The Big Three-Oh

Today is my 30th birthday.

Yikes!  There I said it.  I’m 30.

I didn’t have a major emotional breakdown today or anything dramatic like that, but it does feel weird to think that I’m not in my 20s anymore.  My 20s were good.  I liked them.

In my 20s I…

Got a Bachelors Degree in Philosophy and Sacred Music

Spent a year after college wondering what in the world I should do with my life

Moved to Philadelphia and had two fantastic years to learn and grow in a variety of roles

Realized over the course of the two years that if I didn’t marry Peter, I’d live to regret it

Moved back to Minnesota and got married

Lived in a 900 sq ft log cabin infested with lady bugs

Got pregnant

Bought a house (thankfully NOT infested with lady bugs)

Had a baby

Got pregnant again

Had another baby

Got back to my pre-children weight

And here we are now…

I changed a lot in my 20s and my life did too.  I lived in a total of 8 different places, got married and had two children.

I almost feel weird to think that my 30s will probably be a lot more predictable.  The plan is to hit 40 living in this same house with these same people (minus our friend Jacob who lives in our basement, he should be gone by then).  Maybe there will be another baby in the mix… we’ll see… and I suppose children keep things interesting, but over all, the next decade will likely be much more… what’s the right word… ‘domestic’ than my 20s.

I’m rambling now, sorry.  I probably should have come up with some fabulous list of 30 great things I plan to do while I’m in my 30s or something inspirational like that, but 30th birthday or not, it’s still Monday and the mental energy isn’t there at the moment.  (Are other people’s kids always cranky on Monday, because mine sure are!)

Anyway, those are my honest, but very random thoughts about turning 30.

Happy Monday to you all!

10 thoughts on “The Big Three-Oh

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Elise. You where very busy in your twenties and I’m glad you chose to spend two years of that time at St. Charles. You will be busier in your thirties. Faith will be on your side as always. You are a PHENOMENAL WOMEN. GOD BLESS, Pearl

  2. Happy Birthday! I think your twenties were fabulous, but I think that there are even better things to look forward to :) I hope so, I’ll be joining you soon enough!

  3. Happy Birthday, Elise! I thought about you on Monday everytime I wrote the date on the IV tubing at work :) Of course after I got home, I forgot to send a message (or to remind Noah to say Happy Birthday when he called you). Hope your 30s are great!

  4. Happy Belated Birthday! Your 20s sound perfect, and the predictability of the next decade sounds comforting to me! Hope you have a fantastic celebration this weekend. Again, sorry we couldn’t be there to celebrate with you!

  5. Hey, happy belated birthday!

    Sorry I forgot your birthday, but if it makes you feel any better, I also forgot to observe International Talk Like a Pirate Day, with which your birthday happens to coincide.

    And I have the flutes.

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