Last summer it felt like we spent nearly every weekend working on our front porch remodel. I was so hoping that by paying professionals to install our fence and sprinkler system that we would avoid spending so many Saturday mornings toiling away this summer. Turns out that building raised beds, starting a garden, landscaping a fire pit area, sprucing up around the mailbox, and spreading 14 yards of black dirt in preparation for growing grass still take a lot of time. Lots of Saturday mornings.
This past weekend, however, we headed up to Bayfield, WI to spend some time camping, exploring, and berry picking in the great outdoors. Outside time with no improvement projects… what a novel concept…
Turns out tree stumps make excellent performance stages
Our camp site had two, one for each little girl…
Alethea told us she was giving a speech
We’ve been saying she just might be the lawyer of the family
Giving ‘stump speeches’ might indicate a different career path though
Who loves camping?
This girl!
Took a hike down to the shore along the campground
Both girls came back with a ‘fishing pole’ which doubled nicely as a walking stick
Peter and I sure enjoyed picking strawberries
Can you guess what Alethea and Lydia liked most about the farm?
Lake Superior is, in my opinion, far too cold for wading
The girls thought otherwise
Alethea took in every detail of our ferry ride to Madeline Island for dinner Saturday night
She asked a boatload of questions
We all thought our after dinner ice cream was a great treat
However, I think Lydia enjoyed hers the most
We stopped at a playground in Duluth on our way home to let the girls take a car break
1000 Daddy points to Peter for coming up with the idea
So that was our landscaping free weekend. We all needed it and the girls are already asking when we can go camping again, so I’d say it was a success. Gotta love family togetherness that doesn’t end with wailing and tears.
Hope you all had a great weekend too!
I love your pictures, Elise! The girls are adorable. Glad you had such a great camping weekend!
Thanks so much, Jennifer!