Alethea’s 2.75 Year Update

January 27th marked two and three-quarters years since Alethea arrived in the world.  Happy birthday, my Sweet Girl!

It’s been a while since I wrote an Alethea update.  The last one was actually in June (oops), so needless to say, some things have changed in the past seven months!  Let’s see, where to begin…

One of the things that people notice right away when they meet Alethea is how many words she uses and how clearly she says them.  She’s a super verbal girl.  Having conversations with non-family adults doesn’t intimidate her at all and she also loves to talk on the phone, although it must be admitted that I still have to get on the line after she’s done and ‘translate’ much of the conversation.

Of course she says super funny things on an almost daily basis, but beyond keeping us amused, her verbal skills also come in handy for keeping tabs on Lydia.  You can be quite sure that if Lydia is breaking a rule and Alethea sees her getting into something, that information will be promptly handed on to the adult in charge.  She’s my little informant!

Physically she continues to grow and develop, adding new things to her repertoire on a regular basis.  She walks, runs, jumps, somersaults (with a little help), spins, and climbs with the best of them!  Her favorite thing to do though is still dancing, aka swaying back and forth to music, often with her eyes closed.  She really gets into it!

She continues to love helping around the house and is thrilled any time she discovers something that she can do herself.  Little by little she is mastering the art of getting dressed and can generally get on anything that doesn’t involve snaps, buttons or zippers.  Besides socks that is, she has trouble with socks, but we’re working on it!  In addition to getting dressed her daily tasks include helping pick up her room, fetching things for Lydia and Mommy and brushing her teeth.  We also try to have her participate in other tasks periodically and have found that she enjoys setting the table and shoveling the drive way.

Her very most favorite activity of all time is playing pretend with her stuffed animals, specifically Dee, Lullaby and Clifford.  She spends hours feeding them, changing them, reading to them, taking them for walks in the stroller and even disciplining them on occasion.  Besides organizing her ‘friends’, she also spends time nearly every day reading books, playing the piano and dancing to music.  I also try to get out some sort of craft/activity several times a week.  Playdough and anything with stickers tops her list on that front.  Oh, and she also loves the dollhouse we gave her for Christmas.  I wondered how long it would take for the novelty to wear off, but she plays with it nearly every day, so I’d say it was a good Craigslist purchase.

Other developmental milestones include counting to 20, knowing her basic colors and shapes, recognizing letters and naming their sounds.  Something else that I’ve been working on is her music listening comprehension, things like identifying instruments playing on the radio and learning the distinction between high and low sounds.  I was so proud the other day when a song came on and she voluntarily said, “Mommy, those are high notes!”  I said, “Very good, Alethea!  What instrument is making those high sounds?”  Without missing a beat, Alethea exclaimed, “A piano!”

The thing I have been most happy to see in Alethea recently is the beginnings of interest in playing interactively with other children.  It’s especially nice when she plays with Lydia, because her little sister adores her for it and my goodness is it ever great to have some time to get things done without constantly breaking up squabbles.  Not that their relationship is even close to conflict-free, but I feel that I am starting to get some glimpses into what kind of friendship the future might hold for my girls, and I like it, a lot!

We continue to seek ways assist Alethea’s spiritual development, including helping her learn to pray.  Mostly she likes for us to pray at meals and bedtime, but I love it when she is willing to do the talking.  The first thing she always does is to ask Jesus to help [insert anyone she knows is sick] to feel better.  Then she generally thanks God for Mommy and Daddy and Gramma/Grandma, and if she’s in a particularly good mood, even for Lydia.  It’s incredibly sweet to hear her very earnest voice lifting others up, and can even be a little convicting as she recalls people that I haven’t prayed for in a while.

And now to close, just a few random tidbits: Alethea is no longer scared of garbage trucks, her favorite color is yellow, she wears underwear whenever she is awake, she loves to eat chicken nuggets, mac & cheese, most fruits, and virtually all sweets, she will never eat mashed or cubed potatoes, her favorite TV show is Clifford the Big Red Dog (and can sing the whole theme song), she pronounces the word fabulous ‘fab-we-us’, which cracks me up every time, she has most of her story books memorized, she adores having company over.  She is a sweet, funny, smart little girl and we love her so very, very much!

Alethea, we’re so glad you’re our little girl and we can’t imagine a better first born daughter!

Hugs and kisses,

Mommy and Daddy

A Candidate to Believe In

Sorry for a major lack of posts around here lately.  Despite my long-standing objections to social media, I recently caved to pressure and joined Pinterest, and I fear that I already have a serious addiction.  Love this site!  I mean, where else could you find everything from this…

… to this!

So Pinterest the main reason I’ve been short of blogging time lately, but having Peter out in Washington D.C. for two days didn’t help either.

He did come home with chocolate for me and cute matching t-shirts for the girls though.

You’d vote for this ‘Future President’, wouldn’t you?

Sleep Deprivation

When it rains, it pours…

This week, Alethea is going through nuk withdrawal, has caught a nasty cold, and seems to be having bad dreams at night.

Lydia has five or six teeth that are on the verge of coming in and I’ve been attempting to wean her from her 5am feed.

Put all together, it means that I’m getting up every two to three hours each night.  Ugggg!  It’s like having a newborn again!

I sort of feel like I could do this…

… except that it would kill my neck.  And I’m certain that, unlike Lydia, I would not have been able to sleep through Alethea shouting in my face, “Wyd? Wyd? You look funny, Wyd!”

Anyway, that’s my excuse for not writing more this week.  I’ve got a couple posts that I’ve been cooking up, and hopefully I’ll get those posted soon.  Thanks for sticking with me!

Brain Dump

No common thread holding my thoughts together today, so hang on for a random ride…

* After a week of on again off again naps, it appears as though losing the nuks has made Alethea also lose interest in taking an afternoon nap.  Very sad.  But I think we have to do it, since one of the days Alethea actually did take a good nap last week, she also stayed up until 11:15pm playing in her room that night.  Seriously… Peter and I went into her room and said, “Goodnight, we’re going to bed.  Try to keep it down in here.”

* Lydia’s vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds.  One of today’s words was a good baby classic: ball (or as Lydia says it ‘bah’).  The other one really took me by surprise.  Tonight, when she was on her changing table, I pointed to her name above her and said, “L-Y-D-I-A, what’s that spell?  Lydia!”  Lydia got a big grin on her face, clapped her hands and said, “Id-ee-ah!”

* My friend and I were asked to do a presentation about home decor for the ladies at our church.  It’s flattering and somewhat nerve wracking to think people want my ideas about decorating.  “They do realize that our resumes include degrees in Biology and Philosophy, not Interior Design?” my friend asked me.  At least we get to be unqualified together…

* Alethea and I worked on making some valentines today.  I know it’s a bit early, but I got her some heart stickers and she was begging to use them.  Anyway, after making one for Gramma and Poppa and one for Grandma and Grandpa, I asked her who she wanted to make one for next.
“Jesus, I think,” she said.  Then, as she was sticking stickers onto Jesus’ valentine, she asked me, “Does Jesus have eyes?”
“Yes, Jesus has eyes.”
“Does Jesus have ears?” she then wondered.
“Yes, Alethea, Jesus has eyes and ears.  He’s a person.”
“Oh, I didn’t know that,” she said. “I’ll give Him this valentine then.”

* It feels like our social calendar is really full.  A lot of people getting married and having babies and generally wanting to hang out.  Oh, and have a date with my best friend Saturday morning to get pedicures together.  Absolutely. cannot. wait.

* Okay, one last Alethea funny from today and then I’m done.  Promise.  This morning I was verbally taking stock of our day’s progress as Alethea ran around in her underwear.  “Two girls bathed, two girls with fingernails clipped, one girl dressed,” I said.  Alethea sped past then stopped and proclaimed, “And one girl cold!”

And with that in mind, I’m going to go snuggle under my down comforter and pretend that we’re not going to have sub-zero temps the next few days.

Stay warm, my friends!

Breaking the Nuk Addiction

What We Did This Past Weekend: Sunday

I am happy to report that our house is now a nuk-free zone.  Lydia was done using her pacifiers months ago, and now big sister Alethea has made the transition too.  It probably would have been good to take Alethea’s nuks away sooner, but she has had a remarkably high number of transitions in the last year and a half (new room, new beds, new baby sister, potty training) and there just never seemed to be a good time to go through withdrawal.  But we knew it was best if her binky days came to an end, so about a month ago we started telling her about the special stuffed animal she would get after Lydia’s birthday party.

Let me explain.  I read a few articles about how to ease the transition to nuklessness and talked with a couple friends about it as well.  The idea that was the most appealing to me (and I thought would be the easiest for Alethea to accept), was to take the nuks to the Build-A-Bear store and put them inside a stuffed animal.  That way Alethea could ‘keep’ her nuks forever, but they would no longer end up in her mouth.  After convincing Peter that this was the way to go, we started talking it up to Alethea.  Although I’m not sure exactly how well she understood what was going to happen, we know she sort of got it, since at Lydia’s party she told my sister in law, “I’m a big girl.  I don’t need a nuk.”  And as the last guests were headed out the door, she asked me, “Go get my stuffed animal now?”

So, we figured she was as prepared as she’d ever be and Sunday we took the plunge.  At the store, the first step was for Alethea to pick out her Build-A-Bear carcass.  She selected a brown puppy.  And no, they don’t call them carcasses at the store, they tell you to pick a friend, but really, it looks like a carcass…

While we were waiting our turn for the stuffing machine, we noticed that you could add a noise maker to your ‘friend’.  They happened to have a Brahms’ Lullaby one (Alethea’s favorite bedtime song), so we let her get it to put inside her puppy.  (The noise maker is in the little white cloth bag Alethea is holding in the next picture.)

The nice guy at the stuffing machine put in the noise maker and then filled Alethea’s puppy with fluffy white stuff…

And then Alethea put her last two nuks inside.  “Say, ‘Bye, Nuks!'” I told her.  “Bye bye, Nuks,” echoed Alethea.  And then the Build-A-Bear guy closed him up!

After the puppy was complete, Alethea got to give him an air bath to get any extra fuzz off.

Then we paid for him and took him home!

As you can tell from the pictures, Alethea was compliant, although not necessarily overjoyed by the event.  On the car ride home (to endless repetitions of Brahms’ Lullaby) I asked her whether she liked her new puppy.  “I’m excited,” she said, “But I want my nuks out of him.”

In the days since we bid farewell to the nuks, Alethea has managed to nap two days out of the four and has gone to bed easily every night.  She has not once woken up crying for the nuks during the night, as I was expecting.  We’ve only had one major meltdown (Sunday afternoon at nap time) that I’m sure was entirely related to the nuks.  It was both sad and slightly funny when she sobbed, “I just want one!  Okay?  Just the green one!”

As far as her attachment to the puppy goes, she seems to like him fine, but he definitely is playing third fiddle to Dee (Alethea’s number one since she was about nine months old) and Clifford (her number two since he showed up in June).  He did get a name though.  When we walked out of the store, we asked her, “What’s your puppy’s name?”

“Nuky,” said Alethea.

Peter and I looked at each other.  “How ’bout ‘Nuks’?” suggested Peter.

“No, Nuky,” replied Alethea.

“I think his name might be ‘Pacifier’,” I said.

“No, he’s Nuky,” said Alethea.

In the end though, Peter didn’t feel that ‘Nuky’ was an appropriate name for one of his daughter’s stuffed animals, and we have since convinced her to call him ‘Lullaby’.

I think it’s for all for the best!

Just for old time’s sake, here’s a pictures from Alethea’s first Twins game when she was almost a year old:

So long nuks!  Thanks for the memories!

Lydia’s Flower Birthday Party

This year was my first attempt at transitioning from Christmas mode right into Lydia’s birthday party planning.  I think I did reasonably well, although it involved a marathon of cleaning and packing up of Christmas decor.  Much of Friday and Saturday were spent taking down ornaments, hauling out the tree, vacuuming up mounds of pine needles, putting decorations in tubs, vacuuming up more pine needles, putting up birthday decor and of course, vacuuming again, because those pine needles are like cockroaches (only they don’t move and smell better, but still, they are hiding everywhere!)

I decided, with Peter’s complete approval, to go a little simple and just invite family, order take n’ bake pizzas for the food and not organize any games/favors/activities, because let’s face it, Lydia’s too young to enjoy them anyway.  I did let Alethea pick a theme though.  She decided on “flowers” and says she wants her next party to be a bumblebee one, which I believe stems from the girls’ Halloween costumes.  Makes me glad I didn’t dress them in anything too weird for trick or treat!

So here’s what I did for Lydia’s 1st birthday flower themed bash:

The cake was a cupcake creation!  It turned out really cute and I had fun practicing with my rarely used piping tools.

I thoroughly enjoyed my Christmas mantle, but I also have to admit that it feels good to go back to something simpler and less cluttered, and bonus, it left lots of room to put all the presents up there too!

Back in September, I used photos of myself growing up as decor for my 30th birthday party.  Then it occurred to me that it might be a fun family tradition to make a special photo display of the birthday girl/boy of the month whenever there is a birthday.  Will it be a tradition that sticks?  I’m not sure, but two in a row is a good start.  And an enthusiastic response from Alethea makes me feel like it’s a tradition that the girls would appreciate.

She had fun explaining to me in detail what the occasion of each picture was and even got down on the floor to demonstrate after she pointed to the one on the left and said, “This one is Lydia crawling.”

But enough about the decor, I’m sure you are all dying to know what the guest of honor wore.

We kept it comfy and washable with a flower embellished sweatshirt and a pink flower headband.  Lydia wasn’t entirely certain she liked having something on her head, but she did mostly leave the headband alone.

If only the headband had been equally as cooperative.

Despite an unruly hair accessory, Lydia managed to enjoy opening presents and even climbed into the bag of oversized cardboard blocks from Mommy and Daddy.

After everyone sang ‘Happy Birthday’, Daddy helped Lydia blow out her candle.

Then we let her have her cake, and even eat it too!

Had to get a picture of the aftermath, because in the war of Lydia v. Cupcake, there was carnage to behold.  (This shot fails to capture the crumbs smeared on the wall.  Vertical surfaces were not exempt from the massacre.)

So that was how we celebrated Lydia’s first birthday.  It was a memorable event and we appreciated all our family taking the time to celebrate with us.  (And a special shout out to the grandmothers who helped clean up the birthday girl and her high chair!  You’re the best!)

To view more BobbleHeadBaby celebrations, visit my Parties Page!

She Keeps Me On My Toes

Alethea just cracks me up all the time.  Like the other morning when I came out of our bathroom only to discover that she’d made my bed for me (and even got the throw pillows put back in place):

Or this morning when I got out of the shower and she pointed at me and said, “Mommy, you have a tummy!”
“Yes, Alethea,” I replied, “I have an abdomen, just like you.”
“But Mommy,” she said, “You have a BIG abdomen!”
Sigh… “Yes, I suppose that’s true.”

Gramma and Poppa got Alethea a new shirt for Christmas that is so totally her.  It says, “I love music.”

And she does.  She loves music, and playing the piano and singing, singing, singing!

Tonight, she went into Lydia’s room after Lydia had gone to sleep and was standing next to her crib singing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”.  Lydia woke up and started crying.

“Alethea,” I told her, “That wasn’t nice to wake your sister up!”

Alethea’s bewildered reply was, “But I was singing to her!”  At which point we had to have the conversation that singing to people is a very nice thing, but not while they are sleeping, because that wakes them up and people don’t like being woken up, even if it is for singing.

Confusing, I know!  But we did manage to clarify that mommy also would not like to be woken up by singing.

So, anyway, I’m off to bed for a hopefully tuneless night’s sleep!

Nighty, night!

Ear ye! Ear ye!

Just a quick update on our doctor appointment yesterday.  Turns out both girls have ear infections, Alethea in one ear and Lydia in both.  The doctor said this is Lydia’s last chance at antibiotics.  If the infection won’t clear up, or if it clears but she gets another one in the near future, it will be off to the ENT for tubes.  I’m not thrilled about the idea of tubes, but would much rather that than endless antibiotics.  So I guess it’s a waiting game at this point.

On a side note, Alethea’s current weight is 28lbs (35th percentile) and Lydia’s is 25 lbs 4oz (96th percentile).  Since they are less than three pounds different in weight, they’re taking the same dosage of medication now.  Makes it easy to remember how much to give!

Days of Christmas Craziness

I know posts have been few and far between around here lately.  We have been BUSY!  So to catch you up on all our happenings over the last two and a half weeks, I’ve written a little ditty and it goes like this…

On some days of Christmas Craziness my true love gave to me:

Twelve Floats a Glowin’
Alethea, Lydia and I all got to experience our first Minneapolis Holidazzle Parade together this year.  I know, I know, I grew up in the Twin Cities and had never seen it in person before.  Shame on me.  It just wasn’t part of our family traditions growing up.  I don’t know whether it will become part of ours, but it was cool to see the girls’ faces light up as they watched the stunning floats go by.  This is Alethea and Poppa (Peter’s dad) waiting for the parade to begin (not sure why Alethea looks sunburned, the weather hasn’t been that nice lately):

And here’s Lydia making everyone laugh while we were waiting:

Ooooo lights!!!!

Eleven Singers Singing
I was in charge of directing our church’s Christmas choir again this year.  I decided to try my hand at arranging some of the carols we were going to be singing.  “How is the arranging coming?” Peter asked me several times in November.  “Haven’t started yet,” I told him, “but I don’t think it’ll take me too long.  I’m not going to do anything too fancy.”  Turns out even not fancy arrangements are a lot of work.  Especially when you forget to save one before you go to bed and then wake up on Saturday morning with two hours until choir practice and find that your computer has rebooted and you’ve lost eeevvvveeeerrryyythiiiiiing!  Three original arrangements (one written out twice!) and four rehearsals in two weeks makes for choir overload!  Peter told me that next year I have to be done in July or he’s pulling the plug on my directorship.  We’ll see.

Ten Students Playing
Tuesday was the Christmas party for my piano students here at our house.  We had a great time playing music bingo, eating junk food and performing Christmas carols for each other.  Alethea enjoyed getting to interact with all the ‘big kids’, though she was a little confused about what kind of party it was.  She kept walking up to various students saying in a cheerful voice, “Happy Birthday!”

Nine Presents for Peter
… and other assorted gifts.  Lots of Christmas shopping has been done and while I have done as much as possible online, there still have been a few trips out to brick and mortar stores to pick up this and that.  Peter and I even braved the MOA to get Lydia her Bitty Baby Doll from the American Girl Store, though afterward Peter commented that we should probably have just paid to have the doll shipped rather than deal with the crowds.  Bah Humbug!

Eight Dozen Cookies
The girls and I were invited to attend a cookie exchange on Monday with some friends from church, but due to Extreme Choir Week (see number eleven above), Sunday night was my first chance to bake anything.  So, I stayed up late baking my Coconut Macaroons and Chocolate Andes Mint cookies.  It was totally worth it though because not only did I end up with a nice variety of cookies for my piano party, I got to spend an entire morning chatting with other moms.  I really need to do that more often, it was such a blessing!

Seven Monkeys Climbing
Okay, so it’s not seven monkeys, it’s just one, but it feels like seven!  Lydia is now climbing on everything in sight, including, but not limited to, the stairs, step stools and Alethea’s child sized rocking chair (which is now in the basement because Lydia kept falling off of it).  I can’t seem to get anything done because I’m constantly rescuing her off of things and the day I finally put the gate up at the bottom of the stairs so I could clean the kitchen, she sat there and cried for 10 minutes!  You heard me right, easygoing, not bothered by anything Lydia wept like her poor little heart would break just because I wouldn’t let her climb the stairs without me.  Sigh…

Would you believe that she got up here all by herself?

Six Gifts from Santa
One of the great things about our neighborhood is that every year the ladies do a Secret Santa week early in December.  This year I got five lovely gifts left on my doorstep through the week and then Saturday was our brunch and Santa reveal, where we ate a potluck meal and exchanged our final gifts.  I had a good time planning a gift theme for my recipient (snowflakes!) and thought my Santa did a really good job picking gifts for me.  Alethea had fun going to the door each morning to retrieve my gift for me off the doormat.  She especially liked the Tuesday gift, which was mini chocolate bars, but then on Wednesday when she pulled the tissue paper off of pretty paper napkins, she said in dismay, “But it’s not food!!!!”  I guess you can’t please everyone.

Five Sets of 20 Cards
My photo cards from Snapfish arrived and all 100 of them are currently sitting on my counter in envelopes, stamped and addressed.  My letter is written and copied.  I just need to get the letters stuffed and envelopes sealed and they’ll be headed to the post office for mailing.  How glad am I that I bought stamps in November so I have zero trips to make to the postal counter?  SO GLAD!

Four Assorted Parties
Happy Birthday again to my nephew Deacon and my sister-in-law Leah!  We enjoyed celebrating with you!  The piano party (number ten above) and a football and pizza gathering with church friends rounded out our yuletide celebrations thus far.

Three Prescriptions Filled
I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve been to the pediatrician’s office in the last few weeks, but I do know that we’ve had three rounds of antibiotics to combat ear infections, one for Alethea and two for Lydia.  I wish we could just get healthy, but they’ve both got horrible colds again and after a couple terrible nights with Lydia, we’ll be going in for an appointment this morning.  I really hope it’s just a cold and not another ear infection, otherwise we may be looking at tubes for our baby.  She just can’t stay on antibiotics for weeks on end.  It does horrible stuff to her digestive system and that makes both of us cranky!

Two Rooms Decked Out
My holiday decorations are done!  There are a few touches in the kitchen, my office and the main floor bathroom, but I’ve concentrated most of my efforts in the living and dining rooms.  I haven’t had a chance to get pictures yet, but Lord willing, before the end of the week, I will post my final decor shots for you all to see.

And a Gorgeous Balsam Fir Tree
I’m pretty sure we found the finest tree ever grown in Minnesota for our home this year.  It’s perfect!  And we had a terrific time going to cut it down too.  We’ll, at least some of us did.  Lydia had a hard time sitting up in the sled and Alethea didn’t like being squished!  The adults in the group just about died from laughter as we watch Lydia channel Ralphie’s little brother Randy from A Christmas Story:

After tree cutting comes tree decorating though and the girls liked that much better:

Alethea, naturally, took her ornament hanging task very seriously and did a nice job of getting each one to stay on the tree.  This is the face of utter concentration!

And as you may have predicted, Lydia thought her job was to go around and pull down all the ornaments Alethea was so carefully placing:

We did finally get all the ornaments to remain on the tree and Peter and I both agree that it is the finest tree this family has ever had.

Ho, ho, ho!

So that’s what we’ve been doing lately.  It seems like there are never enough hours in a day, but clearly we’ve managed to cram some stuff into the hours we do have!  How’ve you all been?  Busy too, I bet!  We’ll, I’d love to chat, but we’re off to see our pediatrician.  Have a happy Christmas Eve, Eve, Eve today! Later y’all!