Lydia’s Five Month Update

So, Lydia’s 5 month birthday was ten days ago.  I’m a little behind with things, but Happy Birthday all the same, Baby Girl!

Rolling over has been the big thing for Lydia this past month.  Once she started rolling, she hasn’t looked back.  When I put her down, the instant her back touches the floor, she gives her leg a kick and over she goes onto her stomach.  Unfortunately she gets pretty frustrated once she gets that far.  She wants so badly to be moving forward, but all she can do at this point is turn in a circle on her tummy and occasionally push herself backwards.  Such a bummer to see things just out of reach and not be able to get them into your mouth!

And she does love putting things in her mouth.  If she can get it in her grasp, it goes into her mouth.  She’s surprisingly fast at it and gets quite upset when you take away something that she wants to eat… like a 5 months sign for example…

We did start solid foods this month, but because she can be so gassy, we’ve sort of started and stopped several times, trying to see if the solids are upsetting her stomach.  However, she’s always up for it when she gets a chance to eat pearsauce.  And if there isn’t pearsauce to be had, she’s also delighted to drink from Mommy’s water glass.  Her whole body shakes in excitement as the glass comes near her mouth.  It’s so funny!

Besides rolling over and chewing on things, this month has included a lot of playing outside, being amused by her big sister, watching Mommy clean the house, and sleeping (as usual) though now in a crib instead of the bassinet.  Lydia continues to be fairly laid back.  She smiles at everyone, but it takes a little more effort to make her laugh.  We’ve noticed that she startles easily.  I’m beginning to think that she is going to be a very analytical person.  She seems to get very focused on things, so much so that when something “new” suddenly happens, it takes her by surprise.

We’re not sure exactly how fast her next milestones are going to come up, but sitting up unsupported is definitely in the near future and I don’t think crawling will be too far behind that, given how much effort she’s making at the moment to get moving.

Whatever happens though, we can’t get enough of our sweet, happy girl and hope she doesn’t grow up too fast, because we are enjoying her just as she is right now.

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