Lotsa Links

Some links for your Monday…

I’ve been a little out of it lately. Not sure if it’s the weather, but something just seems off, so I loved these tips on how to beat the doldrums.

I think I might try having Alethea and Lydia help me make a couple of these.

This little girl tells me that she wants a little brother because, “We need more boys in our house.”

Being able to have quality one-on-one time is something I’ve been thinking about a lot as Peter and I go back and forth on whether we will try to have more children.

Thought this was an insightful post about using social media.

I’ve sponsored a child through Compassion International for many years now and I’d love to take trip to visit our little girl in Africa someday.  One of my favorite bloggers came back from her sponsor trip and made this simple, but so meaningful piece of art.

Happy Monday everyone!

4 thoughts on “Lotsa Links

  1. I found Facebook to be highly entertaining, and Twitter even more so. The author is right, though – social media is for the most part a time-filler for when there isn’t anything interesting going on in your own life. Facebook, in particular, feels sort of like watching a reality show where you and your friends/relatives are the subjects. It’s “real” insofar as the instant stream-of-consciousness nature of it does give you a window into people’s lives. But at the same time, it’s very much all contrived and edited. I gave it up because of the former much more than the latter – I found myself thinking less of the people I was “friends” with because of what they posted on FB and how it came across. And how dissimilar it often was to how they are in real life.

    • Interesting… I don’t have FB mainly because I think it would be highly addictive for me and be a major time suck, and it’s not like I need another one of those in my life right now. After all, I’ve got PINTEREST!

  2. Nice links! N and I try to give the kids 1:1 time, but we constantly fail at it. Wanna know why? Because they don’t want it! If we try to line something up with one of them, that child keeps asking why so and so sibling can’t come too.

    We kind of feel like, “aren’t we good enough- why do you always need a sibling?” and they are like, “where are my siblings?!!?”


    I expect this to change over the next couple years, and that at some point they will want 1:1 time. It is just not now, I guess. Weird dynamic. I guess I do spend time with each one of them doing schoolwork, working on awana verses, playing catch etc…maybe that is just enough for them.

    I have a feeling that B’re will be more demanding of my time as she gets older…

    • That’s so funny! Yeah, Alethea and Lydia do really enjoy each other’s company, but at this point they still seem to both really love it when they get to do something with just mom (as long as the other sibling isn’t doing something ‘better’ with just dad!) The other day I look just Lydia grocery shopping with me and she sat in the back of the car saying in a pleased voice, “Mommy and Lydia. Just Lydia. Alethea stayed home…”

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