On My Mind Tonight

So the plan for tomorrow is to call the hospital at 6am and they will tell us what to do.  Apparently there are three possibilities from there: 1) They say “Come on in right away” 2) They say “Come in at X o’clock” or 3) They say “Sorry, we had a sudden influx of women whose bodies actually go into labor on their own and so we can’t accommodate you today.”

Either of the first options is fine with me.  The third one would feel like the universe playing some sort of cosmic joke… and it really wouldn’t be funny.

At least I feel ready though.  Not that I don’t have things I could still do (there’s always something!), but I’m pretty sure I’ve done everything that is truly necessary to prepare for tomorrow.  My bag is packed, Peter’s sister Leah is staying over tonight so that we can leave early in the morning if we need to, there are a few meals ready to go in the freezer for after I get home, we have diapers and supplies waiting in the nursery and the house as a whole has probably never been cleaner than it is at this very moment.

So here are the last things weighing on my mind tonight and if anyone wants to say a prayer about these, I’d sure appreciate it:

1) Alethea – I really don’t know how she’ll do with me being away for a few days or with the baby’s arrival.  I hope she likes her and isn’t too mad at me!

2) My Cold – I’ve had a persistent cold for the past few days and I’m a little nervous because it feels like it is turning into a sinus infection, which is definitely possible, since I’m prone to those.

3) A Long Delivery – I’m beginning to realize how much I had my heart set on the ‘it will be easier the second time around’ theory.  Of course, even with a scheduled induction, things can still be far simpler than they were with Alethea, but now that induction day is almost here, I’m getting anxious.  Let’s face it, I’m sort of a wuss when it comes to pain.

Despite these worries, I want to let you all know how much I’ve appreciated all the phone calls, texts, e-mails and blog comments I’ve gotten over the past few days.  I feel very loved and supported and that makes a world of difference!

Either Peter or I will be posting from the hospital tomorrow (assuming we don’t get turned away), so come back for more updates!

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