All’s Well that Ends with Aqua

Okay, call me gutless, call me stuck-in-a-rut, but I after much internal debate over color, I just ordered an aqua step stool for our main floor bath.

The yellow was a contender, really it was.  But I just kept thinking about the fact that the reason I hated the yellow paint in our dining room was because it made our gorgeous cherry hardwood floors take on an unattractive orangish hue.  Those same cherry floors run right into the bathroom, so… aqua it was.

Now I just have to decide what towels to get.  Up ’till this point I’ve been using a random assortment of towels we’ve managed to collect through five years of marriage.  Since it’s just a half bath, I really only need a couple of hand towels, so I’m thinking it might be time to spring for something fresh and new.

After a brief online search, these are the two I like best:

Sonoma life + style Tiburon Medallion Bath Towels at Kohls

Lenox Simply Fine Bath Towels, Chrip Collection from Macy's

Lenox Simply Fine Bath Towels, Chirp Collection from Macy's

I’m not sure if I’ll go with either towel in the end.  While I love the geometric pattern, I wish the medallion towel had another color in it.  And even though the chirp towel has exactly the colors I was thinking of (including a bit of yellow!) I’m not sure if I really love the birds.

So, now I’m on a towel hunt.  Let me know if you spy anything interesting in aqua while you’re out and about!

But Which Color?

Peter and I recently realized that we need a stool for our main floor bathroom, and soon… as in, yesterday would be good.  Alethea is no longer very interested in using her potty chair.  She wants to use the big toilet.  And as much as we applaud her potty training progress, when combined with her ‘do it myself’ attitude, it means that she is pulling herself chest first over the toilet multiple times every day.  Ick!

I’ll admit that my first thought was to add ‘bathroom stool’ to my Target shopping list.  But after another moment’s consideration, I decided to first check out Etsy to see if I could find something more unique and not made in China.  After all, accessories are the best way to give a small space a little pizazz.

After a brief search, I settled on this adorable Vintage Style Step Stool No 2 from Etsy seller CircleCreekHome:

I love the simple lines and distressed finish.  Picking the style was really easy.  Picking a color?  Not so much.

They’ve got a whole slew of gorgeous options, but I think I’ve finally got it narrowed down to two.

The first color option is aqua.  Anyone surprised?  I love aqua.  It’s serene, it’s sophisticated and yet, it’s still just a little bit sassy.  I could definitely be happy with aqua.

The second color is called ‘pencil’.  That’s right folks, it’s yellow!

‘But wait,’ you say, ‘Aren’t you the Elise who was eight months pregnant up on a step ladder in your dining room painting over a very similar shade of yellow just because you hated the color so much you couldn’t stand to look at it any longer?’

Yup, that’s me.

So what’s changed?  Well, tastes change for one thing.  And for another, I’m starting to be afraid that if I don’t break out soon, every room in my house is going to be some shade of blue, green or blue-green.  Because so far those are the main colors or primary accent colors in my living and dining rooms, the basement, my piano studio, the nursery and the girls’ bathroom.

What do you think?  Stick with tried and true, I’m sure to love it, never fails to make me happy aqua?  Or branch out, take a chance, be a little crazy and go for yellow?

Please help!  I have to make a decision very soon!  Alethea is probably just a day or two away from deciding that the toilet makes a perfect jungle gym.

My Peacock Feather Birthday Decorations

Okay, so a few months back when I started to think about what I wanted to do for my 30th birthday, I decided that there was no better way to celebrate a milestone birthday than to throw a big cocktail party.  Maybe I’ve just watched a few too many design shows on HGTV, but I felt like in planning the decor for my birthday bash, I ought to find some object to inspire me.  And what is more sophisticated and fabulous than a peacock feather?

Using the turquoise and chartreuse as my color palate, I decorated the main floor of our house, turning the dining room into an appetizer buffet, the living room into a bar and the kitchen table into a display of delicious desserts:

For a simple, yet striking, cake topper, I spray painted wooden numbers in a hammered gold, had Peter attach them to barbeque skewers and stuck them in the top cake along with a peacock feather floral pick I found at Michaels.

My good friend Deb, who is a genius with flowers helped me make arrangements for the high-top tables in the living room.  This one was my favorite:

To make the decor more personal, Deb and I scattered photographs of me through the years around the room.  My sister ran this one over from my parent’s house and I can’t believe how much it looks like my sweet little Lydia!

We mixed a lot of silver-dollar eucalyptus into all the arrangements, which not only looked great, but gave the whole house a wonderful, but subtle, fragrance.

And of course, no party would be complete without a great favor, so I ordered truffles from a friend who makes the most amazing chocolates and wrapped them up with a pretty green ribbon.  They were just the right send off!

I was so happy with how everything turned out and the best part is that now I have all of these beautiful decorations around my house to enjoy!

To view more BobbleHeadBaby celebrations, visit my Parties Page!

Post Party Fun

On Saturday we had my 30th birthday party at our house.  It was a super fun evening and I personally thought it was absolutely perfect.  Just what I wanted it to be!

Saturday night after the party, we just managed to get the left-over food put away before we crashed.  So, Sunday was spent cleaning up the house, since not only did we host a party, we also hauled all of our living room furniture to the garage and set up cocktail tables and a bar in our house.  Needless to say, it was a delightful, but extremely exhausting weekend.

So this morning, after Lydia, Alethea and I drove the rentals back to the party store, we came home and decided to kick back and have an alfresco lunch under the pop-up tent that is still set up on the back deck, and enjoy the centerpiece left from the party:

After checking out the food situation in the fridge, I ended up filling my plate with an oddly satisfying combination of one mini egg roll, one peanut-satay chicken skewer, a nice helping of apple pecan lettuce cups and a slice of carrot cake.

I didn’t have enough chocolate to dip all of the strawberries I bought for the party, so Lydia got to eat some of the undipped extras along with her puffs and pureed carrots:

Alethea had reheated chicken nuggets left from the kids party in the basement along with veggies from the crudites platter and two cream-cheese and cucumber finger sandwiches.  The later of which she completely devoured:

While I can’t say I’m dying to throw another cocktail party in the very near future, I will say that it’s not such a bad thing to have a beautifully decorated house, yummy (I just almost typed yuppy, but that might apply too) food in the fridge and a plate of chocolate truffles to keep you company while blogging.

So if the smell of carrot cake with cream cheese frosting comes wafting through the computer, don’t mind me, I’m just reveling in the the post-party spoils!

Sharing is Good


This morning I got Lydia out of her crib and was getting her dressed.

Alethea walked into the room, held out her index finger to Lydia, and said…

“Hey We-ya, I have a booger. You want it?”

We’re always telling Alethea to share with her sister, so it must be mystifying to have me tell her, “That’s very thoughtful, but we don’t share our boogers, Honey.”

Stop confusing me, Mom!

The Big Three-Oh

Today is my 30th birthday.

Yikes!  There I said it.  I’m 30.

I didn’t have a major emotional breakdown today or anything dramatic like that, but it does feel weird to think that I’m not in my 20s anymore.  My 20s were good.  I liked them.

In my 20s I…

Got a Bachelors Degree in Philosophy and Sacred Music

Spent a year after college wondering what in the world I should do with my life

Moved to Philadelphia and had two fantastic years to learn and grow in a variety of roles

Realized over the course of the two years that if I didn’t marry Peter, I’d live to regret it

Moved back to Minnesota and got married

Lived in a 900 sq ft log cabin infested with lady bugs

Got pregnant

Bought a house (thankfully NOT infested with lady bugs)

Had a baby

Got pregnant again

Had another baby

Got back to my pre-children weight

And here we are now…

I changed a lot in my 20s and my life did too.  I lived in a total of 8 different places, got married and had two children.

I almost feel weird to think that my 30s will probably be a lot more predictable.  The plan is to hit 40 living in this same house with these same people (minus our friend Jacob who lives in our basement, he should be gone by then).  Maybe there will be another baby in the mix… we’ll see… and I suppose children keep things interesting, but over all, the next decade will likely be much more… what’s the right word… ‘domestic’ than my 20s.

I’m rambling now, sorry.  I probably should have come up with some fabulous list of 30 great things I plan to do while I’m in my 30s or something inspirational like that, but 30th birthday or not, it’s still Monday and the mental energy isn’t there at the moment.  (Are other people’s kids always cranky on Monday, because mine sure are!)

Anyway, those are my honest, but very random thoughts about turning 30.

Happy Monday to you all!

Sigh of Relief

Today is a good day.  Peter came home.  He’s been in California at a conference for the past four days.  We all missed him.

When Alethea, Lydia and I arrived home this evening, the sun was setting and there weren’t any lights on in the house.  “It’s dark,” said Alethea.

“Yeah, we’ll turn the lights on when we get inside,” I told her.

“Daddy’s home?” she asked.

Then I realized I told her last night that Daddy would be home tomorrow after it got dark.

That kid has a mind like a steel trap.

I can’t say this week has been easy, but the kids are alive, the house isn’t a complete disaster and while my blogging obviously didn’t happen, I think everything truly essential got done.

And now I finally get to sit down and take a deep breath.  Whew!  I made it!

Lydia’s Eight Month Update

Lydia turned eight months old on Labor Day.  Happy birthday, honey!

I can’t believe how much Lydia has changed over the past month, most of all in her social skills.  Lydia now reaches out to someone if she wants to be picked up (which absolutely melts this mother’s heart, since she stretches her hands out to me nearly every time I walk by).  She also is developing a sense of humor and has a funny scrunched up face that she uses to get my attention and make me laugh at her.

As far as physical changes go, she is growing more hair (I know you probably can’t tell from the pictures, but I promise you, she does have more in the back than she used to!)  She also finally got her first tooth (lower front right) and is gnawing on everything in sight.  Her eyes have gotten a tiny bit deeper in color.  In fact, people frequently say, “Oh, she has brown eyes like her mother.”  However, she really doesn’t have brown eyes like me, because mine are just plain brown.  Lydia’s eyes though are a really cool combination of brown around the center and gray around the outside and the two colors mingle together in between.  I don’t know if they will go all brown at some point, but for now, they are not “brown eyes just like her mother’s”.

Lydia is not yet crawling in the true sense of the word, but when she wants something, she can generally find a way to get over to it.  Her mode of transportation is sort of inchworm/pushing with toes/rolling over multiple times, but involves little to no use of her upper body, which is sort of impressive when you think about it.  She does sometimes try to use her arms, but it ends up looking like a push-up and doesn’t actually get her anywhere.  Makes for a funny picture though!  Drop and give me 50!

Her current favorites include feeding herself finger foods, chewing on things (especially books), her stuffed lamb that she sleeps with, being tickled, baths, playing peek-a-boo, and getting her hands on anything that she isn’t supposed to have, especially if it is one of Alethea’s toys.

The things she dislikes aren’t many, but do include being fed with a spoon (she’d rather do it herself), being put to bed and having Mommy walk out of the room.  The more tired and/or hungry she is, the worse it is if I leave while she’s watching.

Lydia’s relationship with her big sister continues to be a rather one sided conversation where Alethea tells Lydia what she feels, likes and what she ought or ought not do.  “Stop pulling the quilt, Eeya!  We’re trying to take pictures!”

Lydia takes it all in stride (I’m sure it helps that she doesn’t understand what Alethea is saying) and continues to assume that any attention from her big sister is a good thing.  Really, Lydia soaks up attention in general and always has a smile for anyone who comes along, provided she can bestow her charm from the safety of Mommy’s arms.

Thanks for being a bright ray of sunshine in our lives, Lydia Grace!  We love you to pieces!

Clean is in the Eye of the Beholder

This morning Alethea pointed to a spot on the living room floor and said, “Crumbs!”

Looking up from the lunch I was preparing for her, I replied, “Yes, honey, I know, I need to clean the house.”

She looked at me and said quite matter-of-factly, “It’s very dirty.”

Sigh… just what I need.  A two year old criticizing my domestic skills.

But she’s right.  The house is a mess, piano lessons are starting tomorrow, we haven’t finished potty training (will we ever?!?!) and of course, I’m in over my head with projects in my house, projects at church and projects that are still in my brain, but boy would I ever like to find time to get them out of there.  Oh, and Lydia hasn’t pooped in days (can we say craaaankeeeey)!


On the bright side, Alethea seems to be finally getting over this mystery illness that has been plaguing her during the past week, the weather is amazingly gorgeous and well, it’s hard to be too frustrated when your kids are just so doggone cute.

Because purple boots go with anything…

And because there is nothing quite so funny as a baby with a mustache…

And with that I’m off to sweep my floors.

Happy Wednesday!

I Told You So!

When I was a kid I would always put toothpaste on my bug bites.  I told my mom it made the itching feel better.

She thought it was all in my head.

Just this summer I had to treat a bad mosquito bite on Alethea’s cheek.  I felt kind of silly, but I put toothpaste on it anyway, even though I figured it wouldn’t really help much, since my mom said it was all in my head.

But look what I just found:

It’s a set of household hint books.  And do you see what is on the cover of the toothpaste book??!?!  Yes, indeed, “Take the Bite Out of Burns and Itches”!

Ha!  I knew it!  It wasn’t all in my head!