To A Terrific Two-Year-Old

My Dear Alethea,

You’re two years old!  My goodness how time flies.  It seems like only yesterday I held you in my arms for the first time and you just stared at my face as if to say, “Hmmm, you seem familiar, do I know you?”

Well, we’ve gotten to know each other and I’m happy to say that you are a fantastic little girl.  You are smart, talkative and energetic.  You’re always cracking us up with the funny things that come out of your mouth.  You love to tell us about the things you are pretending, which nearly always involve some combination of Dee (your stuffed puppy), Baby Doll, diaper changes, feedings and/or potty chairs.

You’re growing up so quickly and we are excited to see you learning to do things for yourself.  You are currently learning to get dressed and undressed, are very good at putting your toys away and at meal times you climb up into your chair all by yourself.  (You also remind us, “Pray first!” before you start eating!)

Speaking of eating, your favorite foods are: pickles, fruit snacks, chicken nuggets, pizza, strawberries and anything sweet.  I’m afraid you might have gotten your mother’s sweet tooth, my dear.  Sorry!  I hope it doesn’t have anything to do with that 32 oz cherry Slurpee I drank when I was 41 weeks pregnant with you.  I know that must have been quite a sugar rush for your tiny self.

Playing pretend and eating sweets are definitely up there on your list of favorite things to do, but so are having people over and going outside.  Nearly every morning you ask if me someone is coming over that day and if I say no, the second thing you ask is if you can go outside.  Your two grandmothers and Ms. Deb from church are your favorite babysitters and they always tell me what a good time they have playing with you.

Yup, you’re growing up quickly and Miss Independent should definitely be your nickname.  However, just because you like to do things for yourself, that doesn’t mean that you are unwilling to help Lydia out from time to time.  On the contrary, you are always eager to give Lydia her toys, show her what you’re playing with and assist Mommy with diaper changes.  You’re just dying to help feed Lydia pearsauce and you’re not above pushing your sister around in the stroller if she’s left unguarded.

I can’t think of another girl I’d rather have for my first born daughter than you, my Alethea.  You are my sweet sunshine girl.  I love to hear you laugh and sing, which you very frequently do.  You have a definite enthusiasm for life and I am so looking forward to seeing what comes next in the Alethea Margaret story.

All my love,


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