Lydia’s Six Month Update

I can hardly believe it, but Lydia turned half a year old on the fifth of this month!  Happy six month birthday, my Dear Girl!

Wednesday was Lydia’s check-up with the pediatrician.  Turns out she’s been doing some growing!  Her current stats are: Height – 26.5 inches, Weight – 19 lbs 14 oz, Head Circumference – 44 cm.  That means she is in the 74th percentile for height, 97th for weight and 86th for head circumference.  It also means that Lydia is only about 6 inches shorter and 6 pounds lighter than her big sister!  A new car seat is in the not-too-distant future for this girl…

In addition to doing a whole lot of growing Lydia spent her sixth month working on her motor skills.  She is quite the pro at rolling over now and will at times even roll multiple times to reach a particular destination.  She is also perfecting her sitting-up skills and can make it a couple of minutes before toppling over.  Lydia loves the view from way up there!

Sitting up is Lydia’s new favorite thing to do.  She also loves watching her sister do goofy things, ‘talking’ to Mommy and Daddy, and playing in her exersaucer.  Toys are a big hit, as long as she can get them into her mouth.  Really, anything that fits in her mouth is a delight to her including (but not limited to) solid foods, stuffed animals, paper, ice water, nuks and of course, her fist!

We have been wondering if all this chewing on things means she’s teething, but so far, there’s no sign of her pearly whites, so we still have that to look forward to in the coming months.  Also, Lydia still hasn’t gotten up onto her hands and knees, but there is a very determined look in her eye at times, so I think crawling will be happening sooner rather than later.

All in all, I’d say the past month was a resounding success and while Alethea may be living in terror of the day when Lydia can finally get herself over to all those toys she’s been kept from, Peter and I are excited to see Lydia grow in her independence and discover new things in the world around her.

Is My Kid Smart?

Or am I just easily impressed?

We are having ‘alone time’ right now (a.k.a. nap time, but Alethea seems to resent the implication that she might need a nap, so I tell her, “That’s fine, you don’t have to take a nap, but Mommy needs to be alone right now,” hence the ‘alone time’.)

Anyway, the tornado sirens just went off because it is the first Wednesday of the month.

This is what I overheard from Alethea’s room:



then in a perplexed little voice:

“But it’s sunny outside!”

I was surprised at the reasoning skills she must have been using, but I’m her mother, so like I said, I realize that I may just be easily impressed.

Happy 4th of July!

We had a really nice weekend that included going to the beach/sprinkler park on Saturday.

Alethea really enjoyed the sprinkler portion of the morning:

However, after taking two steps onto the sand of the beachfront, Alethea began to cry.  She didn’t like the feel of the sand squishing between her toes.  And getting into the water didn’t improve matters any:

The only way she liked the beach was sitting in her beach chair with her toes safely curled back from the sand:

After a short period of trying to coax her into the water or get her to build a sand castle, we decided to head back up to the sprinklers and try the beach again another day.  Next time we’ll come prepared with a pair of water shoes.

Sunday was a pretty chill day, just church, naps and hanging out.

Today was a visit to the local park in the morning.  After we got home I made Banana Puddin’ (I’ll share the recipe sometime, it’s awesome!) and then after the girls got up from their naps, we formed a mini parade and headed down the street to my brother’s house for dinner:

All the neighbors shooting off fireworks was keeping Alethea up after we got home, so we let her get out of bed and finish off the evening by watching some of the Boston fireworks on TV.  She was mesmerized!

Now it’s off to bed, because Tuesday morning is right around the corner.  Long weekends are fabulous, but sometimes reentry into real life can be a little rough, so I’d better go get my Zs.

Seven Dollar Chicken

Last night Peter and I went on a date!  (Hurray for free babysitting courtesy of Grandma and Grandpa!)

We went out for dinner.  He ordered a shrimp entree, I ordered pasta, but feeling the need for a little protein in my life, I asked them to add chicken breast to the dish.

The food was delicious, the company, even better!

Then the bill came.  “Just out of curiosity,” I asked Peter, “how much did they charge for that chicken?”

Seven dollars!  That’s how much!

“Maybe it was free-range organic chicken,” suggested Peter.

For that price, I’d say my free range little friend had better have been laying golden eggs shortly before she landed on my plate.

So yeah, it does bug me that they overcharged so much for a small breast fillet.  I didn’t ask though, so I guess I have no one to blame but myself.  And really, I was figuring they’d charge four or five dollars, so seven really isn’t that much more, except that I was already rolling my eyes at the imaginary five dollars on the bill in my head…. and seven is certainly even worse.

So here’s the question, when you go into a restaurant and would like to add something to your dish, do you:

a) Not do anything because you know it’ll be way too much in any case

b) Ask the server how much the addition will cost and then make your decision from there based on whether it’s overpriced or WAY overpriced

c) Order it without asking and then whisper “Seven dollars!??!” to your significant other when the bill comes

d) Order it without asking and then not look at the bill because you just. don’t. even. want. to. know.

Help me!  I need a strategy for the next time I’m tempted to order Beanstalk Jack’s magic egg-laying chicken.

Of Poop and Pop Art

I just changed my third poopy diaper of the day.  Peter and I often talk about how nice it will be when our lives don’t revolve around our children’s bowel movements.  Then we we can quit having conversations like this:

“When was the last time Lydia pooped?  I think it might have been two weeks ago.”

“No, I’m pretty sure I changed one earlier this week.”


“Don’t give Alethea any oranges for dinner.  She’s already had one today and her diapers lately have been really gross.”

Truly, there are many joys in parenthood.  This isn’t one of them…

I do however enjoy thinking about what my children might be passionate about when they get older.  As of today, I’m convinced Alethea will be an artist.  Check out the installation she put together overnight:

We call it So Many Hangers, Nothing to Wear

Yup, she’s definitely the next Andy Warhol.

Falling in Love with Etsy

So I’ve known about this website for quite a while now.  It’s sort of like eBay, but the listings aren’t auctions and most people are selling vintage and handmade stuff.  Other bloggers I’ve seen post really cool stuff they find, but I’ve never had much success locating things to my taste when I’ve visited.  There’s just so much stuff and it’s pretty loosely organized.

Anyway, the past few days I’ve made a little more effort to plumb the depths of Etsy’s offerings and what do you know, I can find things that I’d love to spend money on.

Tonight, I give you my floral finds:

This Dahlia Clay Sculpture caught my eye just because of its incredible detail, but what I really love about it is that you can hang it on a wall.  So cool!

How cute would Lydia look in this Newsboy Hat?  Super adorable!

If I could go back and plan my wedding again, I would definitely find a place for these Birch Wood Roses.  Gorgeous!

So I think I’m quickly falling in love with Etsy, which is really unfortunate for our family budget.  Must resist impulse spending!  So hard!

Corn on the Cob

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Alethea may look like Peter, but she is my daughter through and through.

Peter doesn’t like corn on the cob.  He says he never has.  I however have many fond memories of eating Minnesota grown sweet corn all summer long.  Yum!

Alethea is on my side of the debate:

Tonight after quickly polishing off one half-ear, she asked for another.

“Why don’t you eat some of your sandwich?” asked Peter.

“No. More corn on the cob,” was Alethea’s firm reply.

As I buttered another half-ear for her, Alethea called across the table, “Need salt!”

Because of course, the more butter and salt, the better the corn on the cob eating experience.  As a child I’m sure I would have licked my plate free of melted butter ‘n’ salt goodness if only my parents would have let me. I did have a sneaky trick though where I would pretend I was rolling the corn in the butter on my plate, but secretly I was also dragging several fingers through it too.  Then when I would life the ear of corn to my mouth, I’d quickly lick my fingers.  Mmmmm…

Don’t tell Alethea about that though.  I have a feeling this girl will continue to enjoy corn on the cob with or without the extra salt:

An Alethea Update

Today is Alethea’s 26 month birthday.  Happy birthday, my Dear Girl!

Now that she’s turned two, I’m not necessarily planning on doing an update for Alethea every month, but being as she’s been doing so much growing up these past few weeks, I thought I’d better write one before I forget all the cute things she’s said and done lately.

And kids do say the darndest things, right?  Well, mine does, that’s for sure.  Today we ran out of tomatoes and Alethea was quite upset and kept asking for more at lunchtime.  I told her I would buy some at the grocery store tomorrow and then asked if there was anything else she thought I should get.  After a moment’s thought, she said, “Apples.”

“Okay, I replied, “We can definitely get apples.  Anything else we need?”

She nodded and then matter-of-factly said, “Toys.”

I’m not even sure why she wants more toys since she hardly plays with the ones she’s got.  Her favorite pastimes recently include playing with sticks and rocks outside, washing the dishes with Mommy, coloring with her markers and climbing up on anything that might lead her to stuff she’s not supposed to have.  (As a side bonus, her new desire to get into things that should be out of reach has created a greater incentive for me to keep my kitchen counters tidy.)

Another thing that Alethea doesn’t seem to get tired of doing is playing with her baby sister, and let me tell you, Lydia just eats up the attention.  No one can make Lydia laugh as much as Alethea can and it is delightful to hear them cackling away together over something silly that Alethea is doing to entertain her sister.  And while it can be hard at times for me to figure out just what is so funny, there is no doubt that their sweet laughter is infectious and I can’t help but join in.  And even when all Alethea can get for her goofiness is a blank stare from Lydia, Alethea will still turn to me and say, “Ee-ya thinks I’m funny!” at which point I nod, smile and say, “I’m sure she does, honey.”

Of course Alethea’s biggest transition of the past month or so has been the move into her toddler bed.  She seems to be handling it reasonably well.  She’s been up late a few of the nights and did skip her nap on Sunday, but overall, I’ve been impressed with the fact that she hasn’t cried during the night and her room is relatively tidy come morning.  No books or toys have (yet) been destroyed and I can find no evidence of attempts to climb or move furniture.  So over all, I’d say it’s going about as well as we could have hoped all things considered.

We are certainly enjoying this time in Alethea’s development.  She keep us on our toes and does have a stubborn streak (wonder where she gets that from, huh?), but over all, she is a sweet girl who wants to please her Mommy and Daddy.  Her little sister adores her and she generally gets along well with other children.  Watching her grow in her expressiveness and creativity is a process of discovery each day.  What a marvelous adventure!

A Big Girl Bed

Tonight was the big night.  We finally took the plunge and converted Alethea’s crib into a toddler bed.  We also bolted her dresser to the wall and removed her chair and the toy storage cubes to try to prevent her from doing any climbing.

I did my best to prepare her for the change by talking about it all day.  She at one point asked me if she would have Dee in her big girl bed and I assured her that he would be in the bed along with her blankie, nuks and other stuffed animals.

I also bought her a new pretty purple sheet with flowers and butterflies on it and she was very excited to put that on the mattress tonight before bed.

After the bed conversion was complete, Alethea double checked to make sure it still worked for a trampoline…

and then spent several minutes putting all of her comfort items back in the bed…

The end result?  Well, it’s 10:21 and she just finally got quiet.  She seemed to be fine as long as she wasn’t in the bed, but every time she climbed in, she’d start crying.  Poor girl.  I really thought she’d be excited about having the freedom to roam around, but it only seems to be making her feel insecure.

We’ll see how the rest of the night goes.  I have a feeling I may be visiting her room several times.  Mainly though, I just hope she doesn’t fall out.

MORNING UPDATE: Alethea did not cry at all last night, although I did hear her playing at around 3:00am.  When I woke up in the morning, she was standing at the gate in the doorway waiting for someone to let her out of her room, but the room itself was very neat.  She even put her books back on the shelf in a nice stack!

Color Your Summer

Snapfish is currently running their “Color Your Summer” photo contest where you upload a photo each week featuring that week’s color for a chance to win a new computer.  Now I don’t really need (or even particularly want) a new computer, but if you upload seven pictures, you automatically get a free photo book, so I figured I give it a whirl.

Here is my entry for “Blue”:

And of course, I had to go with this classic for “Green”:

I think I’ll submit this one for “Yellow” next week:

Like I said, I have no anticipation of winning anything, but it’s sort of fun to go back through my photo collection hunting for the colors.