Caleb John: Weeks 2 and 3

Today Caleb turned three weeks old. Happy three weeks, Caleb!

Since I didn’t get around to posting last Wednesday, this update is covering weeks two and three of our little guy’s first month.

Caleb 2 WeeksOverall, these last two weeks have gone well. Caleb continues to sleep well and is becoming less fussy about routine daily occurrences like diaper changes and getting dressed. He rarely cries over those things anymore unless he’s impatient to begin his next meal. He can sometimes even get himself to sleep without needing to be soothed.

Caleb 3 WeeksThe only down side has been that he’s been spitting more and more as the days go by. He definitely has some degree of reflux. It seems to help quite a bit if I don’t eat things with garlic, onion and peppers in them, but even then he often cries and spits up after meals. I’m trying to decide if I need to do an elimination diet to find out if he’ll benefit from me cutting out other foods. Alethea definitely did better when I went off of dairy, so that may be something I should try eliminating. Just trying to work up the resolve to do it.

DSC_1614On the social front, he’s definitely been becoming more alert during his awake periods. He’s smiled at people a few times, although still not with any regularity. He doesn’t show many signs of recognizing Peter, Alethea or Lydia yet. He does know who feeds him though. The other night Peter was holding him and sitting next to me on the couch. Caleb, with his mouth wide open, kept throwing himself over to the side, trying to land in my lap. It was pretty hilarious!

The beginning of week two was when Caleb lost his umbilical cord and had his first at-home full-body bath. Getting into the water seemed to surprise him at first, but then he relaxed. In the end, I’d say he really loved it… all except the getting out part. But I can’t blame him, it’s not fun being cold and wet.

DSC_1544In general we’re continuing to do well in adjusting to our new daily schedule. It helps that Caleb is moving toward eating every two and a half to three hours instead of every two like during week one. That’s given me just a bit more time to do things with the girls and get things done around the house. And Caleb seems to find being outside very soothing, which is good, since it’s summer and that’s where the girls and I often want to be.

Caleb testI think that’s all the Caleb news for this week. I am looking forward to his one-month check up to find out how much he’s grown, although it seems impossible that he’s already going to be a whole month old next week. How in the world did that happen?

4 thoughts on “Caleb John: Weeks 2 and 3

  1. Elise, the pictures are priceless. And you are an outstanding mom. New baby, two small girls, house keeper and wife. In my book you are an inspiration for all moms. You are truly bless. By the best.

    • Awww, thanks, Pearl! But you’ll notice I haven’t been posting pictures of my house lately. What a mess! But I am blessed. So grateful for my babies, even if they do leave a trail of destruction behind them.

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