Introducing …
Sunday PM update
UPDATE: 11:57 PM – Major progress! They were able to unstick the stuck cervix and break Elise’s water. She dilated to 4cm almost instantly.
ORIGINAL POST STARTS HERE: Just wanted to give everyone an update on how Elise and the baby are doing. The quick version: we are back at the hospital and in labor after a 3-hour break at home following a failed induction on Friday and Saturday. Elise is resting comfortably and is on Pitocin to speed up her labor. The baby is doing great, aside from her stubborn refusal to be born.
Detailed version after the jump …
Going to the Hospital
We’re on our way out the door to go to the hospital. They’ll begin the inducement tonight, but we don’t expect to meet our little girl until tomorrow sometime. We hope to post from the hospital so stick around for more updates! Your prayers are appreciated!
You think you know someone…
So Peter and I went to Pad Thai in Saint Paul this evening to get some spicy food for dinner. As usual the food was excellent and we enjoyed it thoroughly.
After dinner we went for a walk down Summit Avenue to admire the houses. As we passed one house we saw this in the window:
I laughed outloud. Right there in the front window of a classy house on Summit Avenue was the leg lamp made infamous in the film “A Christmas Story”. I pointed it out to Peter, but can you believe, he didn’t know what I was talking about? I said, “you know, Ralphy and the Red Ryder BB Gun and ‘You’ll shoot your eye out!’?” And Peter said, “huh?”
Now I know Peter isn’t sentimental and he avoids holiday themed movies, but seriously? He’s never seen one of the most classic Christmas movies of all time! I thought every child of the 80s had seen “A Christmas Story”. I think I’ll have to remedy his cultural education at some point.
Another Appointment
Had a check-up yesterday with another non-stress test. The baby is still reacting well, which is the good news. The bad news is that I don’t seem to be progressing toward labor. We now have an inducement plan. I will be going into the hospital this Friday night to being Cervidil and then they will start Pitocin on Saturday morning, so it appears that the baby will arrive sometime on the 25th. Unless of course the baby decides suddenly to cooperate and come sooner… but time is running out.
I’m still not thrilled with the idea of inducing, but it is comforting to know the end is in sight.
Thanks for all of your prayers and words of encouragement!
Clinic Appointment
I had my weekly check-up yesterday. They said not much has changed and it doesn’t appear that I will go into labor anytime soon. Frustrating, but they’ve said it so many times I’m starting to get used to it. At least I didn’t cry like last week.
They also did a “non-stress test” to see how the baby was doing. According to the test she’s perfectly comfortable in there. My thought is that she is perhaps a little too comfortable… but I’m glad she’s not in distress. It was fun to be able to listen to her heartbeat for a while.
My next appointment is on Monday where they will do another non-stress test and see if I’ve moved any closer to going into labor. If all else fails, they will be inducing at the end of the week, but I really hope it doesn’t come to that.
I am Grateful
I’m getting very antsy waiting for this baby to come and am afraid I may have been a little grumpy the past few days. The swelling in my hands and feet is quite uncomfortable and I’m wondering if we go too long whether I will be delivering a 12 pound baby. However, this morning I decided to make a list of things that I was grateful for and that definitely put things in perspective. Here’s my top 5 count-down:
5) Despite being over-due and uncomfortable, I have had a relatively easy pregnancy
4) The weather here has been so beautiful lately. Everything seems better when it’s 65 and sunny!
3) Being over-due has given me plenty of time to get everything for Bob ready. I’m glad I won’t feel panicked whenever I go into labor that I don’t have everything I need or didn’t get stuff done.
2) I have a beautiful home that we moved into several months ago. I am so glad we got the process of buying/packing/moving done before I got so big
1) Peter has been super supportive even though I’m (a bit) whiny and he takes me to Dairy Queen when I need it!
How about you? What are you grateful for today?
Happy Easter!
No baby yet, so since I don’t have pictures of my own child to post, I thought I’d post this cute picture of two of my nephews who came over yesterday to decorate Easter eggs.
We had a great time making funny character eggs with the kit I bought. Deacon worked hard on the fireman, princess and soccer player eggs, while Roman was quite proud of his cowboy and baseball player eggs. As for the scary looking egg on the end in the pink hat, that was decorated by Uncle Peter.
What is “Over-Due”?
I thought I’d better post or everyone is going to think that I’m in labor. No such luck….
Went to the clinic yesterday for my weekly check-up. The mid-wife says that it could still be a while before the baby comes. Of course, things can change quickly, but nothing happening yet.
I’m not excited about being “over-due” but Peter was helpful in reminding me that B’s original due date was the 11th and they moved it to the 7th based on her first ultrasound, so really, she could still be pretty much on schedule.
Thanks everyone for the comments and e-mails! It’s nice to hear from so many friends!