Lotsa Links

Some links for a cold and snowy Friday…

The Winter Games: Exposing the Real Issues in Sochi

Stunning Photos of what a Single Snowflake Really Looks Like

What several billion (trillion?) snowflakes look like when they land in my front yard… *sigh*

DSC_8222Speaking of the Olympics: Here are 40 Maps that Will Help You Make Sense of the World (Is it okay that I actually laughed when I saw some of these?)

This has nothing to do with the cold, but I thought it was incredibly moving: She Yelled and Called Me Names

Happy Friday all!

Lotsa Links

Some links for your Monday…

If you only click on one of these, make it this one.

What every mom needs to hear today (and what I need to remind myself of every day!)

This may or may not happen at our house whenever we contemplate going out to eat.

Anyone in the mood for a corn dog?

An interesting way to think about the world population.

If you are a Pinterest addict like me, you might appreciate this.

Happy Monday!

Lotsa Links

Some links for your Monday…

I’ve been a little out of it lately. Not sure if it’s the weather, but something just seems off, so I loved these tips on how to beat the doldrums.

I think I might try having Alethea and Lydia help me make a couple of these.

This little girl tells me that she wants a little brother because, “We need more boys in our house.”

Being able to have quality one-on-one time is something I’ve been thinking about a lot as Peter and I go back and forth on whether we will try to have more children.

Thought this was an insightful post about using social media.

I’ve sponsored a child through Compassion International for many years now and I’d love to take trip to visit our little girl in Africa someday.  One of my favorite bloggers came back from her sponsor trip and made this simple, but so meaningful piece of art.

Happy Monday everyone!

Lotsa Links

I know I don’t usually include many external links in my posts, but I’ve been realizing recently that some of my favorite bloggers do regular link posts and I really appreciate the introduction to material I might not find on my own.  That said, feel free to ignore this post if you’re so inclined…

This list reminds me so much of someone who lives in my house.

I think I’d rather eat worms than touch this ‘salad’.  (Read the ingredients list!)

I always thought I was just old fashioned.  This says I’m just plain wrong.

2 Ingredient Healthy Pancakes were a hit again at lunch today.

Stuff like this makes me so unbelievably frustrated.

I’ll be back tomorrow with the second installment of Tips And Tricks Tuesdays.

Happy Monday, Y’all!