Another Weekend Project

So this past weekend I had a depressing project to work on.  Not really super depressing, but sort of…

See, when we moved into our house, I was already pregnant with Alethea, so we knew one bedroom upstairs was going to be the nursery and one is of course our master bedroom.  The third upstairs bedroom was designated as the “When we have more than one child, the oldest will move into this room” room.

Since our house has an office (for Peter) and an office/studio (for me), plus a guest room in the basement, I told myself before we moved in, “There is no reason anything needs to be put in the extra room.  I vow that when it is time to turn it into a ‘big kid’ room, it will be empty, with no clearing out to do!”

I’m sure you can all see where this is going…

First it was the blankets: “After all, we don’t really have a linen closet,” I told myself, “I’ll just keep these here for the time being.”  Then it was the laundry drying rack: “There really isn’t another good place for it.”  Of course it wasn’t a stretch then to start a pile for mending next to the drying rack.  After that came a folding table so I could work on my scrapbooking, which was naturally followed by a pile of scrapbooking stuff.  And once we got that far, there didn’t seem to be any point in pretending to have an ’empty room’, so more papers and clothes and clutter followed.

Now we need a big kid room, now I regret not following through on my original plan, now I spent all of Saturday morning and most of the afternoon attempting to dig out of the mess I created and now I still have more cleaning to look forward to, because I couldn’t get through it all in one day.  Sigh…

The silver lining of it all is that while I was working on Alethea’s big girl room, Peter was cleaning out his office and between us, we managed to eliminate two paper grocery bags of paper from our home in one day.  Go us!

Trying Something New

Okay, so as most of you know, I love shopping and I love interior design (generally an expensive combination).  The other day out of curiosity I visited the blog  (The blogger, Lauren, had one of the finalist nurseries on the contest I entered and I was checking out more pictures of her baby’s room.)  One of the main things she does on her blog is post “idea boards” where she takes a theme/color scheme/idea and then applies it to a room (bedroom/living room/etc) thus creating a picture collage of furniture and accessories.

It seemed like something I might enjoy doing, so I gave it a try.  Here is my very first idea board, which I put together for our Master Bedroom:

I’m not going to admit how long this took me, but I will say I had a blast doing it.  It’s like decorating a room for free, without any commitments or manual labor and you get to go “shopping” for stuff at any store and any price range you’d like!

We’re not actually going to be decorating the master bedroom any time soon, but now when it’s time I’ll be ready!

This Weekend’s Project

So this weekend we did a bean face-lift.  The weeds were starting to pop through the mulch and everything just looked a little tired, so we pulled the weeds and added 16 more bags of mulch (take that weeds!)…  Here’s how it turned out:

As you can see, we’ve added quite a few plants since the last time I posted bean photos.  Still, if you look at it and imagine a little flagstone path winding through, a nice cedar bench and a whole lot more plants, you’ll see what I try to imagine every time I look at it.  Baby steps, right?

I do love my flowers though.  This one is a Frans Hals daylily:

Several of the plants I bought this spring seem to be barely holding on (okay, okay, and a few of them are dead), but my Orchid Frost Dead Nettle ground cover plant is going like crazy.  I really like the leaves on this one:

And here is my favorite plant, my Endless Summer Hydrangea:

And if any of the neighborhood deer are reading this, please quit eating the shoots off the top of this plant.  My shrub is starting to look a little silly being so short and wide.

Fifteen Month Update

Yesterday was Alethea’s fifteen month birthday.  Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!

It’s hard to imagine that only a year ago she was only 3 months old and waking up 6-8 times a night and couldn’t hardly move anywhere.  Now she’s an amazingly good sleeper (under normal conditions) and is into absolutely everything!  What a difference a year makes…

We went to the doctor today for Alethea’s check-up.  Her current stats are height – 30.75 inches, weight – 22.0 lbs, and head circumference – 46.75 cm.  That means she is in the 50th percentile for height, 30th for weight and 70th for head circumference.  She is still our little Bobble Head Baby!

The thing that I found surprising is that she has actually lost weight since her 12 month check-up.  Her pediatrician isn’t too worried at this point since she also managed to grow over an inch, but we are supposed to encourage Alethea to eat a few more carbs at meal times.   One thing her doctor asked me was whether Alethea is a picky eater and I told her that while Alethea does go through phases, she’s generally quite open to trying different foods.  The main problem at meal times is that Alethea just has too much to say and gets distracted so easily that we constantly have to remind her of why she is in her highchair.  If we don’t, an hour will easily pass and Alethea will still be sitting there talking away about who knows what.

Besides growing an inch, Alethea’s other recent accomplishments include learning how to climb up on the kitchen chairs to take stuff off the table, which is okay generally, but one of the first times she did it I ended up chasing her down the hallway as she ran away from me carrying a butter knife.  That was fun.  She also said her first two words together, which were “go, car”.  She is, after all, my social butterfly…

Speaking of being a social butterfly, this girl could charm the socks off of the grumpiest old man you know.  I tell you, we go out in public and she smiles at everyone.  People seem really drawn to her, which is sort of odd to me, just because I certainly don’t have one of those magnetic personalities.  But she does.  Oh and did I mention her waving repeatedly to a woman driving a car in the parking lot?  She waved and waved until the woman finally waved back.  It was really amusing to watch her determined effort to get the woman’s attention.

The flip side of her outgoing and assertive personality is that she often becomes so determined to have her own way that she will scream at Peter or me (and even on occasion Grandma) if she doesn’t get what she wants.  We are still trying the “don’t ever give in and ignore whenever possible” tactic, but so far, it doesn’t seem to be helping.  I don’t think I really realized until now just how embarrassed I would be when my child acted up in public and how helpless I feel when she is too young for corporeal punishment, too young for time outs, and too young to be reasoned with.  What is a mother to do?

It doesn’t help that so often she makes me laugh in the middle of discipline, like yesterday when she was being super whiny, so I said sternly, “Do you need to go to your room?”  She solemnly nodded her head yes.  Or just tonight she was chewing on a book, and I told her, “Out of your mouth.”  She just chewed harder, so I took the book away.  She screamed at me and picked up another book, looked right at me, and put that one in her mouth.  So I took that book away too.  She screamed again and since there were no other books in sight, she glared at me and proceed to chomp down hard on the couch cushion.  Sigh.

I don’t mean to make her sound like a contrary little girl.  We spend a lot of time laughing and smiling through the day.  Alethea currently loves: being tickled, reading books to herself out loud, playing with her Little People farm animals, cars, balls, nuks, dogs, flowers, and chicken nuggets.  She also adores her grandmothers and will ask for them several times a day (“ma-ma-ma?”)

Well, this is getting quite long, so I’d better wrap up and head for bed.  Thanks to all of you still checking in for updates.  I’ll try to get some more recent cute pics of Alethea up soon.

I Am Not a Winner

Well, at least not this time.  The top 5 nurseries have been posted, and mine is not among them.  (You can click here to view the finalists.)  Sure, I am a little bummed, especially since one of the top 5 looks more like a Victoria’s Secret store than a nursery, but over all, I’d say it was fun and I got some good ideas on how to spruce up the nursery for the next baby.

Thanks everyone for voting and for all the encouragement and positive comments!  I think that we were really close to winning!


Sorry for the yelling, but I entered our nursery in a contest on and I can’t win without you!  There are a lot of cute nurseries on there and I really would love to win… the highest voted nursery gets a trip for 4 to Beaches Jamaica and a $500 Sherwin Williams gift card… not too bad, huh?

Here’s how you can help:

1) Go to:

2) Type in the confirmation words and then click on the “submit and vote” button to cast your vote for me

3) Vote once per day from July 14th to the 20th on every computer you own or have access to

4) Tell your friends/neighbors/family/people standing on street corners to vote for me too!  (Seriously, feel free to pass on the link…)

If you vote for me, I can’t promise to take you to Jamaica, but I will promise that if you ever need me to vote for you in something, I will certainly make that happen.

Thanks everyone!!!!

Baby Bob 2.0

Hi everyone, Peter here. I am happy to announce the upcoming arrival of Baby Bob 2.0! The official due date is January 4, 2011 (but we’re rooting for 12/31 or before – tax deduction, baby!).

Here’s the first picture:

No, Bob is not the baby’s real name.  Like we did with Alethea, we’re going to keep the name secret until post-birth. Partly because it’s more fun that way, and partly because there is no chance we’ll agree on a name before then anyway!

Elise and I are very excited and Alethea, well … she has no clue what’s coming. :-)