Whose Chair is it Anyway?

In the corner of our living room sits ‘The Chair’, a simulated leather rocking chair/recliner. As it happens, both Peter and Alethea have a morning routine that involves The Chair.

Every morning Peter sits in The Chair, drinks his coffee and uses his laptop to check e-mail and read the news.

Every morning Alethea brings Little Baby Doll and Dee downstairs and rocks with them in The Chair until I have her breakfast ready.

Normally, this works fine because Peter starts his morning around 5:30am while Alethea sleeps in until between 8 and 9 o’clock.

On the weekends though, things get a little more dicey.  Like today, when they both got up at 8:15.

Peter had to make his coffee, so Alethea got to The Chair first.

“Hey, what’s this?” Peter asked her once he had his laptop and coffee in hand.

“My chair!” Alethea answered.

“No, Daddy’s chair,” said Peter, but he was gracious enough to let her rock in it until her breakfast was served.

So Alethea was happy.  She certainly won the battle.

The real question though, who is going to win the war?

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