Good Day, Bad Night

Yesterday was my first day being at home alone with both kids.  I was sort of dreading it, but really it wasn’t bad.  Lydia slept and ate on queue all morning, Alethea was in a good mood and a friend from church came to sit on our couch while Alethea took her nap and I took Lydia to her first appointment with the pediatrician in the afternoon.

The appointment went well.  Turns out Lydia is already two ounces over her birth weight!  That combined with the fact that she has great color, is feeding well and I’m a second time around mom, means we aren’t scheduled to be back at the doctor’s office until her 2 month check-up.  So nice not to have more appointments than necessary!

Going to bed last night, I was pretty pumped.  We had a great day and with Lydia’s sleep track record I was hoping for a decent night’s sleep.  No dice…

I was up from 12:45-5:30am with a child who refused to go to sleep.  She wasn’t too fussy, but she didn’t want to be put down, and she wouldn’t go to sleep for anything.  I finally was so exhausted, I had to put her down, so I went in the basement to keep her from waking up Alethea with the crying that was sure to follow the being put down.  Fortunately, she was so exhausted that the crying was actually short lived (thank goodness she’s not as stubborn as Alethea was at that age!)

This morning I resolved that Lydia must learn to go to sleep on her own, in her bassinet, even if it involves a little crying, but since it’s hard to let her cry even a little bit at night, I thought I’d start with naps.  Wouldn’t you know it, she went down on her own without a peep every single time today and just slept and slept!  But half an hour after Alethea went to bed, Lydia decided to wake up crying!  Do you think she knows?!?!?!

Not sure what kind of a night we’re in for tonight, so I should probably get to bed while I can.  Say a prayer for me!

2 thoughts on “Good Day, Bad Night

  1. YOU HAVE A BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER. Raymond’s grandmother name was Lydia.
    Amanda is going to have her firt baby soon. She is due in February but is on bedrest because she has been having labor pains way to early.
    It will be a boy. love and prayers Diane

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