Snow on May 1st

The weather here has been so neurotic lately.  It actually snowed on May 1st.  Today it is bright and sunny and 60 something degrees outside with just a light breeze.  Ahhhh….

The girls and I went outside this morning to enjoy the delicious day.

Alethea was thrilled to explore the backyard and push Baby Doll in the swing.

Lydia was content to sit in her carrier and watch the tree branches swaying above her and Alethea running by periodically.

What did I do?  Well, besides being photographer, I also pulled on some thick rubber gloves and did some landscaping clean-up in our back planting bed.  After removing lots of thorny nettles, other weeds, a rather large and scary looking brown beetle and random debris, we went from this:

To this:

All that’s left is a pink Bleeding Heart and six Hostas that I discovered hiding underneath the nettles.  What to do with it next….  hmmm…

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