An Old Sole

I loved the shoes I wore on my wedding day.

They were cute, comfortable, inexpensive and best of all, they were the perfect shade of ivory to match my antique-white dress.

Since that day, I’ve happily worn them many times, despite the fact that I’ve had to give them occasional hair cuts to remove all the loose threads that were sprouting out of them.

Then today, I took a long hard look at them and decided that they were past a simple trim job.

They looked tired.  They looked done.

So despite the happy memories and in defiance of my ‘keep anything sentimental’ genetics, in the garbage they went.

Fare thee well, my wedding shoes!  You were great, perfect even, and I’m sorry to see you go!

Lydia’s Ten Month Update

Saturday was Lydia’s ten month birthday.  Happy birthday, Sweetheart!

I can’t believe I’ve only got two months left before my baby turns one!  Where does the time go?  Remembering how quickly Alethea’s first months went by, I’ve tried to be very deliberate to savor every moment of infant closeness that I could with Lydia, but somehow it went even faster and now I’m sitting here, thinking about my pre-toddler, who shows me every day, “Momma, don’t cha know, I’m not a baby any more!”

This month Lydia did a lot of growing up.  Most notably, she is now pulling up to standing all the time and everywhere.  She still army crawls around the floor, but as soon as she reaches a chair, bookshelf or the stairs, she promptly pulls herself up to her feet so she can take a look around.  She also does some cruising around while holding onto furniture and seems to be contemplating how she might be able to go no handed.  This girl wants to get walking!

Lydia is also starting to communicate more.  She regularly uses the signs ‘more’ and ‘all done’ when she’s eating.  What really surprised me though was the other day when I asked her if she was all done, she made the sign, but then also said, “Ah da!”  Her first words!  I probably wouldn’t have even believed my own ears, but we were over at a friend’s house for a playdate and my friend totally heard it too.  I shouldn’t be too surprised though, since Lydia clearly understands so much of what is being said around her.  If you ask her, “Where’s your water?” she will look around and locate her sippy cup with her eyes and she makes excited noises whenever I ask her, “Do you want to nurse?”  What a smarty pants!

As far as physical changes go, this month Peter and I have both noticed that Lydia’s eyes are turning brown and she is definitely getting more hair.  She has a couple hairs that are maybe an inch long in the back.  It’s still a ways from a full head of hair, but it is something.  As far as the eyes go, they do still have a blue/gray ring around the outside, but the middles are pretty much solid brown.  Oh and teeth, gotta mention teeth!  After a marathon month of teething in September, we ended October with the same six pearly whites.  However, the last few days have been a drool fest, so perhaps the remaining two of her baby eight are on their way in.

Lydia’s very most favorite activity is eating.  She loves trying new foods, her recent favorites being turkey (lunch meat) and raspberries.  You’d swear those berries have wings the way they disappear off her highchair tray!  She is really starting to get the hang of her sippy cup and is interested in bowls and spoons, although she seems to view them more as playthings than eating utensils.

Speaking of playthings, she also enjoys playing with toys, as long as she’s sure they belong to her sister.  She can spot a baby toy a mile away and regards them with utter contempt.  But if she gets her hands on something that she’s seen Alethea play with, she’ll spend minutes on end trying to figure it out, even if it is nothing more special than a comb or bottle for Alethea’s baby dolls.  This of course drives Alethea crazy and leads to a fair amount of conflict in our house on a daily basis.

The girls do occasionally have moments of playing together nicely.  I think these will happen with increasing frequency as Lydia becomes more and more interactive.  However, I still have to remind Alethea that Lydia is not yet so grown up that she can pretend to ride her like a horse.

I’m sure that it’s not wise to wish for time to stand still, but I’d almost like to hit the pause button in this month.  And it’s not the impending holiday season that’s got me worried.  I’m just not sure that I’m ready to give up my sweet baby girl and get a toddler in her place.

My dear little Lydia, your Mommy and Daddy love you more than you’ll ever know!  Try not to get so busy growing up that you forget that we’d still like a cuddle ever now and then!


A couple weeks ago, I hosted a baby shower at our house.  So for a while, we had blue balloons randomly floating around our house.  Naturally, Alethea thought that was pretty cool, but I started getting sick of them, so one by one, I was slowly popping and disposing of them.

Finally, last Sunday, we were down to two balloons.  The girls hadn’t played with them for days, so I felt pretty safe popping them and tossing them in the trash.  I did wait until the girls were safe in bed, just to avoid any scenes, but I didn’t think anyone would miss them.

Then today at breakfast, Alethea looked around and said, “Where are the balloons that we used to have?”

Gulp!  Quick thinking me said, “I think they popped.  They’re gone now.”

Alethea thought about that for a second and then asked, “Mommy popped them?”

I tried avoidance, “Maybe…”

Alethea wasn’t settling for that, “Mommy popped them?”

Time to fess up, “Yes, Alethea, Mommy popped them and threw them away.”

But what I want to know is, how did my little girl get so smart so quickly?!

The Perfect Man?

Sweet Talkin’ Ken: just tell him what you want him to say and he’ll repeat it in his own voice.

His shirt says it all, he’s the Ultimate Boyfriend, Le Petit Ami Ideal, Der Perfeckte Freund… pick a language, any language, he speaks them all!

On clearance now at Target for only $9.98. (Price and availability may vary).

It’s too late for me, but you should get yours before he’s gone.

Happy Halloween!

Alethea was asking all day when it would be time to go trick or treating, so she was delighted when it was finally time to get her costume on and head out the door:

Before we left the house, we coached her to say ‘trick or treat’ and told her that she needed to say ‘thank you’ when someone put something in her bag.  She followed the rules very carefully.

At one of the first houses we went to, Alethea got a kit-kat bar, but Lydia got a tootsie roll pop, and boy did she think it was cool!

From that point on Alethea was determined to find someone to give her a sucker too!  She took her home-made trick or treat bag door to door in search of someone with cheap candy, but wouldn’t you know it, all of our lovely, generous neighbors seemed to have mini candy bars.

We were down to the last two houses on our street when finally we found someone with suckers.  When I told the nice lady who answered the door that Alethea was in search of a sucker, she gave her not one, or two, but three!

At that, Alethea handed me her bag full of chocolate bars, unwrapped one of the suckers, and shoved it in her mouth.  Then as we walked down the drive way, she looked up at me and said, “I’m cold.”

“Should we go home now?” I asked her.

Despite the dum-dum hanging out of her mouth, she managed a big, “Uh huh!”

Once home, we let the girls enjoy the spoils, although Lydia mainly just had cheese crackers, because she found the sucker a bit hard to eat.

Alethea was mystified by her sister’s apathy towards the tootsie roll pop and proceeded to polish off two suckers and a kit-kat bar before we cut her off for the night.

I may have slightly over-estimated the amount of candy we needed.  I think our numbers were down this year.  Still, by giving out handfuls at the end, we managed to nearly run out by the time we turned the lights out.

So, all things considered, I’d call it a successful Halloween!

Hope yours was great too!

A First and Some Fun

Today was a crazy busy day.

It started out with Alethea and I going to Cost Cutters for her first haircut.

We only got the back cut, because I’d still like the front to keep growing and I don’t want Alethea to have bangs.  Still, I’m glad I went to a salon, because Alethea was pretty cooperative, but I think that was mostly the result of getting to wear a cool surfing penguins cape.

After her haircut, we went to Wendy’s for a mother/daughter lunch.  Getting to have a meal together (just the two of us) isn’t something that happens all that often.  We bonded over chicken nuggets and an apple chicken salad.

With tummy’s running on full, we hopped into the car and did some more errands, including the dry cleaners, which isn’t something I’d normally bother to share, but I’m super impressed with this one I found near us because they have a drive up window.  LOVE IT!

Our last errand of the morning was Kohl’s where we used our 20 percent off coupon to procure a black hat for Alethea’s Halloween costume and new sunglasses for me, who foolishly let Lydia play with my last pair while she was sitting on our concrete sidewalk.  SCRAAAAATCH!

I found a really cute new pair and so did Alethea:

After we put her selection back on the rack, we bought the hat and my sunglasses and then headed home for nap time.  Or at least Alethea took a nap.  I, however, took off again and picked up a pumpkin at the grocery store, take n’ bake pizzas for dinner and a paint sample for our main floor bathroom.

Then home again, home again, jiggidy jig, I tossed the pizzas in the fridge and grabbed a paint brush, determined to test a small square of the color before our dinner guests arrived.  I’m wasn’t sure exactly when I’d get around to actually painting the bathroom, but I just love to see what paint colors look like up on a wall.  So yeah, dinner guests coming and no plans to paint the bathroom soon.  Should I have waited to try the color out?  Oh probably, but I had a brilliant plan.  Just paint a small square behind the picture frame on the wall and hang the picture back up when finished.  Fool proof…

Unless one fails to realize that the screw in the wall only marks the top of the picture frame when the hanger for the picture frame is actually at the top.  Not closer to a third of the way down the back, like mine is…

Oh well.  Looks like I’ve got new motivation to move ‘paint main floor bathroom’ up on my to do list.

Our dinner guests arrived on schedule, but since it was my parents and Peter’s parents who came over, they were very understanding about the painting mishap and the tool box sitting on the kitchen counter.  Besides, we were about to create an even bigger mess since they had all come over for our annual pumpkin carving.  It’s quickly becoming a family tradition for the men to watch football and drink beer while the women-folk do the carving, but that’s okay.  We all probably enjoy it more that way anyhow.

Naturally, step one of carving is to pop the top off the gourds and clean out the guts.  The girls both helped with this.  Lydia very willingly stuck her hand right into the pumpkin, but then had a hard time grabbing seeds, since they were so slippery.

And when she did finally get a seed out of her large orange friend, it went straight into her mouth.  I was about to dive in after it when she swallowed it in one easy gulp.

And with that, her pumpkin gutting time quickly ended.

Alethea was definitely more squeamish than her sister, but eventually got into the seed finding fun.

With the guts cleaned out, we began the carving process.  I worked on a puppy pumpkin as per Alethea’s request (yes, she had a puppy pumpkin last year too) and Peter’s mom Denny worked on Lydia’s pumpkin eating pumpkin, which was based on a photo I found online (I wish it had been my design idea, but it wasn’t).  I’m super happy with how they turned out!

Small pumpkins and gourds of the world, beware!

We also took some time during the evening to have the girls model their Halloween costumes for their grandparents, who won’t be around on Monday to see them all dressed up.  I just can’t get over how cute they both look!

The bumble bee costume was actually mine when I was about Alethea’s age, so I’ll have to dig up a picture so we can do a side by side comparison.

Alethea was disappointed it wasn’t actually time to go trick-or-treating, and honestly, I was too.  It’s going to be a really delightful Halloween!

My little flower and bumble bee are snug in their beds now, and I think I’m going to join them and put an end to this very busy day.

Two and a Half!

Today is Alethea’s half birthday!  Can you believe she’s 2.5 years old?!?!  That means she’s half way to 5!  Yikes!!!!  Not ready to think about that, so I’ll just say…

Happy Birthday, Alethea!

You make us smile every single day and we can’t think of anyone else we’d rather have for our firstborn girl!

A Big Big Bed

It’s official!  Alethea in no longer in a crib and she’s no longer in a big girl bed.  Nope, she’s been upgraded to a big BIG bed!

While it was nice to have a crib that converted to a toddler bed, we realized that Alethea’s time in it was limited by the fact that our second crib, the one that Lydia is using, is a drop-side model, also know as an “they no longer make them death trap”.  So now that Lydia is on the verge of pulling herself up to standing, we figured it was time to pull the ol’ switcheroo and get Lydia into the safer crib and upgrade Alethea to a twin mattress.

Alethea’s transition from nursery to big girl room wasn’t completely smooth and her move from crib to toddler bed wasn’t exactly without bumps, so a few months ago Peter and I started strategizing how to make Alethea totally enthusiastic about her big, big bed’s arrival.  So enthusiastic that she’d want to help take apart her toddler bed.

Plan Stage 1: Talk it up!  We started telling her about the big, big bed, how it was going to be so big that it would go all the way from the wall to the bookcase and how she’d have room to sleep with all of her stuffed animals.

Plan Stage 2: Bribe away!  Alethea adores Clifford, the big red dog, so I found a large plush Clifford dog at Kohl’s.  Then we kept telling her that when she got a big big bed, her bed would be so big that Clifford would come sleep with her.

I’m happy to report that our two stage plan worked brilliantly.  Alethea was begging to go bed shopping!  And after we bought the bed, Alethea was so excited to sleep in it that when we offered her dinner, she said, “No thanks.  Go to sleep!”

She did eventually come down for dinner, but right after she got her jammies on, she asked where Clifford was.  I have no idea what she was expecting, but when Peter brought in the stuffed animal, she got a huge grin on her face, held out her arms, and said, “I want it!”

Of course, we couldn’t leave Lydia out, so she got a new plush too, Clifford’s best friend T-Bone!

Of all the sleeping transitions we’ve gone through, this was definitely the easiest.  She was thrilled with the bed and her new Clifford (and only mildly bothered that she didn’t get a T-Bone too!)

And I am so glad that we finally got to make the bed with the gorgeous quilt that Alethea’s Gramma Denny made for her.  It really brings her whole big girl room together so nicely!

A big girl, a big red dog and a big, BIG bed!