Tuesday was Lydia’s three month birthday. Happy birthday, Darling Girl!
This past month will go down in history as the month that Lydia woke up, because not only is she physically awake more than 4 hours a day, she is also so much more alert and interested in what is going on around her. She loves to watch the world passing by, whatever that happens to be. Don’t you dare put her looking over your shoulder to face the back of the chair or a wall unless you want her to tell you with a squawk that the view isn’t suiting her. But put her in your lap or her bouncy seat and she’ll sit content to watch the whirlwind that is her sister tearing by at periodic intervals.
Speaking of her sister, Lydia thinks Alethea is the best. Whenever Alethea stops by to talk to Lydia or show her a toy, Alethea is sure to receive many large smiles for her efforts. Lydia also loves Daddy and is in general pleased with anyone who takes the time to talk to her. However, her favorite person in the world is Mommy. When Lydia is in a truly bad mood (which, granted, doesn’t happen all that often) she just wants her Mama. She doesn’t want Daddy, or a nuk, or a bottle, or to go to bed or to look at toys, she wants Mom and she wants her now. I find this both flattering and frustrating. So nice to be needed, but I am worried this will lead to separation anxiety later on.
Lydia’s accomplishments this month include cooing at Mom and Dad (she seems to really think she’s having a conversation, so cute!), laughing when tickled, admiring herself in the mirror and holding her head up fairly well when on her stomach. Oh, and I forgot, she apparently also learned to read…
There aren’t many things she dislikes, but saline drops in her nose, not being able to see what’s going on and “tummy time” are all sure ways to make her fuss. Also giving her a nuk when she wants to nurse isn’t a good plan. She’ll give you a look so indignant you’ll be positive it couldn’t be coming from a 3 month old, then she’ll spit the nuk out and holler at you.
Things she likes include eating, people smiling and talking to her, the globe mobile over her crib, sucking on her fist, and mirrors. She also continues to enjoy sleeping and generally does a 5 to 6 hour stretch without eating during the night and takes two long naps during the day.
It’s hard to believe Lydia is already a quarter of a year old, but we are so enjoying watching her personality emerge and are looking forward to her next quarter year which we plan to spend playing in the yard and exploring the great outdoors.