Elusive Sleep

Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted.  Things have been a little tiring around here lately.  Alethea had been sleeping pretty well, but the past three nights she has suddenly decided that she won’t sleep in her crib.  She will sleep in her swing, in her stroller/carseat (even if it’s not moving) and she’ll sleep if someone is holding her, but put her in her crib and the most she’ll sleep is 20 minutes.  I’ve tried everything I can think of, putting her down awake, asleep, swaddled, unswaddled, with her battery operated aquarium on, with it off and of course, fed her, changed her and sang to her.  Sigh…

So all of you out there in cyberspace what’s your advice?  How do you get an obviously tired baby to sleep in her crib?

3 thoughts on “Elusive Sleep

  1. We let Jack sleep in his carseat (in the house, of course!) a lot when he was first born. He only liked it for the first few weeks, and he likes his crib now, so it didn’t scar him for life or anything :-)

    The other thing that helped him sleep was propping two legs of his crib up on bed lifts(they sell them at Bed, Bath and Beyond and probably other stores) so that the head of his crib was about 6″ higher than the foot of the bed. He’s not strong enough to tip the bed over at this point or anything, and it was recommended by nurses at the hospital and his clinic, so I think it’s safe.

    Good luck!

  2. What a smart little girl. She is already training you at a very young
    age that she is in control and not you. She will sleep where she wants to sleep not where you tell her to sleep. She is letting you know who
    is boss.
    Now you have to be Mom and let her know that you and Peter are boss
    not her. She must sleep in her bed.

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