It don’t mean a thing…

I read something funny the other day.  It said that until you become a new parent, you don’t realize what a full night’s sleep means to you and that most new parents, if given the choice between one good night’s sleep and world peace would probably choose the night of sleep.  I know I would.

We’ve had a bit of a rough week here.  Yesterday I was desperately trying to get Alethea to take a nap in her crib.  After she only slept for half an hour and then refused to go back down, I called a friend in tears and explained that the only way Alethea would sleep is in her swing and I can’t get her to sleep in her crib and I don’t know why.  After listening to me vent she very calmly said to me, “Elise, if Alethea sleeps better in the swing and your day is easier if she sleeps in the swing, why don’t you just put her in her swing?”

Well, I feel like a cop-out parent, but Alethea is now sleeping in her swing and last night she slept for 12 hours and only woke up twice and today has been easier.

I just hope that I don’t have to buy her a hammock when she gets bigger.

3 thoughts on “It don’t mean a thing…

  1. They develop opinions very early it would seems. Ours did. Sometimes you have to just roll with it.

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