Caleb John: Weeks 4, 5 and 6

My how time flies. Caleb turned six weeks old last Wednesday. Crazy!

Since his last update was at three weeks, this post covers weeks 4-6. They were busy ones, including his first time at the beach, his first real big smiles, and his first out of state trip to visit Great Grandma and Grandpa for the 4th of July.

DSC_1978He also had his one-month well-check and his current stats are: height 22.5 inches, weight 13 lbs 2 oz, and head circumference 41 cm. That puts him in the 84th percentile for height, 97th for weight, and (do I even need to say it) 99th for head circumference. He’s a solid little fellow!


Caleb continues to be a pretty easy baby. He sleeps well at night, usually doing a 5 or 6 hour stretch at one point or another. He also takes multiple 2-3 hour naps during the day as long as we are at home. However, he doesn’t sleep much when we are out and about, and if he’s not sleeping he wants to be held or kept in constant motion, so he’s not the most portable baby ever. But really, as long as he sleeps at night, I’m okay with whatever we need to do to get through the daylight hours, though I wouldn’t be upset if at some point he decides that 6:30am isn’t time to get up and at ’em.

Caleb 5 WeeksWe’re finding more and more that Caleb is a pretty social baby. When he’s awake he wants to be where he can see people. He will also holler at me if I’m not in the room when he’s going to sleep. He doesn’t usually need to be rocked or have me sing him a song, but I must be present until he starts to drift off.

DSC_2227He’s smiling more often now and with bigger expression, and it never fails to make my day. We also enjoy conversations with each other. His side consists mainly of “Oh!” and “Mmmm”, but he seems genuinely pleased with himself for communicating so well.

Caleb 6 WeeksMommy is definitely his favorite person, but I’m confident at this point that he also recognizes Peter. He really likes attention from Alethea and Lydia as well, although I’m not as confident that he would be able to differentiate between them and any other children, but maybe.

DSC_2347He still doesn’t love it when they “hold” him though…

DSC_2360His favorite things are eating, sleeping, taking baths, being swaddled and going outside. He doesn’t mind diaper changes anymore. He still won’t take a pacifier, so I’ve pretty much given up on that. Being buckled into his carseat is on the top of his “Things I’d Rather Not Do” list.

DSC_2325But overall, he’s a good-natured baby and we’re having fun getting to know him better as his personality emerges bit by bit. As the girls would put it, “We love our Sweet Baby K!”

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