You know when you feel like you need to sneeze, but for some reason you just can’t?
This morning Alethea was following me around my bathroom as I got ready. As usual, she was blissfully chatting away about anything and everything.
Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks. Her eyes narrowed and she screwed up her face really funny.
I kind of laughed. “Why are you making that silly face, Alethea?”
No answer. It was like she was frozen in place.
“Is something wrong, Alethea?”
A few seconds pass.
“Alethea, please talk to me, does something hurt? Are you okay?”
A few more seconds. Then she unfreezes, shakes her head, looks at me and says:
“I’m okay, Mommy. I just had an achoo and was waiting for the Bless You to come out.”
Bless her. As someone who chain sneezes, I love her verbal expression of waiting for the “bless you” to come out. She made me laugh out loud.
Very cute!
Very funny! love it when little kids start putting stuff together and drawing their own conclusions!
So cute! Those are one of those ‘cute things kids say’ that you can read in Parents Magazine!