My Subconscious Speaks

So I think I’m subconsciously dreading Alethea’s next milestone.  How do I know?  Well, the other night I was dreaming that it was morning and I heard Alethea waking up, so I went in to get her out of her crib.  She looked up at me and smiled, just like she always does, only as she grinned up at me I saw that she had 6 or 7 teeth.  The teeth were all in random spots in her mouth, so it was a pretty gappy grin and some of them were even sticking out at odd angles!  I was quite horrified!  My beautiful baby girl has a smile like an member of the NHL!

Well, I’m glad it turned out to just be a dream, although when I woke up and thought about it, I realized that it might be nice if Alethea just suddenly grew teeth during the night and we didn’t have to go through days and days of grumpiness to get them.


I’m not sure how to end this post, so I’ll just close with a picture of Alethea’s current (toothless!) grin:

A Perfect Day

Today is one of those days you just want to lay outside in the grass with a good book and a glass of lemonade.  Warm, but not hot, light breeze, sunny… ahhhhhh……

Alethea and I went out in the backyard and laid in the shade of our oak tree.  It took me about 10 minutes to clear the giant acorns off a patch of grass large enough to put the blanket down, but with that accomplished, we had a lovely half hour to revel in the day before it was time for Alethea’s nap.

(Oh and if any of you are wondering about the orange stains on Alethea’s onesie, those are from the peach I was eating while carrying Alethea.  She saw me put it in my mouth and then eagerly leaned over to try it herself.  When I went to detach her from it, she started sobbing.  Funny girl…)

4 Month Update

Today is Alethea’s 4 month birthday.  Happy birthday, Baby!

On Tuesday Alethea had her 4 month well baby check up.  Her current stats are: Height – 24 1/4 inches, Weight – 16 lbs 6 oz, Head Circumference – 42 1/2 cm.  That means she’s still in the 90th percentile for weight, but has slipped to the 75th percentile in head circumference and is all the way down to the 50th percentile in height.  Her pediatrician said, “You might have a short girl.”  And I said, “Have you seen her parents?  I don’t think that was ever in doubt.”

After discussing Alethea’s reflux with her doctor, she was prescribed zantac and we were advised to start her on solid foods.  We also walked away with a second prescription because apparently the white patches on the inside of Alethea’s mouth are thrush (a yeast infection in the mouth).

While we were at the doctor’s office, Alethea got her 4 month immunizations done; two shots, one in each leg.  She looked vaguely surprised at the first, and cried a few half-hearted sobs at the second.  I was so impressed with her and the nurse even commented that she was a tough little girl.  She must get it from her dad because goodness knows that I don’t have a high pain tolerance (a fact to which my older brother can attest).

So poor little Alethea’s systems are completely overwhelmed.  She’s had shots, started two medications and gotten to eat solid foods all in the same week.  Other than being really gassy and waking up a lot last night, she seems to be handling it really well.  She likes the meds.  One is peppermint flavored, the other banana.  I do not give them to her at the same time though (banana peppermint = yuk!).  She has taken to rice cereal like I wouldn’t have thought possible.  Last night was her fourth time eating it and she ate the whole tablespoon that I mixed up for her.

Other recent developments include her no longer being interested in her activity mat where she lays with the toys dangling over her.  We were surprised because the mat was her favorite toy for two months and then one day we laid her down on it and she suddenly wasn’t interested anymore.  “Oh, mom, this is a baby toy.  I don’t want to play with a baby toy.”  Now she likes her exersaucer best.  I suppose it’s because it holds her upright so she can look around and see what’s going on.

On Monday Alethea rolled all the way from her back to her tummy for the first time…. and then seemed to realize “hey, wait, I don’t like being on my tummy!” and promptly rolled back onto her back.

I would say over all this month was easier than her third month, mostly because we are making progress on maintaining a daily routine, which makes life easier for everyone.  Hurray for routines!

A Good Bad Night

Last night Alethea was up 5 times between 3:00am and 7:00am, which makes for a bit of a rough night for me.  However, I was encouraged by a couple of things:

The first good thing is that when I went in at her 3:00am wake up Alethea had managed to roll all the way to the bottom of the crib and get stuck in a corner, so I had to pick her up to reposition her.  Now in the past, if I have to adjust her at all during the night, she gets quite upset with me for picking her up and putting her right back down, but last night, she just whined a little, I gave her the nuk back and she went to sleep within about 20 minutes (down from two and a half hours of whining after repositioning on Saturday night!)

The second encouraging sign is that in two of the five wake ups, she actually went back to sleep without the pacifier in her mouth.  I heard her spit it out, and thought, “O great, I wonder how long we will play the ‘spit out the pacifier and then whine because it’s gone’ game.”  But no, she just talked to herself for a few minutes and then everything was quiet and I just lay there listening for the cry that never came.

I probably shouldn’t get my hopes up, but maybe this means we are making some progress on the journey toward independent sleeping.

Start as You Mean to Go On

So I’ve been reading a book called “The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems” and while I have to admit the title is pretty cheesy and yes, does make me think of the show “The Dog Whisperer” on the National Geographic Channel (which by the way, I love to watch, even though we don’t have a dog.  But I digress…) it turns out, it’s not a bad book.  The Baby Whisperer seems to be something of a middle road between Attachment Parenting (let the kids sleep in your bed and carry them around constantly) and the various Cry it Out methods that are variations on putting your baby in the crib and letting them cry until they learn to fall asleep on their own.  Don’t get me wrong, I know and have heard of parents who swear by one of those methods or the other, and I say if it works for you and your child, that’s great, but neither one particularly fits my parenting temperament.  I am currently working on implementing some of the Baby Whisperer ideas with Alethea and I am hopeful that we are working towards better sleep habits for Alethea.  So far, naps are improving and most of the time (day or night) she is sleeping in her crib, although she still has fairly frequent night wakings.  But like I said, we’re working on it.

I really wish I had read this book sooner… like before Alethea was born would have been good.  The author talks a lot about overstimulation, which would have saved us a lot of frustration if we had realized sooner how touchy some babies (like ours!) can be.  She also emphasizes that you should “start as you mean to go on” since it’s easier on everyone not to try to change the rules in the middle of the game.

So all of this got me thinking, I wonder, what books I should be reading now to prepare for Alethea’s toddlerhood?  If we’re going to start as we mean to go on with potty training, discipline and the like, we’d better have some idea of how we want to go on before we start!

This is where all the parents out there get to chime in, what book (or books) have you relied on while raising your toddler?  Or perhaps you have some toddler raising advice you didn’t find in a book.  What is a practice that you recommend beginning right away in order to “start as you mean to go on”?  What bad habits did you avoid (or have to break!) when raising your toddler?  Please let me know all your best toddler raising secrets!

2 Weeks and Still Dairy Free

Today marks the 2 week anniversary of my going off dairy.  It seems to have significantly helped Alethea with her gassiness and I thought it was helping with the reflux, but then yesterday was a bad spit-up day again.  However, yesterday she also had a long bought of crying which always seems to make the reflux worse, so it’s hard to determine the exact cause and effect relationship with so many variables in play.

Yesterday she also refused a feeding for the first time in a while, so when we take Alethea for her 4 month well-baby check up next Tuesday morning, we will be talking to her pediatrician about further steps we can take to manage her reflux including the possibility of medication.  Peter and I talked about it and decided that if her pediatrician is willing to prescribe the meds, we’ll definitely take them and we may even push a little bit in that direction.

One thing I think we’ll try in any case is putting Alethea on solid foods, which apparently can help reflux since it makes the stomach contents a little less sloshy.  She seems anxious to try eating anyway since she will follow the motion of food to my mouth with wide eyes any time I eat in front of her.  We’ve also let her taste a couple things and she seemed to like them all, including the pickle.  The carrot stick did confuse her a bit, I think.  She tried to suck on it like a nipple, but of course nothing came out and then she just kind of looked at me as if to say “What gives?”

As far as the dairy free goes, I think I’m going to stick with it for now, since at the very least it seems to have improved her gas.

On a totally unrelated note, I was looking through pictures of Alethea’s first 3 months of life and found this one from her second week that I really like.  Enjoy!

My Little Pianist

The other day I was playing the piano and Alethea was on the floor.  She seemed interested in the piano, but frustrated that she couldn’t get a better look, so I put her on top of the piano and she loved it!  It made for a cute photo-op too.

Some Soy Cheese with that Whine?

We’re nearing the end of week one of the dairy-free experiment.  So far not eating dairy hasn’t been as hard as I thought it might be as long as I stay at home.  Eating out provides a lot more temptation, but while eating at home I’ve got my “Almond Breeze Smooth and Creamy Non-dairy Beverage” in chocolate, which makes a pretty amazing hot chocolate.  Sort of like coffee-shop hot chocolate with a shot of almond syrup.  Yum!  Also the coconut milk frozen dessert is pretty addicting.

The big question everyone keeps asking me, “Is it working?”  Honestly, I’m not sure.  It kind of seems like Alethea is sleeping a little better on her back than she was before, but it’s a little hard to quantify.  She still seems pretty gassy.  However, she has gone from having burps and farts that any teenage boy could be proud of, to gassy sounds that are a little more in proportion to the size of her little body.  (And having revealed that, someday when Alethea can read, I will have to delete this post.)

Other than a reduction in gas, Alethea’s biggest accomplishments this past week were that she can now sit up by herself for 6 or 7 seconds without falling over.  She has also been exploring her vocal range, so now in addition to cooing, she has a variety of high-pitched screechy/whiny sounds.  I’m not really sure if or how to react to the whining, since it’s not really clear to me if this is just a “learning to use her voice” phase that she’ll grow out of or whether it could be the beginning of a “making annoying sounds to get her way” habit.  How do you tell the difference?

The Cow Says Moo No Mo’

Today officially marks the first day of my two-week dairy-free experiment.  Peter and I have been noticing that any time I have a particularly large dairy intake (like a Brownie Batter Blizzard for example) Alethea gets pretty gassy and fussy.  I was reading online that dairy proteins are particularly hard for babies to digest and that for babies with reflux, it is often recommended that they try soy based formulas rather than ones with a cows milk base.  We’ve put this all together and decided that I will attempt to eat dairy-free and see if that helps Alethea with her gas and/or reflux.

I was reluctant to try a dairy-free diet simply because dairy is my all time favorite food group (yes, I know technically it’s only part of the protein food group, but as far as I’m concerned, it’s about the only thing worth eating in that group).  In fact, of my top 5 favorite things to eat, three of them are pretty much straight dairy and two of them often contain dairy:
1) Chocolate
2) Ice Cream
3) Milk
4) Cookies
5) Cheese

(I’m apparently a heart attack waiting to happen…. but that’s a post for another day.)

Today a very wonderful friend (who shall remain anonymous since I didn’t ask her if I could talk about her in my blog) took me shopping for non-dairy substitutes.  This friend eats dairy-free and took me to her favorite health food store to show me the ropes.  I came away with coconut milk, almond milk (in chocolate and vanilla), soy yogurt, coconut milk frozen non-dairy dessert, and a dairy free dark chocolate bar.

So far I have to give a so-so rating to the “So Delicious Original Coconut Milk Beverage” although since it has a fairly bland taste, it may be good for a substitute for milk when cooking.  The “Luna and Larry’s Coconut Bliss Non-dairy Frozen Dessert” in “Cherry Amaretto” gets two thumbs up.  I’m not sure it’s quite “Rapturously Creamy” as the label states, but definitely worth eating.  And the last thing I tried today, the “Green and Black’s Organic Dark Chocolate with Whole Cherries for a Bittersweet Flavor Delight” is so good that it would be gone right now if I weren’t afraid of gaining back the two pounds I lost last week.

I’ll keep you posted on how the experiment goes and in the mean time if you have any favorite non-dairy foods or recipes, I would love to hear about them.  I need all the food options I can get!