We’ve got 19 days until Christmas, 20 something days until the baby comes and I’m not ready for either one. We did get Alethea’s curtains hung in her big girl room on Saturday. And then on Sunday we went on a Christmas tree hunt. No, the tree isn’t decorated yet and neither Alethea’s room or the nursery is totally ready, but we’re taking baby steps.
Speaking of baby steps… when we were packing up for the tree hunt we remembered that Alethea hates to walk in the snow, so we made sure to bring the sled. Turns out though that she didn’t like that either, even with Mommy holding her hand:
And then Mommy let go:
Peter ended up carrying her until we found the perfect tree. Thankfully it didn’t take long to locate it:
I held Alethea while Peter cut down the tree. When it tipped over Alethea’s only comment was “Uh oh!” But then I asked her if we should take the tree home, she said, “Yeah.”
So while Peter dragged the tree to the car, I carried Alethea. But I couldn’t make it the whole way. Something about being 9 months pregnant. She had to walk. At first she protested, but then it was okay so long as I was holding her hand:
However, by the time we got the tree loaded and ready to go, she had let go of my hand and was tooling around all by herself.
It’s a good thing. She’d have a long 18 years growing up in Minnesota if she was forever unwilling to walk through snow.