Our sweet baby Caleb is four and a half months old already! I know it’s been a while since my last update, so this one covers weeks eleven through nineteen.

Caleb is growing up so quickly. I need to get him in for his four month check up, but his stats from his two month check were quite impressive. His height was 24 inches, weight was 15lbs, 13oz, and his head circumference was 42.5 cm. That means he was in the 64th percentile for height and 92nd for weight. Unfortunately he slipped down to the 98th percentile for head circumference. I think I need to rename my blog.

Despite displaying all the classic signs of teething for 6 weeks now, (aka constant drooling, chewing on his fingers, and not sleeping through the night anymore), he has yet to cut a tooth. I know it’s still early, but I hope they start to come through soon, because this mama would really love to get back to a regular good night’s sleep. His current nighttime schedule is down at 7:30pm, up to eat between 1:00 and 2:00am, another feeding between 4:00 and 6:00am, then up for the day between 7:00 and 8:00am.

Alethea and Lydia continue to dote on their brother. All it takes is a little fussing and they zip right over to meet his every need. The only thing they don’t seem too impressed with is the spitting up and drooling. As Alethea told me when Caleb got up the other day, “I like Caleb’s hands in the morning.” I gave her a puzzled look. “Because they haven’t been chewed on yet!” she exclaimed. Oh right. I see.

Caleb continues to be a very social baby. He doesn’t mind being put down, but someone needs to be within talking range, or he’ll get to fussing pretty quickly. He’s generally not too picky about who is holding him, unless he’s tired, hungry, or sick, and then no one but Mommy will do. Sometimes when I put him to bed and leave the room, he’ll cry until I come back and sit in the chair next to his bed. Then he’ll stop fussing and talk and talk until he’s told me everything he needs to say. And then he very slowly drifts off, periodically opening his eyes and looking in my direction to make sure I haven’t left. Lord help me, I think somehow we’ve managed to produce an extrovert.

Family meals are enjoyed by all. Caleb sits in his high chair and interacts with everyone at the table. However, he is getting pretty jealous of the rest of us eating when he’s not. He watches the food as it travels from a plate to someone’s mouth. Sometimes he even comments, “Mmmmmm,” which I know seems coincidental, but I swear he only does it at meal times. We did let him try some baby food pears. He did well with them, but seemed to know that he wasn’t getting what everyone else was having.

Other milestones from the last eight weeks include Caleb rolling from front to back, rolling from his back to his side (he tries to get all the way over, but can’t quite get past his shoulder), and starting to sit up on his own (though not well enough to be left unattended). We’ve also begun the transition from his Rock ‘N’ Play to his crib. So far we’ve been trying his morning naps in the crib, but his afternoon nap and nighttime still in the Rock ‘N’ Play, and that strategy seems to be going reasonably well.

Between his two or three daily naps and his approximately 12 hour nights, Caleb still spends the majority of his time sleeping. However, when he’s awake, his favorite things to do are watching his globe mobile over his crib, playing in his exersaucer, and going outside. He also laughs and smiles every time he’s getting dressed or taking baths. Any excuse to be naked!
So that’s our Caleb John at 19 weeks: handsome, healthy, and happy! We just love our little boy!