Go Alethea, Go!

Alethea’s night wakings don’t seem to be improving much.  We have okay nights and bad nights, but only about once every two weeks does Alethea sleep for more than 4 hours without waking.  I keep getting my hopes up that something will improve her sleep, like turning three months old, or starting zantac or eating solid foods.  Well, three months wasn’t a magic number, the zantac is helping feedings be less of a struggle, but was not a sleep miracle and as for eating solid foods, that gave her such bad gas that she was waking up once an hour to pass gas, so we are taking a break from solids and will try again later.

While I am not enjoying the sleep deprivation, I am coming to accept that it is what it is, and that I can do my best to make her comfortable and help her learn that night is for sleeping and she has to sleep in her own bed, but in the end, it is up to her to figure out how to stay asleep.  And like learning any other skill, it may take some time for her to get the hang of it.

Speaking of skills, Alethea is getting to be a real pro at rolling over in both directions.  She was practicing a lot yesterday and seems to enjoy the freedom of movement.  However, she does get frustrated that once she gets on her tummy, she can’t move forward.  Her little legs start madly pushing in the air, but she only occasionally gets them to push on the floor and move her forward.  She has managed to push herself a little bit with her arms though.  The other night she rotated about 270 degrees of a circle while on her stomach just by pushing to the side with her arms.

Now I’ve heard that once kids get more mobile, they often sleep better because they can pick the most comfortable position to sleep in.  I know I shouldn’t get my hopes up again, but maybe…. soon?….

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