Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda

It seems like every time I decorate a room in our house, I later realize that there was some fabulous idea or product that I should have incorporated, or some decorating decision that I would have done differently if I could go back and do it again.

I thought I was being careful with Alethea’s big girl room to make sure that didn’t happen this time.  The first thing I did was plan my layout, so I would know exactly what I needed to do and where everything was going to go:

What I failed to do however, what I SHOULD HAVE done, was to use masking tape to mark the actual dimensions of each piece on the floor of the room.  It’s easy to do, they use this technique on HGTV all the time, why didn’t I do it at the beginning?  I don’t know.

So yesterday I decided to mark out exactly where the bed was going to go.  Turns out it’s a little wider than I realized and having bunk beds that close to the door will feel like walking into a wall, i.e. not very inviting.

So I had to come up with a new room layout, one that moves the bed away from the door:

This layout actually has some additional advantages, like moving the dresser next to the closet (convenient for getting ready in the morning) and not having to buy a bedside table (save some money).

However, if I WOULD HAVE realized sooner that the bed needed to be on the far wall, then I COULD HAVE also realized that there wasn’t much point in spending hours of my time stenciling an elaborate pattern on that same wall, a wall that will be almost completely obscured by a huge set of bunk beds.


I’m only about half-way done with my stenciling at this point and I’m really tempted to just paint over the whole thing.  It sure would be easier.  But I hate to get nothing out of all my time spent on the project thus far, so I will continue, if I bit halfheartedly.

6 thoughts on “Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda

  1. Yeah, it has been a rather time intensive project. Since it will be the first room that Alethea will remember as being hers, I really want it to be a place that fosters her creativity and that she can look back on fondly.

  2. Julie –

    I’m sorry that you think I am wasting my time decorating Alethea’s room. You will of course comprehend that I feel differently about the project. I’m afraid this will have to be one of those times we don’t see eye to eye.


  3. I didn’t mean to insinuate that you were wasting your time. We both know that we choose to spend our time differently, but I would never say that doing something you enjoy for your child is a waste of time.

    My philosophy for “fostering creativity” is different than yours- but that is ok. (Noah would like to build a tank for the boys to play in- I personally think that things like tanks and dollhouses are too specific- I prefer the kids to have blocks and legos and playdough. And I don’t care if the playdough colors get mixed and if the lego sets don’t stay together. This is obviously in stark contrast to the family I married into.)

    Bottom line? I am sorry I offended you. Please forgive me. I am sure that Alethea’s room will be beautiful. Hopefully Berean won’t be too jealous of her cousin when I just give her a marker and a cardboard box instead of a dollhouse, and a basic room instead of a fancy one :)

  4. Yeah, it’s definitely not a surprise to me either that we have different ideas of how to foster creativity, but I appreciate you clarifying what you meant. And yes, you did marry into a family that keeps their playdough colors pure and their lego sets as sets.

    Of course I forgive you and I’m sorry if I over-reacted. I’ve been pouring myself into this room and it’s certainly near and dear to my heart at this point. :-)

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