Today is Alethea’s 4 month birthday. Happy birthday, Baby!
On Tuesday Alethea had her 4 month well baby check up. Her current stats are: Height – 24 1/4 inches, Weight – 16 lbs 6 oz, Head Circumference – 42 1/2 cm. That means she’s still in the 90th percentile for weight, but has slipped to the 75th percentile in head circumference and is all the way down to the 50th percentile in height. Her pediatrician said, “You might have a short girl.” And I said, “Have you seen her parents? I don’t think that was ever in doubt.”
After discussing Alethea’s reflux with her doctor, she was prescribed zantac and we were advised to start her on solid foods. We also walked away with a second prescription because apparently the white patches on the inside of Alethea’s mouth are thrush (a yeast infection in the mouth).
While we were at the doctor’s office, Alethea got her 4 month immunizations done; two shots, one in each leg. She looked vaguely surprised at the first, and cried a few half-hearted sobs at the second. I was so impressed with her and the nurse even commented that she was a tough little girl. She must get it from her dad because goodness knows that I don’t have a high pain tolerance (a fact to which my older brother can attest).
So poor little Alethea’s systems are completely overwhelmed. She’s had shots, started two medications and gotten to eat solid foods all in the same week. Other than being really gassy and waking up a lot last night, she seems to be handling it really well. She likes the meds. One is peppermint flavored, the other banana. I do not give them to her at the same time though (banana peppermint = yuk!). She has taken to rice cereal like I wouldn’t have thought possible. Last night was her fourth time eating it and she ate the whole tablespoon that I mixed up for her.
Other recent developments include her no longer being interested in her activity mat where she lays with the toys dangling over her. We were surprised because the mat was her favorite toy for two months and then one day we laid her down on it and she suddenly wasn’t interested anymore. “Oh, mom, this is a baby toy. I don’t want to play with a baby toy.” Now she likes her exersaucer best. I suppose it’s because it holds her upright so she can look around and see what’s going on.
On Monday Alethea rolled all the way from her back to her tummy for the first time…. and then seemed to realize “hey, wait, I don’t like being on my tummy!” and promptly rolled back onto her back.
I would say over all this month was easier than her third month, mostly because we are making progress on maintaining a daily routine, which makes life easier for everyone. Hurray for routines!