My One-Month-Old Can Roll Over

Today Alethea is one month old.  Happy one-month birthday, Baby!

She has been learning quickly and we’ve been enjoying watching her smile and “talk” more each day.  However, I wasn’t quite prepared for another developmental milestone to come up so quickly: rolling over.  Today, we were playing and I put her on her stomach for some “tummy time”.  I put her hands underneath her so she could push up and look around.  Suddenly, she pushed back hard and rolled onto her back.  She looked really surprised.  I know I was!

I wasn’t sure if it really counted as rolling over by herself since I’d put her hands underneath her, so I rolled her back on her stomach and put her hands down by her sides.  Since she loves to have her hands by her face, it didn’t take long for Alethea to get her hands back under her.  Then she pushed up and rolled over again!

I wonder if this means I need to start baby-proofing the house.  Hmmm…

8 thoughts on “My One-Month-Old Can Roll Over

  1. My grandson rolled for the first time 1 day prior to 4 wks old (yesterday)! I didn’t get to see it. He was fussy and I laid him on his stomach, turned away and looked back and he was on his back!! He did it again today (my daughter got to see him). I think we are going to have our hands full. lol

  2. My baby boy will be 1 month old tomorrow…. today he was just angry to be on his tummy and he was crying and suddenly he rolled over on his back and was crying louder (I guess he was surprised)…. I didn’t expect this to happen so soon since my other boy roll over the day he turn 3 months old…. I wasn’t sure if this was possible, so early, until I found this site and read that the same happens to Alethea…….what will be next….

  3. My son just rolled over this morning and he is four weeks old today! I was amazed. It’s good to see other people are having the same experience!

  4. My son is 5 weeks old at 3.5 weeks he rolled from his belly to his back and has done it quite a few times since then. I am so glad to see that others are experiencing this as well. I was a little worried that people would think that I was crazy.

  5. My one month old son rolled over for the first time yesterday with his grandmother and my husband and I almost didn’t believe her. But today, my husband and I have both seen him roll over from his tummy to his back!

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