One Week (Plus a Day)

(Disclaimer: I totally stole the following picture idea from my friend Keity.  Every month she takes a photo of her daughter with the same stuffed animal so that they can see how much her baby has grown.  Unfortunately, her daughter is younger than Alethea, so I didn’t get to steal this idea for her, but now that Lydia is here, I am going to do the same thing.)

On to my post…

Yesterday was Lydia’s one week birthday.  Happy birthday, Baby Girl!

My Sweet Girl, most of your first week was spent sleeping, eating, pooping and then sleeping some more.  You pretty much slept all day long, every day.  Nights were a little bit more hit or miss.  For some reason several nights you objected to sleeping between the hours of 1:00 and 4:00am.  Your father and I are a bit mystified by this, but are hoping that we can help you develop a more awake during the day/asleep at night kind of schedule soon.

Other than making a massive number of dirty diapers (I’d forgotten how many diapers newborns go through!) your biggest accomplishments were: 1) getting back to your birth weight plus two ounces in only five days, 2) losing your umbilical cord and 3) fitting in so well with our family that we already are having a hard time remembering what life was like before you got here.

Welcome to the family, Baby Lydia!  We’re so glad you’ve arrived!

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