Good Thing or Bad Thing?

Bedtime Routines – So you would think bedtime routines would be a good thing.  The books all say that they help calm a baby down and can prepare them to sleep well during the night.  I am all for sleeping well during the night.  However, the past two nights during Alethea’s bedtime routine, she has suddenly gone stiff and let out a huge long hysterical wail.  The crying doesn’t last long, but it comes on suddenly and is quite loud.  Is it possible she has figured out that the routine means she’ll be put to bed and is crying to delay that moment from coming?  Can a 5 week old throw a temper tantrum?  So the verdict for bedtime routines – a good thing that is perhaps turning into a cue for bad behavior.

Peeing on Dad – Normally I would say peeing on Dad is a bad thing, but just as Peter was pulling Alethea out of her bath last night she totally went all over his hand.  The expression on his face was rather hilarious, and I’m glad she was still over the tub, so I didn’t have to clean up a mess.  Given that I got a good laugh out of it and Peter washes easier than carpet, I’ll say, peeing on Dad – in this case, a good thing.  (Sorry Honey!)

Weight Loss – I had my 6 week post-partum check up yesterday.  I’ve officially lost 40 lbs since my last still-pregnant appointment!  That puts me just a couple pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight.  The jury has an easy time with this one, weight loss- definitely a good thing!

The Brownie Batter Blizzard – Yes folks, it’s true.  The best Blizzard ever made by Dairy Queen is back for a limited time.  I encourage every one of you to go to DQ during the month of June and try it out so the they’ll make it a permanent menu item.  Unless you are one of those freekish people who don’t like chocolate (sorry Keity!) this tempting treat is not to be missed!  Given the above paragraph, if it were any other Blizzard I’d have to give it a Good Thing with Too Many Calories rating, but for the Brownie Batter Blizzard I’ll say unequivocally – A GOOD THING!!!!

5 thoughts on “Good Thing or Bad Thing?

  1. Hey Elise! Alethea is so cute! We in Phoenix have enjoyed your updates! Regarding the bedtime routine . . . my kids have all done the sudden, loud, crying thing just in the evening for a short period of time. It goes away after they reach about 8 weeks, when their digestive system is more fully developed. I hope Alethea’s bouts of yelling are due to the “tummy trouble” as ours have been–dealing with temper tantrums (we call them fits of anger at our house) is a whole different ball game! :) Erin

  2. CONGRATS on losing the weight so quickly! I’ve read that it can sometimes take the first five to six months to reach your pre-pregnancy weight!!! That must mean that you only gained baby pounds!!! I have a feeling I am not so lucky! I feel like I eat all the time! I love that it seems like Alethea pees so freely all the time :D What a cutie! hopefully the bedtime situation gets easier soon!

    Enjoy your month of blizzards!!!

  3. Yesterday I had my first Brownie Batter Blizzard of the season! So-o-o good. And you know what was really weird? I started to walk away from the DQ, and I heard my name. I turned around, and who should be working there but…Leah?? :)

  4. Erin – The yelling seems to have gone away, at least the past few nights it hasn’t happened. I think I’ll have to adopt the “Fits of Anger” terminology, although I hope it is a long time before I have to deal with one!

    Jenny – I think it’s hard to know if the weight will come off easily or not. I gained more than I was “supposed to” during the pregnancy and I’ve never been someone who loses weight easily, so I figured for sure I’d have a lot of baby weight, but it didn’t happen that way. Stay positive!

    Genna – Glad you were able to partake in the delights of the Brownie Batter Blizzard. But why were you at Leah’s DQ? That’s a little out of the way for you…

  5. Thank you for the picture and announcment. I will yake it to St. Charles. They are dying to see our little pink hatter. She is sooooooooo cute. We miss you.

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