Now Introducing… The Kitchen Sink

As you may recall, we gave the girls an under-the-basement-stairs playroom for Christmas, and they loved it. And I promised that I would post pictures of it. And I never did.

Sorry about that.

The main reason I never got the photos taken and posted was because the room wasn’t done. My dad was building a toy sink for it and the extreme perfectionist in me hated to take pictures of an incomplete sink-less play kitchen.

But then yesterday at Grandma and Grandpa’s house… what is that hiding beneath a blanket?

It’s the finished sink!

Why, yes, it does have a stainless steel bowl sink (or stainless steel bowl, turned into a sink, if you’d rather) complete with matching stainless drain stopper (it doesn’t actually come out, but it IS water-tight).  I’ll give you all one guess as to which parent I got my perfectionistic tendencies from…

My dad machined out all the pieces for the handles and the faucet. Lydia checked to make sure that Grandpa made it so the knobs actually turn (which naturally, they do…)

Alethea’s first order of business was to have Little Baby Doll wash her hands. Her second order of business was to get out the toy food and a washcloth and start playing kitchen.

And then came my favorite part, which was to take it home, put it in the playroom and take pictures of it. Although I am a little sad that we got four-inch solid oak butcher block counters in our house, and they somehow ended up in the playroom, and not in our real kitchen.

In honor of the momentous occasion, I pulled out two sink related accessories that I’d stashed away: an empty dish-soap bottle and a little yellow dish cloth that Great Grandmother Ruth knitted just for girls.

Alethea came in, saw the new set-up and got right to work scrubbing dishes.

Thanks Dad for making such a special toy for the girls! We all love it!

Now we just have to get the door to the oven reattached (it broke off when it got sat on)  and THEN I’ll (probably) take pictures of the completely finished room. Although I do have a fantastic idea I found on Pinterest for a fabric-covered magnet board that I’m itching to try. So maybe that will have to happen too. But eventually… someday… the room will be done. I think.

But until then, at least we have sparkly clean dishes.

4 thoughts on “Now Introducing… The Kitchen Sink

    • Lydia’s hair is a fairly recent development. I’m glad you like it since I cut it myself. Whew! I think she’s had that cut for 4-6 weeks now. But looking back it appears that Lydia is wearing a hat in all the pictures I’ve posted recently, so that’s why you haven’t seen it sooner.

    • Thanks, Jenny! Yeah, I would have loved to have had a little hide away playroom when I was younger too. For a while we had a giant appliance box in our basement and that was cool because we got to draw on it with markers. Sadly no markers are allowed in our playroom currently, but it should last longer than a cardboard box, so that’s something.

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