Playing Dress-up

Today I decided that since Alethea is starting to grow out of some of her smaller 3-6 month clothes, I would go through her stack of 6-9 month stuff to see if she is big enough to wear any of it.  And here’s what I don’t get…

Alethea is still a size newborn (yes, she weighs almost 15 pounds) in Gerber pants, but the 6 month Circo shorts were already too small (oops! should have pulled them out sooner.)

Despite the fact that she can still wear the Gerber newborn pants, she’s in a Gerber 6-9 month Onesie.

And, to top it all off (no pun intended), the 6 month Circo Onesie-style shirt that came with the too small shorts is huge on Alethea.

Does my child have weird proportions or do baby clothing manufacturers just throw darts at a dartboard to determine what size label to put on their garments?

3 thoughts on “Playing Dress-up

  1. We’ve found the same thing with Natalie when she was younger. The onesies always fit her or were a little big for the size they said, but the pants/shorts were always small for her!

  2. Obviously there is no industry standard – even within the same company. You may be right about the dart method of choosing – it would be more fun that way.

    Women’s clothing has suffered from size inflation (deflation?). When I was a teen, I never saw a size 0, 1, 2, etc. I think pants started at about size 5. Somewhere along the line, the clothing industry must have decided that since most women don’t like moving up sizes in clothing, they would change the sizes. In spite of the fact that I have gained several pounds over the years, I wear pretty much the same size pants.

  3. My boys all stayed right on track with the size thing. Occasionally there would be a piece of clothing that I would need to “switch bins” with. For example, a “small” 6-9 month I would put away in the 3-6 month bin so the next kid would be able to wear it.

    But it didn’t seem to happen that often. Of course, my boys were all (and still are) on the samller side.

    Just pull out your sharpie and resize everything Alethea style!

    I can wear a smaller sized pant than in jr. high too, but I think it has something to do (for me) with the low rise style vs. up past my belly button :)

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