Pictures, Pictures, Pictures

Tonight I got out the camera to take a few pictures.  First order of business, get a shot of the girls together.  I got two photos.

Number one:

Number two:

While it would have been nice to get a sweet photo of them all happy and snuggled together on the couch, I’m actually a big fan of shot number two… it makes me laugh.  It looks like someone is threatening to throw things at them or something, doesn’t it?

I did get a super sweet three-weeks picture of Lydia:

While it’s hard to get Alethea to hold still for a posed picture, I do occasionally get a good candid shot, like this one of her doing a puzzle:

But my favorite photo of the evening, has to be this one:

Isn’t she the sweetest?!?!

Vanilla Ice

This is Vanilla Ice, singer of the 1980s hit song “Ice, Ice, Baby.”

Not the sort of person you expect to have his own show on the Home and Garden channel, but wonders never do cease.

I just wanted to mention the background to this story so that you won’t be shocked when I tell you that Alethea recently learned to sing the line “Ice, Ice, Baby” after seeing previews for the show on HGTV.

It’s a lot cuter when Alethea sings it than when Vanilla Ice does, but I don’t think she gets what ice and babies have to do with each other.  (Not that I really do either, but that’s beside the point.)

The point is, today she was supposed to be taking a nap, but instead she was sitting in her crib singing to herself.  Once, when I was walking past her door, I heard her little voice and I paused to hear exactly what she was saying.

Wouldn’t you know it, she’d changed the lyrics and was enthusiastically rapping… “Ice, Ice, Lydia!”

Splish Splash

A couple days ago I gave Lydia her first (outside the hospital) in the bathtub bath.  Alethea enjoyed helping by handing me the wash cloth and shampoo as they were requested.  After the bath was over, I was so anxious to get Lydia dry, dressed and warm that I neglected to shut the bathroom door.  Of course, Alethea seized the moment for a little bathroom exploration, so when I was done tending to Lydia, I was greeting with this sight:

Thus, Lydia’s ‘first bath’ milestone was also my first ‘toilet paper off the roll’ milestone of motherhood.  Alethea was even so kind as to tear some of it up into little bits, just to make the moment unforgettable!

She must really have felt bad about it though, because she even sat still and let me take her picture afterward:

Thank you, my sweet Alethea, for making Lydia’s first bath one to remember!

Twenty-one Month Update

Today is Alethea’s twenty-one month birthday.  Happy birthday, Baby Girl!

This month was one of big transition for Alethea because this month, she became a big sister, and of course, she is very good at it.  She loves to rock Lydia when the later is sitting in her car seat carrier and if Lydia ever cries, Alethea will look over at me and say, “Nuk!” with an expression that says, “Can’t you see this kid needs a nuk?” (Too bad Lydia doesn’t really like nuks all that much, but that seems to be irrelevant in Alethea’s world.)  A few times Alethea has even offered her precious Dee to comfort a screaming Lydia and although Lydia doesn’t notice, I think it is the most heart-warming sight in the world.

Besides working on being an excellent big sister, Alethea has made progress in other areas too.  Her vocabulary continues to expand and she’s been using a lot more two word phrases.  Just today when she was on the phone with Peter she actually told him “Bye, Dad!” at the end of their conversation.  She is getting used to us understanding what she is communicating and will get frustrated when we can’t make out what she is saying.  The other night when we were pulling into the garage Alethea said, “More brooom!”  Since Peter is better at translating what she’s saying, I asked him, “Do you know what she wants more of?”  It took us a minute, but eventually we realized she was asking for more ‘Vrooom!’.  Apparently the car ride was over too soon for her taste.

Alethea does love car rides, and going places and having people over.  She frequently asks to eat dinner in the dining room and I think it’s because she knows that we have company over when we eat in there.  My poor social butterfly has been awfully cooped up with all of the sub-zero temps lately.

Speaking of sub-zero temps, Alethea is also honing her problem solving skills.  Not infrequently she will ask to go outside and swing and when I tell her it is too cold, she will reply, “Coat. Hat. Mittens.”  Then I have to say, “I know you’d be fine, but it’s too cold for Mommy!”

Being constantly cooped up and having her little sister arrive hasn’t made this the easiest month ever, but I’m so proud of how Alethea has embraced the situation and what a loving big sister she is becoming!

Two Kids

I’m finding that having two children means I have more things to blog about and less time to do the blogging.  Other than not having free time anymore, everything here is going well though.  Lydia continues to be an easy baby and generally a good sleeper, only waking up for 2 or 3 feeding a night, so that’s a plus.  Alethea adores her sister and seems to have already forgotten that she ever was an only child.  Thus, our adjustment from one to two seems to be going as well as we possibly could have hoped.

It sounds like Lydia is going to wake up from her morning nap, so my free time is about gone for the moment, but since this is neither a long nor terribly interesting post, I’ll leave you with a cute video of Alethea that my mom took when she was at their house last week.  Alethea Margaret reads a book…


This morning was our big trip to Target Portrait studio for Lydia’s newborn pictures.  I had high hopes leading up to the appointment.  Alethea’s newborn pictures from Target turned out really great.  The photographer used some creative poses and took a ton of pictures and we ended up having so many favorites that we just ordered the photo CD so that we could have them all!  Not so with Lydia’s pictures.  After waiting for half an hour past our appointment time (which is crazy since they open at 10am and we booked the 10:10 time slot), we ended up with a photographer who was clearly in a rush and only took 16 pictures (and that’s if you count the two where she got her hand in the foreground!)

What a bummer to spend all morning getting two kids plus ourselves photo ready and not end up with a decent shot of Lydia and Alethea or any pictures of me and Lydia or Peter and Lydia.  Basically we just ended up with a couple good ones of Lydia, but it seems to me it doesn’t take a lot of skill to get nice pictures of a cute and happy little baby girl when you have a professional studio at your disposal.

Sigh… sorry for venting…

I did ease some of my frustration by coming home and taking a bazillion pictures of Lydia.  Wanna see a couple?

And because this week has been busy, I finally got my 2 Weeks shot:

I’m sorry, Sweet Girl, that there won’t be as many newborn studio pictures around as there are of your sister.  I promise you it’s not because we love you any less.  Blame Target, not Mommy, okay?

Voices in My Head

Today I had big plans to run a bunch of errands while Peter’s mom watched Alethea.  Of course, it took me longer than I had anticipated (it always does!) to get Lydia fed and changed and loaded into the car.  And then once I actually got in the car and started it, I realized the gas gauge was showing I had less than an eighth of a tank of gas.

It was at that point that the internal debate started.  I didn’t really want to stop for gas right away.  I was already behind my planned schedule and making a stop at the neighborhood station was slightly out of my intended route.  Plus I wasn’t sure how warm the car would get before I arrived at the station and I was thinking Lydia might end up sitting in a cold car while I pumped gas, so I was on the verge of just heading down the interstate and seeing how long it took for the gas light to come on.

But then I heard it… a voice in my head saying, “It’s 10 degrees outside and you have an infant in the backseat.  Do you really want to risk running out of gas and being stranded on the side of the road?”

Now you might think that it was just my own reasonable side sounding its opinion, but I knew better, I recognized that voice… it was my father talking to me.

Funny thing about that, my father’s voice rarely gives me advice in my head, but it seems like every time it does, it’s somehow related to being prepared in a potentially dangerous situation.  I’m not sure what that says about the psychology of my relationship with my father, but I suppose someday when my car breaks down as I attempt to cross a barren tundra, I’ll be able to turn to my children and say, “You know those emergency freeze-dried rations you are eating, you can thank your grandfather for those.”

Goodbye Old Friend

Flashback to 2003…

I had a pet blue Beta fish named Smurf.

He looked a bit like this:

He died in March.  It was sad, but he passed on Easter weekend and lived a good long life, well, for a fish anyway.

I thought I should give him a proper burial, but the ground was still frozen, so I put him in a plastic bag in my parents deep freezer to await a spring thaw.

My mom called today.

She was cleaning out their freezer.

She found Smurf.

The ground is frozen.  He’s not getting a burial.

I thought the least I could do was give him a blog post.

Goodbye old friend.  You were a good fish.  I’m sorry you spent seven years in my parents freezer.

May you rest in peace.

One Week (Plus a Day)

(Disclaimer: I totally stole the following picture idea from my friend Keity.  Every month she takes a photo of her daughter with the same stuffed animal so that they can see how much her baby has grown.  Unfortunately, her daughter is younger than Alethea, so I didn’t get to steal this idea for her, but now that Lydia is here, I am going to do the same thing.)

On to my post…

Yesterday was Lydia’s one week birthday.  Happy birthday, Baby Girl!

My Sweet Girl, most of your first week was spent sleeping, eating, pooping and then sleeping some more.  You pretty much slept all day long, every day.  Nights were a little bit more hit or miss.  For some reason several nights you objected to sleeping between the hours of 1:00 and 4:00am.  Your father and I are a bit mystified by this, but are hoping that we can help you develop a more awake during the day/asleep at night kind of schedule soon.

Other than making a massive number of dirty diapers (I’d forgotten how many diapers newborns go through!) your biggest accomplishments were: 1) getting back to your birth weight plus two ounces in only five days, 2) losing your umbilical cord and 3) fitting in so well with our family that we already are having a hard time remembering what life was like before you got here.

Welcome to the family, Baby Lydia!  We’re so glad you’ve arrived!

Good Day, Bad Night

Yesterday was my first day being at home alone with both kids.  I was sort of dreading it, but really it wasn’t bad.  Lydia slept and ate on queue all morning, Alethea was in a good mood and a friend from church came to sit on our couch while Alethea took her nap and I took Lydia to her first appointment with the pediatrician in the afternoon.

The appointment went well.  Turns out Lydia is already two ounces over her birth weight!  That combined with the fact that she has great color, is feeding well and I’m a second time around mom, means we aren’t scheduled to be back at the doctor’s office until her 2 month check-up.  So nice not to have more appointments than necessary!

Going to bed last night, I was pretty pumped.  We had a great day and with Lydia’s sleep track record I was hoping for a decent night’s sleep.  No dice…

I was up from 12:45-5:30am with a child who refused to go to sleep.  She wasn’t too fussy, but she didn’t want to be put down, and she wouldn’t go to sleep for anything.  I finally was so exhausted, I had to put her down, so I went in the basement to keep her from waking up Alethea with the crying that was sure to follow the being put down.  Fortunately, she was so exhausted that the crying was actually short lived (thank goodness she’s not as stubborn as Alethea was at that age!)

This morning I resolved that Lydia must learn to go to sleep on her own, in her bassinet, even if it involves a little crying, but since it’s hard to let her cry even a little bit at night, I thought I’d start with naps.  Wouldn’t you know it, she went down on her own without a peep every single time today and just slept and slept!  But half an hour after Alethea went to bed, Lydia decided to wake up crying!  Do you think she knows?!?!?!

Not sure what kind of a night we’re in for tonight, so I should probably get to bed while I can.  Say a prayer for me!