Growth Spurt

We went to the doctor’s office today to get Alethea’s flu shots.  I asked them to weigh her since we were there anyway, and it turns out she now weighs (with clothes on) 19 lbs 15 oz.  That means she’s gained more than a pound in the last month!

No wonder it seems like her 9 month clothes are getting tight and short all of the sudden.  When we got home I pulled out all of her 12 month stuff from the closet, tore the tags off and threw it in the laundry.  I had forgotten how cute some of her size 1 year outfits look.  We’re going to have a snazzily dressed kid for the next few months.  Look out world!

Seven Month Update

Yesterday was Alethea’s seven month birthday.  Happy Birthday, Baby!

During this month she has made huge strides in her mobility.  Using a combination of turning, rolling and belly flopping forward she can pretty much get where she wants to go, although it can take her a while to cover any sort of distance.  While she isn’t yet doing an actual hands and knees type of crawling, it doesn’t seem like it will be long before she is moving with more speed, thus expanding her striking distance.

We also discovered this month that if you stand Alethea up next to a chair or something else to hang on to, she can stand for several minutes using only her hands to keep her up.  The cutest part is when she gets this determined look on her face and picks up her hands for a second to do a free stand.  Her whole body shakes from head to toe as she fights for balance.  It’s like she’s pushing herself to see what she can actually do.  We may have a dare devil on our hands.

As far as eating and sleeping goes, we are sort of at a stand still.  Alethea continues to try new foods and seems to like them pretty well at first, but then her interest seems to wan and she won’t eat more than a few bites of anything before she refuses to eat any more.  She just seems very bored with the whole pureed foods category, but I’m not sure that’s she’s ready for anything too much thicker, so I haven’t figured out what we’re going to do.

Sleeping was getting better in the middle of the month.  Alethea was doing a 4-5 hour stretch there every night for about a week.  But then things fell apart again and now she is back to her “3 hour max” routine, which is a bit disappointing, but at least it shows that she’s capable of repeatedly doing more than 3 hours under the right conditions.

The other good news is that I have eaten dairy a few times this month and Alethea seems to be handling it much better than she ever has.  She was still pretty gassy and uncomfortable, but it wasn’t the total disaster that it has been in the past.  Given that it still makes her cranky, I plan to continue eating dairy free for the time being, but I’m hopeful that my long sojourn through the desert of no milk is at last coming to an end.

Oh, and I should report that Alethea now has her two front bottom teeth, a little more hair than she used to and yes, her eyes are still blue!

I think that about covers it for this month.  I’m now looking forward to December and snow and Baby’s First Christmas.  I think month eight is going to be a good one.

Rub a Dub Dub

We now trust Alethea’s sitting up skills enough to let her try them in the bathtub under close supervision.  She enjoys this new bath time perspective as well as the addition of her rubber ducky.

She does not, however, enjoy getting out of the bathtub:


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This is Alethea’s post.  She wrote it herself.  Don’t ask me how to get Greek characters to show up on the computer.  I don’t know, but she does apparently.  Peter thinks maybe she was trying to write her name.  We have an advanced child.

Why was I letting Alethea practice her typing skills?  Well, see, Alethea and I were laying on the floor.  She was playing, I was typing a different post when suddenly Alethea realized that if she gets up on her hands and knees and then flops forward enough times in succession she can make forward progress and thus make her way across the living room to reach a computer.  I’ve never seen her do that move that many times in a row, and it’s not terribly efficient, but it gets the job done.  I felt I ought to reward such a noble effort, thus the typing lesson.  Hope you enjoyed reading her first essay!

I am the Lord of the Dance

So I’ve been taking this clogging class at a local dance studio.  It’s a great work out and really a lot of fun.  As an added bonus I’ve lost 2 more pounds since the class started which means I’m now 6 pounds lighter than my pre-Alethea weight and only 2 pounds away from my wedding weight.  Fantastic!

Probably the best part of the class though has been coming home and practicing my dance moves for Alethea.  Boy, does she ever think it’s amusing!   As I clog my way around the kitchen while making her lunch, she just sits in her high chair and giggles at me.  “Look at Mommy!  Why in the world is she bouncing up and down like that?!  So funny!”  Well, I can’t really blame her, I’m sure I do look quite odd (especially when I throw some ‘jazz hands’ into the mix just for the fun of it) but I’m having a good time, so let the clogging continue!

You Know You’re Really A Parent When…

* You can’t seem to recall what in the world you did with all the free time you’re certain you used to have before you had a kid to look after

* You vaguely remember a time when 10:00pm didn’t feel like staying up late, but you’re not sure if that was really you or just a dream you had one night

* You find yourself wondering whether the green substance crusted to your baby’s nose is boogers or pureed green beans and then realize it doesn’t really matter anyway

Feel free to add your own “You Know You’re Really a Parent When”s in the comments section of this post!

It Looks Clean Until…

So when we were in Philly a few weeks ago, I realized that we only had pictures of our house when it was empty and we haven’t taken any photos of the improvements done along the way.  So yesterday I thought, “I’m going to take pictures of every room to show what we’ve done.”  It sounded simple enough, so I started with the living room.  I cleared out Alethea’s toys and started taking pictures, but it still seemed kind of messy, so I dusted.  Still not good, so then I straightened up a bit more.  Better, until I noticed the clutter on the kitchen counters in the background.  Yikes!  That had to go…

An hour later I was exhausted, had some good pictures of the very clean living room, but had not gotten to any other room in the house.  *Sigh*

I have concluded that if you’re ever wondering just how clean your house is, one way to tell is to take pictures that you plan to post on the internet and see if you like what you see.  It was a rather frightening experience for me, but I guess in the end, it got results.

Living Room Before:

Living Room After:


Found Alethea attempting to chew her stuffed horse’s tail off this morning.  Tooth #1 is on it’s way.  Bottom row, just left of center.    Mood has been decent, but sleep sub-par.

And so it begins…

New Food Checklist

I’m trying to introduce Alethea to a new food every 4-7 days or so.  This morning it was carrots.  Here’s the run down:

Baby Food Thickness Rating: STAGE 1

Taste, Texture & Color: GOOD

Alethea’s Enjoyment Level: MODERATE

The Gas Causing Factor: TBD

Messiness Meter: Well, you be the judge –