2 Weeks and Still Dairy Free

Today marks the 2 week anniversary of my going off dairy.  It seems to have significantly helped Alethea with her gassiness and I thought it was helping with the reflux, but then yesterday was a bad spit-up day again.  However, yesterday she also had a long bought of crying which always seems to make the reflux worse, so it’s hard to determine the exact cause and effect relationship with so many variables in play.

Yesterday she also refused a feeding for the first time in a while, so when we take Alethea for her 4 month well-baby check up next Tuesday morning, we will be talking to her pediatrician about further steps we can take to manage her reflux including the possibility of medication.  Peter and I talked about it and decided that if her pediatrician is willing to prescribe the meds, we’ll definitely take them and we may even push a little bit in that direction.

One thing I think we’ll try in any case is putting Alethea on solid foods, which apparently can help reflux since it makes the stomach contents a little less sloshy.  She seems anxious to try eating anyway since she will follow the motion of food to my mouth with wide eyes any time I eat in front of her.  We’ve also let her taste a couple things and she seemed to like them all, including the pickle.  The carrot stick did confuse her a bit, I think.  She tried to suck on it like a nipple, but of course nothing came out and then she just kind of looked at me as if to say “What gives?”

As far as the dairy free goes, I think I’m going to stick with it for now, since at the very least it seems to have improved her gas.

On a totally unrelated note, I was looking through pictures of Alethea’s first 3 months of life and found this one from her second week that I really like.  Enjoy!

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