuffing machine, we noticed that you could add a noise maker to your ‘friend’.  They happened to have a Brahms’ Lullaby one (Alethea’s favorite bedtime song), so we let her get it to put inside her puppy.  (The noise maker is in the little white cloth bag Alethea is holding in the next picture.)

The nice guy at the stuffing machine put in the noise maker and then filled Alethea’s puppy with fluffy white stuff…

And then Alethea put her last two nuks inside.  “Say, ‘Bye, Nuks!'” I told her.  “Bye bye, Nuks,” echoed Alethea.  And then the Build-A-Bear guy closed him up!

After the puppy was complete, Alethea got to give him an air bath to get any extra fuzz off.

Then we paid for him and took him home!

As you can tell from the pictures, Alethea was compliant, although not necessarily overjoyed by the event.  On the car ride home (to endless repetitions of Brahms’ Lullaby) I asked her whether she liked her new puppy.  “I’m excited,” she said, “But I want my nuks out of him.”

In the days since we bid farewell to the nuks, Alethea has managed to nap two days out of the four and has gone to bed easily every night.  She has not once woken up crying for the nuks during the night, as I was expecting.  We’ve only had one major meltdown (Sunday afternoon at nap time) that I’m sure was entirely related to the nuks.  It was both sad and slightly funny when she sobbed, “I just want one!  Okay?  Just the green one!”

As far as her attachment to the puppy goes, she seems to like him fine, but he definitely is playing third fiddle to Dee (Alethea’s number one since she was about nine months old) and Clifford (her number two since he showed up in June).  He did get a name though.  When we walked out of the store, we asked her, “What’s your puppy’s name?”

“Nuky,” said Alethea.

Peter and I looked at each other.  “How ’bout ‘Nuks’?” suggested Peter.

“No, Nuky,” replied Alethea.

“I think his name might be ‘Pacifier’,” I said.

“No, he’s Nuky,” said Alethea.

In the end though, Peter didn’t feel that ‘Nuky’ was an appropriate name for one of his daughter’s stuffed animals, and we have since convinced her to call him ‘Lullaby’.

I think it’s for all for the best!

Just for old time’s sake, here’s a pictures from Alethea’s first Twins game when she was almost a year old:

So long nuks!  Thanks for the memories!

Lydia’s Flower Birthday Party

This year was my first attempt at transitioning from Christmas mode right into Lydia’s birthday party planning.  I think I did reasonably well, although it involved a marathon of cleaning and packing up of Christmas decor.  Much of Friday and Saturday were spent taking down ornaments, hauling out the tree, vacuuming up mounds of pine needles, putting decorations in tubs, vacuuming up more pine needles, putting up birthday decor and of course, vacuuming again, because those pine needles are like cockroaches (only they don’t move and smell better, but still, they are hiding everywhere!)

I decided, with Peter’s complete approval, to go a little simple and just invite family, order take n’ bake pizzas for the food and not organize any games/favors/activities, because let’s face it, Lydia’s too young to enjoy them anyway.  I did let Alethea pick a theme though.  She decided on “flowers” and says she wants her next party to be a bumblebee one, which I believe stems from the girls’ Halloween costumes.  Makes me glad I didn’t dress them in anything too weird for trick or treat!

So here’s what I did for Lydia’s 1st birthday flower themed bash:

The cake was a cupcake creation!  It turned out really cute and I had fun practicing with my rarely used piping tools.

I thoroughly enjoyed my Christmas mantle, but I also have to admit that it feels good to go back to something simpler and less cluttered, and bonus, it left lots of room to put all the presents up there too!

Back in September, I used photos of myself growing up as decor for my 30th birthday party.  Then it occurred to me that it might be a fun family tradition to make a special photo display of the birthday girl/boy of the month whenever there is a birthday.  Will it be a tradition that sticks?  I’m not sure, but two in a row is a good start.  And an enthusiastic response from Alethea makes me feel like it’s a tradition that the girls would appreciate.

She had fun explaining to me in detail what the occasion of each picture was and even got down on the floor to demonstrate after she pointed to the one on the left and said, “This one is Lydia crawling.”

But enough about the decor, I’m sure you are all dying to know what the guest of honor wore.

We kept it comfy and washable with a flower embellished sweatshirt and a pink flower headband.  Lydia wasn’t entirely certain she liked having something on her head, but she did mostly leave the headband alone.

If only the headband had been equally as cooperative.

Despite an unruly hair accessory, Lydia managed to enjoy opening presents and even climbed into the bag of oversized cardboard blocks from Mommy and Daddy.

After everyone sang ‘Happy Birthday’, Daddy helped Lydia blow out her candle.

Then we let her have her cake, and even eat it too!

Had to get a picture of the aftermath, because in the war of Lydia v. Cupcake, there was carnage to behold.  (This shot fails to capture the crumbs smeared on the wall.  Vertical surfaces were not exempt from the massacre.)

So that was how we celebrated Lydia’s first birthday.  It was a memorable event and we appreciated all our family taking the time to celebrate with us.  (And a special shout out to the grandmothers who helped clean up the birthday girl and her high chair!  You’re the best!)

To view more BobbleHeadBaby celebrations, visit my Parties Page!