A Very Clean House

My goal for this week was to have a baby.  Thus far, I have not accomplished my goal.

However, my secondary goal was that for every day I didn’t have a baby, I would get lots done around the house so that A) I would stay on my feet and hopefully accomplish my primary goal, and B) even if I wasn’t successful in inducing labor, I would at least have less to do once the baby does arrive.

So, no baby here, but I do have a pretty clean house, my hospital bag is packed, Christmas cards are almost ready to be mailed, I shoveled a wide path from our back patio door across the deck out to the grill, and I recruited Peter to help me with a variety of small projects around the house.  Yesterday, we hung up the candle holders he gave me for Christmas.  They look fantastic in the dining room above the buffet:

Eventually I’d like to get a mirror to go between them, but for the time being, we went with what we had, which was the School of Athens print that Peter brought me from the Vatican Museum during his trip there when we were in college.

It really feels good to have gotten so much done and also nice to to know that there is a deadline for everything.  My midwife called and let me know that they were able to schedule my inducement for next Wednesday, January 5th.  Of course, the baby could still come on her own before then, but one way or another, the end is in sight!

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