I Was Going to…

Last Thursday, I was going to write a post about how Alethea picked one of my childhood dresses from her closet when she got dressed in the morning and how she looked so cute in it.

I was also going to mention that her favorite book right now is Bats at the Library and whenever she ‘reads’ another book outloud, she quotes from Bats.  Thus, instead of being about a mother’s undying love for her little one, The Runaway Bunny ends up sounding like this, “We’ve feasted, fluttered, swooped and soared, and yet we’re still a little bored.”

It was going to be a very amusing post.  I’m sure you would have enjoyed it.

On Friday (and then again on Saturday) I was going to write a post about how I was working on Alethea’s “Year 2” photobook and in the process I rediscovered some photographic gems that never made it onto the blog.  Pics like this one of Alethea at the zoo for example:

And this one of the girls right after Lydia was born:

It was going to be a really fun post and I’m guessing you would have been so inspired by the pictures that you’d have gone out and made a photobook of your own.

Sunday was Father’s Day, so naturally I was going to write a post about Peter, saying how I think he’s the best Dad in the whole world and how the girls and I are so blessed to have him in our lives.

I was thinking that I would also wish a Happy Father’s Day to my Father, Father-in-Law and Grandfather who are all such loving and supportive people.

I have no doubt that it would have been a very touching post.  Most likely you would have been moved to tears while you were reading it.

However, as you know, I wrote none of those posts.  Maybe this week I’ll find the time to be amusing, inspiring and moving.  Or at the very least, maybe I’ll find the time to write a couple posts, even if they are nothing more than random thoughts floating out in cyber space.  We’ll see how it goes.

Lydia’s Five Month Update

So, Lydia’s 5 month birthday was ten days ago.  I’m a little behind with things, but Happy Birthday all the same, Baby Girl!

Rolling over has been the big thing for Lydia this past month.  Once she started rolling, she hasn’t looked back.  When I put her down, the instant her back touches the floor, she gives her leg a kick and over she goes onto her stomach.  Unfortunately she gets pretty frustrated once she gets that far.  She wants so badly to be moving forward, but all she can do at this point is turn in a circle on her tummy and occasionally push herself backwards.  Such a bummer to see things just out of reach and not be able to get them into your mouth!

And she does love putting things in her mouth.  If she can get it in her grasp, it goes into her mouth.  She’s surprisingly fast at it and gets quite upset when you take away something that she wants to eat… like a 5 months sign for example…

We did start solid foods this month, but because she can be so gassy, we’ve sort of started and stopped several times, trying to see if the solids are upsetting her stomach.  However, she’s always up for it when she gets a chance to eat pearsauce.  And if there isn’t pearsauce to be had, she’s also delighted to drink from Mommy’s water glass.  Her whole body shakes in excitement as the glass comes near her mouth.  It’s so funny!

Besides rolling over and chewing on things, this month has included a lot of playing outside, being amused by her big sister, watching Mommy clean the house, and sleeping (as usual) though now in a crib instead of the bassinet.  Lydia continues to be fairly laid back.  She smiles at everyone, but it takes a little more effort to make her laugh.  We’ve noticed that she startles easily.  I’m beginning to think that she is going to be a very analytical person.  She seems to get very focused on things, so much so that when something “new” suddenly happens, it takes her by surprise.

We’re not sure exactly how fast her next milestones are going to come up, but sitting up unsupported is definitely in the near future and I don’t think crawling will be too far behind that, given how much effort she’s making at the moment to get moving.

Whatever happens though, we can’t get enough of our sweet, happy girl and hope she doesn’t grow up too fast, because we are enjoying her just as she is right now.

It’s Official, They’re Sisters

Tonight I tried to squeeze Lydia’s 5 month photo shoot in before bedtime.  It really didn’t go so well.

If it wasn’t Lydia putting the props in her mouth…

It was Alethea wanting to be in the spotlight too…

And it wasn’t even enough to have her picture taken, Alethea insisted on holding the “5 months” sign as well…

Lydia did make a valiant attempt to regain control of the sign…

“E-ya! Stop pushing me!” exclaimed Alethea…

And so it begins…


Busy, Busy

My Week:

1) Two days of excellent learning and networking at a piano teacher’s conference.

2) One crazy day of garage sale prep in which a large portion of our storage room and two shelves in the garage were mostly emptied (woo hoo!)

3) Two long days of selling stuff to strangers, during which I vowed never to have a garage sale again.

4) A very cool answered prayer when I decided I needed to pack up the sale early on Thursday, but had a fussy Lydia with me and no one to help move tables.  Fifteen minutes after I asked God to send someone by to help me, an acquaintance from a few years ago happened along and was very willing to help me pull everything into the garage.

5) One day of cleaning up the garage after the sale.  I’m pretty sure we have less stuff now than we did before the sale started, although since I made the mistake of telling my mother that she was free to bring any of my stuff over that I’d left in my parents’ house, we might not actually be much ahead of where we were.  More sorting/getting rid of stuff will be necessary before Peter can get his car back in the garage.

6) An evening out with one of Peter’s co-workers and his wife, who treated us to a fabulous dinner downtown.  Scallops, calamari, and swordfish.  Mmmmm, I do love swordfish… and since I’m not pregnant I could order it!  (Why are all the best foods the ones you’re not supposed to eat when you’re with child?)

7) Church this morning with a very challenging message about living under the authority of our good King.  It was the best sermon I’ve heard in a while, although as Peter noted, it was rather ironic that the one weekend we decide to stay out late on Saturday would also happen to be the one where our pastor felt led to preach a 40 minute sermon on Sunday morning.  I just hope he didn’t take my yawns personally.

8) A well-deserved afternoon nap today, followed by a trip to Target for much-needed groceries.  Alethea surprised me by spontaneously pointing out that the aisle signs hanging overhead were triangles.  (She also correctly identified them as ‘green’ when asked.)

9) A birthday party for my sister-in-law this evening, followed by bedtime for the girls, followed by me preparing for the beginning of summer piano lessons tomorrow.  I’m really looking forward to applying some of what I learned this week to real life teaching moments.  I feel like I’m becoming a better and better teacher as the years go by, so much so that I think I really ought to track down my first piano students and give them their money back.

10) Finally getting a blog post written, which you are now reading.

Not too much on the schedule for this coming week, so hopefully posts will becoming more plentiful.  At the very least, I will get Lydia’s 5 month pictures taken and write her monthly update.  Stay tuned!

Wanted: Fabulous Business Cards

Today was the second day of a conference for piano teachers that I attended.  As always happens after one of these events, my brain is full of new things to try with my students and a to-do list of ways to improve my studio.

Now I’m not going to lie, I’m usually one of the younger people in the room at these events.  Not sure if people in their 20s aren’t teaching piano lessons or if they just don’t go to conferences, but there is a lot of gray hair to be seen.  That’s why I was really glad to make a new teacher friend today, someone who is about my age, lives not too far away and actually has a 2 year old daughter.  She gave me her business card and asked for mine.  I don’t have cards, but I did make a mental note, “Must look into getting business cards.”

Then low and behold, I visit www.withtwocats.com and what is Lauren giving away this week, free stationery!  Perfect timing!  If I can only win this contest, I’ll get these beauties:

I just love ’em!

Sippy Cheese

Yesterday when Alethea got up she asked to sit on the potty, so I took off her diaper and sent her into the bathroom while I took a second to throw her jammies into the hamper.  When I arrived in the bathroom, I found Alethea holding the purple sippy cup that had been missing for several days.  She was smacking her lips and had a peculiar expression on her face.

“What are you drinking?” I asked her.  “I hope that’s not four day old milk.”

“No, water,” said Alethea.

Now I don’t know how many of you have ever had the opportunity to open a sippy cup full of four day old whole milk, but for those of you who haven’t, let me just tell you about an interesting phenomenon we like to call Sippy Cheese.  (Please note that I did not coin the term sippy cheese, I heard it from my brother, maybe he made it up, I’m not sure, but in any case, I do not take credit for its creation.)

Whole milk, when left to sit unrefrigerated for several days, will slowly separate into a solid white glob, surrounded by a clear water-like liquid.  The white part sort of resembles a soft cheese.  Thus, when we find a forgotten cup in the diaper bag or sitting in a random corner of the house, we always declare, “Uh, oh!  Looks like we’ve got some Sippy Cheese!”

“Please just be water,” I said to the purple cup as I slowly twisted off the lid. “Nope, it’s sippy cheese.  So gross!”

“Gross!” repeated Alethea.

Fortunately though she wasn’t too scarred by the experience.  When I later dumped out the milk in the kitchen sink, Alethea exclaimed, “Sippy Cheese down the drain!” and laughed hysterically for several minutes like it was some kind of joke.

“Sippy Cheese!  Sippy Cheese down the drain!”

“Sippy Cheeeeeese!”

To A Terrific Two-Year-Old

My Dear Alethea,

You’re two years old!  My goodness how time flies.  It seems like only yesterday I held you in my arms for the first time and you just stared at my face as if to say, “Hmmm, you seem familiar, do I know you?”

Well, we’ve gotten to know each other and I’m happy to say that you are a fantastic little girl.  You are smart, talkative and energetic.  You’re always cracking us up with the funny things that come out of your mouth.  You love to tell us about the things you are pretending, which nearly always involve some combination of Dee (your stuffed puppy), Baby Doll, diaper changes, feedings and/or potty chairs.

You’re growing up so quickly and we are excited to see you learning to do things for yourself.  You are currently learning to get dressed and undressed, are very good at putting your toys away and at meal times you climb up into your chair all by yourself.  (You also remind us, “Pray first!” before you start eating!)

Speaking of eating, your favorite foods are: pickles, fruit snacks, chicken nuggets, pizza, strawberries and anything sweet.  I’m afraid you might have gotten your mother’s sweet tooth, my dear.  Sorry!  I hope it doesn’t have anything to do with that 32 oz cherry Slurpee I drank when I was 41 weeks pregnant with you.  I know that must have been quite a sugar rush for your tiny self.

Playing pretend and eating sweets are definitely up there on your list of favorite things to do, but so are having people over and going outside.  Nearly every morning you ask if me someone is coming over that day and if I say no, the second thing you ask is if you can go outside.  Your two grandmothers and Ms. Deb from church are your favorite babysitters and they always tell me what a good time they have playing with you.

Yup, you’re growing up quickly and Miss Independent should definitely be your nickname.  However, just because you like to do things for yourself, that doesn’t mean that you are unwilling to help Lydia out from time to time.  On the contrary, you are always eager to give Lydia her toys, show her what you’re playing with and assist Mommy with diaper changes.  You’re just dying to help feed Lydia pearsauce and you’re not above pushing your sister around in the stroller if she’s left unguarded.

I can’t think of another girl I’d rather have for my first born daughter than you, my Alethea.  You are my sweet sunshine girl.  I love to hear you laugh and sing, which you very frequently do.  You have a definite enthusiasm for life and I am so looking forward to seeing what comes next in the Alethea Margaret story.

All my love,


Eleven Years and Three Days

A few days ago we realized that we didn’t really have any specific plans for this long weekend and after looking at a weather forecast full of rain, we decided that Saturday morning would be a perfect time to visit Sea Life at the Mall of America.  Sort of like going to the zoo, but faster and we knew we wouldn’t get rained on.

Turns out today was gorgeous!  Totally perfect in every way kind of weather.  But stuck to our plan and went to the aquarium anyway.

Alethea liked the eye-level displays:

Alethea liked the eye-level displays

The color-changing LED jellyfish tanks were really cool:

The LED lit jellyfish tanks were really cool

Alethea did put her hand in the “petting zoo” water, but didn’t want to touch the starfish:

Alethea liked putting her hand in the water, but didn't want to touch the starfish

Lydia liked walking through the aquarium tunnels.  She was making lots of noises.  I’m pretty sure she was trying to talk to the fish:

Not sure this guy looks like he’s in the mood for a conversation anyway:

The sea turtle was more friendly looking, but still declined to comment:

After completing our tour of Sea Life, we went to the food court for lunch.  It was then that I realized we were about to go by the very spot where Peter and I first met.  It was the spring of 2000 on that fateful day when we saw each other outside of Golf Mountain, where we were gathering with a group of friends to go mini-golfing.

I told Peter, “I think it must be about eleven years and one month since we met.  Didn’t we go mini-golfing sometime in April?”

“No,” replied Peter, “It was about eleven years and a week ago.”  And then after another second’s thought, “Actually, it was eleven years and three days ago, because it was the Wednesday before Memorial Day that we first met.”

How is it that he can remember that, but I have to put a post-it note on the garage door to get him to take his lunch to work?  Funny boy!

A Lesson in Sharing

Sweet little Lydia, lying in the grass with an umbrella to protect her from the sun.

What’s this?  Alethea wants to be under the umbrella too!

Woosh!  The wind blows the umbrella away. Uh oh!

Naturally, Alethea feels the umbrella will be more secure if she is the one to hold it.
Lydia says, “Hey! I had it first!”

But wait, can it be possible?  Yes, two girls can hold onto the umbrella at the same time!

Now everyone is happy!

Two Quick Funnies

It’s late, I need to go to bed.  I’ve really been dragging lately.

But quickly before I do I thought I’d post a couple of funny things that Alethea said today.

Scene #1: Alethea comes walking out of the laundry room carrying a food stained bib, which she proceeds to put on Baby Doll
I Say: “Alethea, is that a dirty bib?”
She Says: “No, it’s a fresh one!”

Scene #2: Alethea is “helping” put away the spring decorations, which means she’s playing with the Easter basket grass and a bird figurine
I Say: “Alethea, please be careful with Mommy’s bird.  Mommy won’t be happy if you break it.”
She Says: (very seriously) “Keep Mommy happy.”

I guess I’ve got her trained well.