Some Things I will Never Understand

Let me start out by saying that I don’t mind watching sports on TV.  In fact, if it’s Twins baseball, I actually enjoy watching it.  Other sports are fine in moderation as well and I try not to get on Peter’s case too much even when he watches games/teams/sports that I couldn’t care less about.

But every now and then I catch Peter watching sporting events that have already taken place.  Apparently we get a channel known as ESPN Classic and allegedly the games they show are so famous and fabulous they are worth watching even though everyone knows who wins and what they have to do be victorious.  At least, this is what I have been told.

Whenever I realize that such a “classic” is on our TV, I have to stop and ask Peter, “Why are you watching this?”  And he will inevitably answer, “This is the game where so-and-so does such-and-such.”  And then I say, “If you already know that is going to happen, why do you need to watch it happen?”  To which I have yet to receive a satisfactory explanation.

For the good of my marriage, I suppose I should leave it alone, but I just wanted to say for the record, I really don’t get it.

5 thoughts on “Some Things I will Never Understand

  1. To someone who likes sports it is probably not that different then watching sitcom reruns that you have already seen, or a favorite movie.

    There are very few shows/movies that I can tolerate to watch over and over, mostly because I don’t have time. But a lot of people do frequently watch their favorites.

  2. I agree with you, especially when it comes to car racing. The results are in, but John will still sit in front of the TV watching the cars go around in circles. At least a road race has different scenery! Its got to be a “guy” thing.

  3. I’m with you on this. I don’t understand watching golf on tv. Paul watches it nearly every Sunday afternoon (but not now that Football is on). I just tell myself that he watches it so that I have an opportunity to nap and rest my body ;)

    What’s almost just as bad or maybe worse that watching “classic” games, is watching them, and then turning on your madden ’10 video game and trying to re-create your own version of the “awesome play”. That’s my husband.

  4. p.s thank you for letting me hold your beautiful baby on Sunday! Maybe sometime, Paul will have to try holding her…I have a feeling when our baby girl is born, she will be held like a football.

  5. Julie – Okay, I admit, I do re-watch my favorite movies/TV shows on DVD. Somehow sports seem different to me, but I guess watching them as a part of sports history might kind of give them a story line of sorts. Still seems pointless to me though since I don’t enjoy watching games where I know who wins.

    Denny – Of all sports (or sport-like activities) on TV, I must say that NASCAR is probably my least favorite, although it does have crashes, which is more than I can say for golf (my other least favorite). I think a lot of people watch it for the crashes, and that I sort of get. Maybe if you followed it and knew the drivers and stuff it would be more interesting???

    Jenny – I’m glad you and Paul could come over on Sunday. It was fun having you here. Don’t worry about holding the baby like a football. Lots of kids like being held like that anyway. As long as you support her neck, she’ll be fine!

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