Category Archives: Caleb John
Fall Family Fun
It’s fall y’all! My favorite time of the year, and not just because I have an autumn birthday, but also because the weather is glorious, crisp, and refreshing. And even more importantly, there are so many fun things to do together as a family. Last weekend we spent a morning exploring a fall farm festival, like we do every year.
There were pumpkins (which Lydia used as a fairy princess throne)…
And there were animals (Caleb tried to hug the donkey through the bars, but had to settle for petting him on the nose, since Caleb was far more enthusiastic about the donkey than the donkey was about Caleb)…
And there was corn (this is Alethea’s interpretation of what a “Corn Fairy” might look like, I think she got it spot on)…
And more corn (which Caleb preferred to play with while standing outside of the box, since he had a hard time walking through it)…
Playing Favorites
What We Did This Summer: June
Our summer is absolutely flying by. We have been super busy. Too busy to write as much as I’d like to, but I thought I should at least share our month-by-month highlights. I give you… June.
We worked on the deck….
And Alethea graduated from kindergarten…
We celebrated her graduation with a trip to Como Town for rides and cotton candy…
Caleb turned one and we celebrated with a baseball party…
And in what might turn out to be the highlight of the entire summer, the girls and Caleb sat on the grass behind second base and ate cake with their bare hands to conclude his smash cake photoshoot…
We played in/on/near the water every single day it didn’t rain…
And made several trips to the library and various playgrounds…
We enjoyed hanging out (and being goofy) with our neighbors…
And we did some more work on the deck…
We met this guy at the nature center…
Caleb thought it would be a good idea to pet him…
The girls thought it was a better idea to stay a long way behind him…
After working on the deck some more, we planted a fairy garden…
And the girls looked to see if they could find any trace of tiny magical visitors…
Alethea took her very first ballet class…
And she loved every minute of it…
All that along with a couple parties, trips to the beach, hanging out with friends, and lots more working on the deck made for a busy, but good month. And spoiler alert for the “What We Did This Summer: July” post, the deck still isn’t done and we’re not exactly sure when it will be. It’s ended up being a beast of a project, but we keep telling ourselves, “It will be so nice when it’s done.”
Here’s hoping this finds you all sitting back, sipping lemonade, and enjoying the sun!
Happy Birthday, Caleb!
Nighty Night
I’ve got a lot of posts I could write… should write… want to write…
But right now, the only thing I can seem to think about is doing this (minus the teddy bear):
Hope you all have a good night resting well in the assurance that kid updates, a Frozen birthday party, and other news are on your way as soon as I can manage. Sweet dreams!!!
Caleb’s Nursery Reveal
Here’s one in the long-overdue category. As you may recall, last May I was nine months pregnant and frantically trying to finish Caleb’s nursery. Well, it wasn’t quite done when he arrived, but I did finally finish it a few months later, and so for anyone who has been wondering how it turned out (which might turn out to be no one), this post is for you.
A quick reminder of how it looked when it was Alethea’s nursery:
And here is the final “boy-ified” space:
I’m thrilled with how it turned out!
The art work was an 11th hour project. I used Photoshop to create some cute transportation art that I hung in six frames that I miraculously found at a garage sale for $12. I finished hanging them less than 24 hours before Caleb arrived in the world and one of the first things I did when we got home from the hospital was to show them to him. He looked and looked and looked, so I’d say they were a hit.
I’m also proud to say that with the exception of the train bookends that I got on eBay and a pillow from HomeGoods, everything that I did this time around was handmade. My mom helped me sew the curtains and the extension on the crib skirt. I made the curtain rod from galvanized pipe and fittings from the Home Depot.
I think this is officially the most finished room in the house!
And I would be completely remiss if I didn’t share pictures of the quilt that Caleb’s Grammie made for him. It is a one-of-a-kind transportation themed masterpiece!
My favorite part about it is that if you look closely, there are details quilted in the background, like clouds, waves, railroad tracks, traffic signs, and even an adorable squirrel!
So there you have it. Baby boy nursery: COMPLETE!
Happy Easter!
A Mermaid Party
How is it April already? I guess this means I should post pictures of Lydia’s 4th birthday party before it’s completely too late. After all, as she informed me firmly the other day when I told her she wasn’t old enough to do something, “But Mommy, I’m ALMOST FIVE!”
Not sure if 4.25 is almost 5, but that’s a discussion for another day, so instead I give you the invitation for Lydia’s fourth birthday party…
I am proud to say that I purchased some mermaid clip art and then Photoshopped my own invites instead of hiring out this time. I can’t say that it was quick or easy, but I am happy with how they turned out. Lydia was okay with them too, although she didn’t hesitate to point out that the mermaid isn’t a “real Ariel”. Can’t win ’em all I guess…
She was delighted with her party outfit though. I found her dress online at JCPenney (my go-to source for little girls’ special occasion dresses).
And when I say she was ‘delighted’, I mean her exact words were, “I love my new dress! It’s pretty, it has a flower… And it covers my underwear!” Truly, could anyone ask for more?
Besides a fancy outfit, there were also balloons, which Caleb carefully inspected for leaks…
And I decorated the mantel and memory table with pictures of the birthday girl and other mermaid inspired things (bonus points to the first person to find and correctly name Ariel’s two treasures from the movie)…
The dessert table included cake, cupcakes, chocolate covered strawberries, white Sixlet “pearls” and coconut delights (homemade Almond Joys). It was quite a spread!
The candy seashells on top of the cupcakes, the favor bags, and of course, Ariel walking on the sandy beach next to the cake were all quite thrilling for our birthday girl. She could hardly wait until it was time to slice the cake so she could steal Ariel off the cake stand.
I wish I had gotten more pictures of the actual party for you. Suffice it to say that I was a bit busy in the thick of it, but it seemed like all the guests had a good time and enjoyed the seafood appetizer spread. Lydia herself was more interested in the presents and blowing out the birthday candles, but who can blame her?
Life sure is grand under the sea…
Happy birthday to my four (I mean, almost five) year old girl!
PS. If one BobbleHeadBaby celebration isn’t enough for you, visit my Parties Page to view them all!
He Keeps Me On My Toes
I know I’m long overdue to write a Caleb update with all his cute weekly pictures so you can see how he’s growing up. But part of the problem is that he is changing, and FAST! So quickly in fact, that unless he’s sleeping, I barely get to sit down.
It started about six weeks ago when he began pulling himself around with his arms. He’d scoot about the living room and end up wedged between the wall and the chair in the corner chewing on whatever cords or cables he encountered…
Then he got a little more proficient in his army crawl and suddenly the magazine bin behind the couch was under constant attack…
A few weeks later, it was up onto his knees at every chance, which is when he discovered the cookbook shelf…
And that Mommy sometimes leaves cupboards open when she’s cooking or unloading groceries…
Then a week or so later he’d decided that being on his knees wasn’t high enough, so naturally he started pulling up onto anything and everything…
He’s still not crawling on his hands and knees, but his army crawl is fast and fluid enough to make any soldier envious. He uses that to his advantage when he zips around the living room, dining room, and kitchen with his favorite toy hammer, banging on everything in sight…
So you see, I haven’t had much time for writing because I’ve been busy babyproofing my main floor. And now that I’m done with that level, I’d better begin on the second floor, since just this morning Caleb managed to climb up four stairs completely on his own before falling backwards into my waiting arms.
Hopefully I’ll at least get a long update written before he starts shaving. But wait, no, we’ve already hit that milestone too…
Oh well! I expect that someday I’ll get the chance to write regularly.
Now you’ll have to excuse me while I go rescue Herr Caleb (aka Mommy’s Little Monkey) off the stairs yet again.